My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 361: What? Do we have a data center?

"My bank is connected to another world (!

On the last day of May, Linghang was on the hookup.

Another wave of existence.

To this.

Shu Fu was rather calm.

This is the first time, not the last time, and I am still a little happy.

After all, this is also an improvement in the image of Linghang.

. . .

After eating, I was writing and drawing.

"The server in the Bilibili headquarters' computer room suffered a cyber attack and has been paralyzed."

Reporting from his staff.


After listening, Shu Fu couldn't help but smile.

being targeted.


Starting from a month ago, as soon as Linghang became famous, some of its websites were visited by hackers, and successive waves followed.

If you say that you are completely defensive, that's not all.

Non-technical reasons, but equipment limitations.

Attacks such as DDOS cannot be easily resisted by so-called anti-virus software. A large number of invalid accesses can directly squeeze the bandwidth.

This kind of attack is for money, and if there is money, the bandwidth is high.

Like a shop.

Line up at the door.

Before the guests come in, it is impossible to determine whether they are valid customers or maliciously queuing. The best way is to open more windows, one is not enough.

Ten is not enough for ten thousand.

If ten thousand is not enough, one hundred thousand.

in this way.

In order to reduce the queue time of effective customers.

It will not be too long to eat because of the long queue.


Attacks are getting more and more frequent, and there was an ultra-large-scale attack a few days ago. If it were just the original small computer rooms, Bilibili would have been paralyzed.

And now, there are three data centers.

Therefore, the entire computer room was congested for three hours, but the business was not affected at all.

. . .

At this time, there was someone on duty at the Bilibili headquarters.

"not good."

"Suffered DDOS attacks, users' normal access is restricted."


A network security officer who has just joined the job with sweat on his face, because he was directly connected to the computer room network and logged into station B, he was directly stuck.





How can this be good! Look to the side---the deputy director of cyber security. I was about to talk about contacting other people in the department, or even to inform the company's senior management.

At this look, he was slightly stunned.


Why didn't you move at all, just watch it?

"Supervisor." He called.


"The company server is down." Are you okay? I didn't see any panic at all.



Oh what the hell?

Are you afraid that it is not a spy sent by a competitor? Of course, just think about it, just when he was about to ask, the other party handed over something that looked like a USB flash drive.

"This is the content of tomorrow's training, you take a look first."


Take it with curiosity.

Insert the computer USB port.

The next moment.

The built-in software ran automatically, and some information appeared on the interface, and suddenly, his eyes widened when he saw it.


"Data center? And three large-scale self-built data centers?"

"The country...the first in the country?"



It's silly to look at it directly, but I didn't expect that the chairman had invested in the construction of data centers last year, and three of them were launched at once, and the first phase was completed.

Three major centers.

Back up each other.

Ultra-high bandwidth.

The huge server matrix is ​​absolutely extravagant configuration in current Internet companies.

Depend on!

Depend on!


He exploded wildly in his heart, which was so shocking! Then there is the bright eyes, the data center, this is the data center! How many domestic companies own?




That scale is really a bit hehe.


There is one, but I just rented a factory in Shenzhen City and put a lot of servers. Yes, it can also be called a data center, but the scale is really not that good.

It looks like our house.

Three directly.

It is built in a mountainous area with huge planning and subsequent expansion projects.

Against the backdrop of the row of faint blue lights on the screen, rows of navy blue cabinets are densely packed with servers running, full of science fiction.

One word.


This is the most beautiful scenery in the eyes of IT people.

. . .

After a while, the security technician calmed down.


I didn't care about the paralysis of the server room in the headquarters. The supervisor said that the data transfer has been completed long ago, and it is already in a semi-abandoned state.


Usually it is mainly used to handle traffic access to the capital. Once there is a high delay, it will directly switch to the data center.

The three major data centers, not to mention the deployment of a large number of anti-DDOS attack equipment, just say that the bandwidth is not exhausted by ordinary network attacks.

Even if one runs out.


The other two will take over to ensure user access.

this moment.

The admiration for the chairman is simply to the extreme.

It is not only forward-looking, but also generous.

Check it out.

None of the three major domestic Internet giants has such a dedicated data center built in a mountainous area, either a computer room or a direct server rental.

Looking at my own home, there are three major data centers, which are so handsome!

. . .

the other side.

some where.

Several people kept tapping in front of the computer, their eyes dignified.

"Bilibili access is normal."

"The latency is very low."

"It hasn't been affected at all, it shouldn't be!"


Seeing that Bilibili can still be accessed normally, and the speed is still very fast, they finally understand that the other party has more than one computer room, and the other is even bigger.

All the attacks were like sinking into the sea, without waves.


There is a feeling of attacking large companies, and hackers are powerless.

. . .

It was the next day.


A news came.

"Grass!" a hacker yelled, and the others looked.

"what happened?"

With a wry smile, explain the reason:

"The latest news is that the owner of Bilibili invested in the construction of three large data centers last year. The first phase is now completed and officially put into operation."

"The data services of all its companies have all been transferred."

"Last night we did attack and paralyzed the server room at its headquarters, but it had almost no impact on its business. This alone is impossible."


After listening, the partners were speechless for a long time.

I rub.

The second address that everyone found last night turned out to be a data center, and the other's three data centers are backups for each other, unless they are completely crippled.


It can't help the other party at all.

For a time, it was a bit weak.


Hackers are very powerful, but they also rely on computers. Everyone knows how hard a data center is.

If the security software keeps up.

The difficulty of the attack is almost equivalent to paralyzing the three BATs together.


Let's wash and sleep, maybe it can be done in the dream.

. . .


Today's headlines.

Geometric entertainment.

One goes to work.

The employees of the three companies were shocked by the news.

"What are you talking about? We... actually have a data center?"

In the past month With the expansion of the company's business, the number of users has skyrocketed. Many people are worried that there are not enough computer rooms, and they have never heard of the need to expand the computer room.

What material, did not wait to expand the computer room, just waited for the three data centers.

too suddenly.

Say it.

How much layout does the chairman hide?

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