My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 402: Another bad news

"My bank is connected to another world (!


One by one, under the **** of the military soldiers, set off!


county seat.


They are all assigned, but they were told that this is a temporary position, and only after a year of work summary, based on performance, will they be given a formal position.

And there will be no local appointments, but full-scale transfers.


Although some people are assigned to the town, they are not discouraged.

If you perform well, it is not impossible to go to a big city.

. . .

Also in the morning, a news spread across the three states.

Jinju State City.


"Really? Nanyu Navy surrendered?"



The people were shocked, because it was so explosive. The Nanyu Navy was the only maritime power of the Nanyu Empire, and its status was very unusual.

Before that.

Everyone is still a little worried about the rebellion.

Nanyu Navy is an important factor.


Such a nail has been pulled out. It can be said that in the hearts of the people, its impact is almost equal to winning two states, or even more.


There are many empires.

But the navy, there is only one empire.


The strength of this rebellion was too strong.

. . .

After noon.

Zhoucheng downtown.

A recruiting order was posted, and after reading the literacy.

"Go, join the army." Someone immediately made a decision.

"Are you crazy?"

At this time, many people are actually still waiting and watching. They really don't have the guts to participate in this kind of rebellion. One bad thing is that the whole family is sent to prison.

This life is over.

"I'm not crazy, Nan Yu navy masters have surrendered, do you know what this means?"


That person was puzzled, and everyone around was puzzled.


"In this way, the forces of the entire three states can be transferred to the north, not limited to the state army. Once stabilized, half of the empire will change hands."

"The formation of a long-term confrontation situation, and even, judging from the level of the layout of this three-state plan, it is definitely not the roughness of the previous refugee uprising."


"has plans."



"No one will design such a big game, but just to struggle. Therefore, I believe that this rebellion will be a great success."


The sound was loud and spread.


The people think it makes sense.

One by one, there is reason and evidence.


This rebellion was fundamentally different from the previous uprisings of refugees, but an armed uprising with unified thinking and organization in the true sense.


In the past few days, there has been a lot of news from the front lines.

Almost every day, several cities are taken down, and the momentum is like a broken bamboo.

The advantages gained are getting bigger and bigger, so it seems very promising.

"Listen to you, it really is."

"I'll go as well."

"go together."


Soon, a large number of young people went to sign up, and this ‘theory’ was also spread out, causing many people to start to tilt their minds.

More people sign up.


Not completely persuaded by this theory, but...treatment!

Said on the notice.

Once selected, the first six months of payment will be paid as a settlement fee. This alone is extremely attractive. That set of theories is only used to convince oneself.


Within the territory of the three states, there were long queues of recruiting spots.

. . .

Thousands of miles away.

North state.

Autumn Leaf Mansion.

The atmosphere was solemn, because the rebel army had half a day to arrive, and the reinforcements of the empire would not arrive until three days, so three days were not too long.


Just look at the opponent's record.

I don't know if it was for pressure, the frontline battle reports were... timely.

one look.

My heart is cold.

Almost every city could not stop for more than a day and was breached. Seeing this report, Fu Yin and other high-level officials were panicked.

Moreover, the people and soldiers in the city also spread, knowing the news.

Morale is low.

But when a group of high-level officials struggled to abandon the city and fled.


"Come in!"

The messenger handed a letter box.


Finished reading.

Direct petrochemical is general.

"What's the matter?" The army soldier came forward and asked.


No answer, Fu Yin recovered and handed it to him.


"Nan Yu's navy returned?"



The generals are awkward. It is the only maritime power in the south of the empire, the second military sequence of the empire, although there may not be as many people as a state army.

But the title is too high.

This represents a type of service.






The surrender of the Nanyu Navy represented the overall defection of the empire's sailors. It was not an influence level at all from the defeated Honshu Army.

The impact on the generals is huge.

"What to do?" the general asked Fu Yin.


How do I know what to do.


Want to run.

But if he ran back, the empire would definitely cut him down, and if he stood firm and was taken down by the opponent, he might still be beheaded and become a dead soul under the sword.

Long-term and near-worries are in front of us, how to choose?

. . .


On the city wall, Fu Yin let out a long sigh when seeing flags fluttering in the distance.


The city gate was wide open.

. . .

Two days later.

Nanyu Dynasty.

at this time.

Almost all the ministers stayed in the palace and stood by at any time.

"Isn't there yet?"



The prime minister was very irritable. When the first front-line news came, he hadn't lost too badly. It was just a betrayal by a deputy commander, but now it is completely different.

The opponent pushed forward too fast.

Almost a house a day.

Go on like this.

When more than 600,000 reinforcements arrive, the battlefield will likely be pushed to the northern state line of the northern state, which means that half of the empire has fallen into the hands of people.


The surrounding three parties want to laugh at them.


There are still two or three days. Once reinforcements arrive, the rebellion can definitely be suppressed. People have been sent to the south to contact the navy, and then they will attack and attack together.

The prime minister is working.

Shang Shu of the Ministry of War rushed in, seeing his face panicked, the prime minister suddenly had a bad feeling.

"My lord, it's not good."

"Our navy has returned to Ban Xian."


The prime minister jumped up on the spot, completely violating his age, rushed to the Ministry of War to write, and after reading the contents of the letter, the whole person was not calm.

Just received the letter of Qiuyecheng's surrender, and his righteousness was dull.

Before digesting it, there was another bad news.


That was the navy of the Nanyu Empire.


Something really happened.

This means that Ban Xian is in the south, there will be no more enemies, and no worries about the future, at least more than 200,000 soldiers from the county towns can be deployed.

All the way north.

Build defenses.


The people of the three states may have joined because of this, feeling that the rebellion might not succeed.

People's hearts changed.

It's a big deal.

This is what made the Prime Minister the most flustered by Nan Yu's surrender ~ ~ ten minutes later.

Inner palace.

As the army went south, the empress dowager's mood was slightly relaxed. As long as the rebellion was suppressed, she would still be in power, covering the sky with half-hands, like a queen.

Feeding fish and admiring flowers.

The prime minister is here.

Then, a piece of bad news made the Queen Mother almost unable to stand firm.

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