My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 392: I ask, you answer

"My bank is connected to another world (!

The state army opened up like a long dragon.

In the team.

On horseback.

Lu Tian felt that his brain was not enough. In an instant, two heavy news came over. It seemed to have nothing to do with it, but it was said in the current situation.


A long line connects a large number of events in series.





A lot of irrelevant things seem to be opened up.


Lu Tian took a deep breath and allowed him to slow down. It was too exciting.

"Where is the pirate?" Lu Tian couldn't help asking.

"Has been destroyed." The secret envoy said.

"How to kill?"

"All the pirates who have committed capital crimes have all been put to death."


Lu Tian didn't know what to say. There was no news about such important news. He only knew that piracy was not as many as before.

By the way, there is also Qufu.

"It's his own person who controls Qufu?" Lu Tian asked again.


"Then Jinju..."

"When you return to Zhongzhou State City, Jinzhou will be fixed."


Lu Tian's face was shocked. He didn't expect that he would be in such a big situation. If it was said, even if the sea power was not strong enough.

Just controlling the three states can make the navy blind.

Because the Nanyu Empire will lose the coastal zone.

How many waves can a lonely navy make?


This game no longer seemed like independence, but a taste of subverting the Nanyu Empire. Looking at the secret envoy around him, Lu Tian couldn't help but be frightened.

Then, there was great peace in my heart.

Because the more prepared, the lower the probability of failure.

. . .

Just when the state army retreated, the state city was a hundred miles away.



"Where is the army of the Nanyu Empire?"


The people talked a lot, and when they woke up, the sky changed.

It was a bit sudden, but once I realized that it was because the situation had changed sharply, someone wanted to run, and then the conflict broke out, I felt no sympathy at all in an instant.

For them, loyalty is a luxury word.

Eat and drink.


That's the big deal.

It doesn't matter who is in charge, just a little nervous, what will the dynasty do with them?

But soon the announcement came out, the content was very simple, let them do what they should do, abide by the law, do not spread rumors, the curfew will be postponed for 15 days.


The lives of ordinary people began to recover.

. . .

The people regained their lives.

What about the frontline rebels?

Of course it was reorganized. They collectively stood on the flat ground in the middle of the original confrontation between the two armies, standing upright one by one, looking at several figures on the high platform in the distance.




I was afraid of being beaten last night.

The coach was captured and the defeat was set.

Suddenly, a huge voice sounded, almost everyone could hear it.

"From now on, you will restore your previous name---Shanzhou Prefecture Army."

"Break it up, mix it up."

"Under the leadership of the new commander, the task: to defend the defense line in the north."


After a speech, the soldiers were a bit at a loss, what's the situation? Shouldn't it be waiting for the release, how can you suddenly ask to go to the line of defense that was breached before.


Without giving them much time, they met the new chief.

School lieutenant.


Total soldiers.


I looked around, and those who wore armors that made one look trembling at the heart were at least the school lieutenant, and each of them had at least doubled their numbers.

The general school lieutenant has 500 people.

There are thousands of new captains, and everyone has been disrupted.

Cleaned up briefly.

"Set off!"

Previously, a large amount of grain and grass were transported to the defense line. After being breached, many of them were sealed up on the spot. In other words, now it is enough to bring people over.

While walking.

"what's your name?"

"Master Lieutenant, subordinate Liu Ming."


"First-class soldiers."

"which year......"


The school lieutenant began to understand his situation.





After simple platooning, the soldiers naturally knew everything, but later discovered that the superiors were not so scary, and in private, they gave people a sense of intimacy.

But the fear caused before is difficult to eliminate.

On the third day of departure, the soldiers made a sensation.

"Zhuo Qi, Captain!"


"Tang Guang, how long!"


The appointments were given one by one, and many people suddenly realized that they had actually been promoted to a level, some even more than that, although most of them were chiefs of the corps.

But it is also an official.

It is completely different from the big head soldier.

See here.

Some from the head of the corps to the small soldier protested.

The superiors also gave clear reasons.

"Withholding subordinates' military pay."


"The borrowed money is not repaid."


"Have bullied the people."


After listening, I could only leave in a desperate manner. The reason was so good that it could not be rebutted. After finishing the line two days ago, yesterday, I started to complain about the former chief's misdeeds.

Because of mixing.

Many soldiers have no scruples, and even they have said some of the bad deeds of the former officers.

Obviously, the original subordinates who were mixed up elsewhere did not show any mercy, so I'm fortunate that some of them have committed major incidents elsewhere and were directly beheaded this morning.

Even, everyone knew in their hearts that even without these, the other party would change people.

Promote a batch.

Suppress a batch.

Swap a batch.

This kind of operation is nothing new in history.

In this way, the inherent mountain power within a group can be dismantled.

Very effective.

Just like now, all of them are disrupted and then reorganized. Among the soldiers in each school, even from at least a dozen forces, they can't form a group at all.

In order to consolidate the current position, the newly promoted will inevitably do their best to consolidate their position.

. . .

State city.


The heads of all forces sat on the ground dejectedly.

It has been three days since I was arrested, and I was hungry for three days.

Across the aisle, through the steel fence, looking at the opposite side, his eyes were full of anger.

Both are each other.

Want to run away.

This led to a major internal conflict and made people take advantage of it.

Now it's alright, all of them are inmates, and when I think of this, my teeth are tickled with hatred.

The opposite also said that he was very innocent. Is it wrong to have a stronger desire to survive? The front-line defeat has been decided, do not run, stay and be caught? But it was blocked by the opposite side.


Fight hard.

In short.

They don't memorize all this, it is the other party's fault anyway.

. . .

At this time, not far away.

Shu Fu was looking at the spoils with satisfaction.





All kinds of treasures from homes filled the entire lobby, and even the outside yard was full of boxes, and the number was still rising.

Mind moved.

All the gold and silver in the box were taken away by the bank.

As for the others, they are all teleported to the treasure house of Qiheng Mountain.

These forces, the wealth they have accumulated over the years, have made themselves cheaper.


This is not all, the fool put all the money at home, and many people are not hiding a huge amount of money. The next thing to do is to ask the guard to ask it.

After being hungry for three days, it's time to make a breakthrough.

. . .


Prison area.

An armored soldier came in and stretched out his hand.

"You, you, and you, come out.".

I ordered three people, a father, and two sons. They used to be the largest power family in Shanzhou. They had a lot of scenery, and they were also the masters of this state city under their feet.

With doubts.

The three were released from prison.

When I came to the torture room here, my body trembled slightly when I looked at the surrounding torture instruments.

I have been hungry for three days, and my footsteps have gone vacant. If this is a full set, life is better than death, but there is no too much fear, the crime of treason, anyway, it is death.

I want to swindle some secrets and dream.

Who doesn't have a second hand?

The members of the family were not completely arrested.

Just as their family had planned early, many female families and descendants were scattered, and most of the property raided was also hidden.

Don't ask for a comeback, but it can also make future generations worry-free.

"From now on, I will ask and you will answer."





"Why did you rebel in the first place?"


The father and son were puzzled, what do they mean? What do these ask? But they were all irrelevant information, and they all answered honestly.

But soon, the problem became acute.

"All your gold and silver are in the treasure room of the mansion?"



"Where are the other family members?"

"Zhongzhou." Obviously, it was a lie.


After asking dozens of questions, the interrogator looked directly at his eldest son.

"Is the biggest treasure spot in Zhoucheng?"

"Didn't you say it, it's at the mansion." The eldest son said.

However, next, a strange scene happened.

"It doesn't appear to be in the state city."


"Do not."

"Which city?"

"Do not."

"That's the county seat, where is it located?... So that's it, there are 13 counties in the county. Is the treasure-spot county located to the north of Lianghe?"


"It looks like Yinan."


In the torture room, the father and son couldn't help but stand up, because just now these were the other party's self-talking, but they were almost close to the truth.

And more and more precise.

"Toyama Prefecture?"


"Hejin County?"



"Is that in the county seat?"


Finally, the person in front of him reported an exact location.

"Thank you!"

The other party gave a faint smile.

At this moment, his father already had an expression of seeing a ghost, his eyes were round and he couldn't believe it, he was tempted by a few taps of his hidden treasure.

Is this the devil?

Do not!

This is the devil.

"Any other treasures?"


"Then there is, but not much?"


For ten minutes, the three father and son were already pale, except for fear in their eyes, it was fear.

In the world, it is too difficult to insight into people's hearts.

But what about the other party?

Seeing the secrets in their hearts directly, they can't do any resistance, even if they don't speak, even if they close their eyes, the other party seems to have a mind-reading skill.

Resistance is completely useless.

too terrifying! Is that human being?


This is a demon in human skin!

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation."


Cooperation shit, who cooperated with you.

As a result, the father and son returned to the prison in despair. Everyone looked at them and thought they had been tortured in some way.

"this way?"

"What did you do? What did you say?"


Faced with everyone's problems, the three of them smiled bitterly and said nothing for a long time.

They don't want to talk anymore.

It would be fine if they were tortured, it was just physical pain, and now, they are the kind who have suffered a whole psychological blow and begin to doubt their lives.

After a long time, a sentence came out.

"Wait a minute, they will say whatever they ask, otherwise..."

Did not say it all.

After all, my heart has been taken away, so why are you all safe and sound?

Upon hearing this, everyone did not agree.

What are you kidding?

Don’t lose all your However, as members of the family have been called out and come back, they all have the same expression and the same advice:


-say what.

Seeing this, other people couldn't help but feel frustrated.

When it was his turn, he finally understood what kind of horror these people had just experienced.

It was a terrifying experience.

In front of the other person, people have no secrets at all.

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