My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 368: Ready to take off

"My bank is connected to another world (!

School gate.

Liao Fang suddenly discovered that Shu Fu's leg was thicker than he thought.

Zhuang Xi.

That was the first person in Mingshan City to come over to pick someone up in person. How could it be possible if it was just an image? Just ask the driver to come over.


Looking at the two people's talk, there must be a lot of relationship.

Thinking of this, Liao Fang couldn't help feeling hot.

after all.

He is also self-motivated and does not seek much benefit. He only hopes that after a long period of operation in the second half of the year, the original 50% increase probability can be increased by a few%.

In Mingshan City, Zhuang Xi's legs are definitely the thickest.

. . .


After a meal, leave the hotel.

The superiors patrolled back to the province and passed by Mingshan City. Knowing that he existed, he asked Zhuang Xi to invite him and had lunch without discussing any substantive content.

Just chat.

To this.

It's not too disgusting.

As wealth increases.

social contact.

It is something that cannot be escaped. You can't help yourself out of the world, right? No one is paying attention. Although you are extraordinary, don't be too arrogant.

On the surface, you still have to give some people face.

Although not afraid.

But there is no need to offend some people, just stick to the bottom line.

. . .

After Shu Fu left.


Tea seat box.

"This guy, it's not easy." Zhuang Xi's superior sighed with a smile. The dinner table seemed to be chatting, but it was also mixed with a lot of words, but it was useless.



Neither overbearing nor overbearing.



Shu Fu's performance is really eye-catching.

It's like a little fox. On some issues, it doesn't slippery. It seems to be said, but after a closer look, I found that there is no core content.

At this moment.

He really realized that he could not be regarded as a teenager.

Yes, it is extraordinary to be regarded as a ‘spokesperson’.

Same as everyone else.

He also regarded Shu Fu as a spokesperson, perhaps the founder, but it is not important. The one who really controls everything behind the scenes is Zhu Xianming, who is far away in France.

As for equity?


That is the business registration information. God knows if there is a private contract.

Such as: equity holding.

For example, it is agreed that a certain day will be repurchased at a low price.

like:. . .

The way in business.

Very deep!

You can't just look at the surface. If the equity in the registration information has an absolute relationship with the actual holdings, then there will be no secret holdings in the world.

The registration information on the surface is just as a reference.

It's okay!

No matter who controls, at least the money made is real.

On the bright side.

Shu Fu has absolute power.

In this way, if you care about your hometown, you can support economic construction in the future. It is too much to expect, but even three, five, or one billion.

Compared to the cost of a meal today, it can be considered a high return.

"The future is boundless!" Zhuang Xi commented.


Shu Fu is just a ‘spokesperson’.

But its performance already has the potential of being a big business man.

You know, Zhu Xianming is alone and widowed. In this way, the change of the identity of the spokesperson and successor is only a matter of Zhu Xianming.


Someday in the future.

It is possible for Shu Fu to completely possess the leading technology.

Thought of this.

Zhuang Xi couldn't help but slap his tongue. The development of pilot technology is already unstoppable. If it goes well, it will be the first private enterprise in China this year.


Not the market value first, but the sales.

Just like the world's top five hundred, ranking only depends on revenue.

Last month, Linghang Technology's revenue exceeded 70 billion.

From then on, until the end of the year, even if it is only a quarter of this amount every month, by the end of the year, it will be at least 150 billion upwards.

Efforts may be higher.


This company is not in Mingshan City, and the GDP created has nothing to do with Mingshan City.

. . .

the other side.

The Audi A8 passed through a construction site, and Shu Fu stopped for a while.

get off.

Through the fence, you can see the earth and stone works inside. It is almost coming to an end. The land was taken at the end of April and demolished at the beginning of May.

May 10th.

All buildings are demolished.

May 19th.

The supporting facilities are set up and the materials enter the site.


Since the beginning of earthwork, some places have started piling foundations. The engineering industry is just like that, the money is in place, and the progress is in place.

Work day and night.

When the foundation is laid, one floor a week is not a dream.

Disturb the people?

It's not in the city center. It is surrounded by factories with few residents.

. . .

Go home.

There are still two hours before the next one begins.


Shu Fu sat on a wicker chair and drew leisurely. After a while, the outline of a car appeared. It was an electric car with a very online appearance.


Yahua Industrial has completed its initial accumulation and can take off.

After all, raw materials cannot be sold all the time.


Last year, it was in the layout and evolved from a metal factory to Yahua Industrial Group.

Yahua cable.

Yahua Precision.

Yahua Machinery.

Yahua Materials.


Later, with the expansion of the volume, through loans, more than a dozen companies, large and small, were acquired in fields such as motors, batteries, and tires.

It can be said to be heavily indebted, and it is a fight with some jewellery companies.


But don't worry about paying back, the metallurgical plants have a steady stream of orders.

Yahua has already entered the upper-level field of vision. As long as it is honest, does not leave another country, and has the willingness to repay, the bank will not easily collect debts.

Electric car.

It is Yahua’s first consumer product project for the public.

Mainly simple.

Although there are various problems with new energy vehicles, it is undeniable that the threshold is low.




And a lot of matching equipment can be bypassed, the motor + battery, relatively speaking, is more than an order of magnitude simpler, and it is a support project.

Cheating subsidies?

Not interested in.

To be made.

It is necessary to make a good product.


Just like a mobile phone, the beauty is worthy of a show. Everyone buys a car, and many people do it for a face, just like a beautiful woman. Good-looking can conceal many shortcomings.

After one hour.


Shu Fu looked at his work with satisfaction.


In addition to appearance.


In the control.

They have all been designed. In fact, this is the fifteenth paragraph. Since it is a strategy that has been set a long time ago, it is of course impossible to start the design now.

This paragraph is what I thought about when I finished answering the paper just now.

With his hand speed, for so long, there are more than a dozen models, but as a designer with artistic pursuit, he certainly does not allow too serious homogeneity.

Each one is recognizable.

It’s not that people look at which is very similar to this and very similar to that.


So many models will not be launched at once, just like mobile phones, one model a year.

In addition, there are other considerations.

For example: for other subordinates in Europe and America.

For example, Tesla in the United States, why can't there be a second one? Relying on some concepts and great designs, we can circulate capital and foreigners’ money.

Why not do it?

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