My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 404: Everyone eats melons from Nanyu Empire

"My bank is connected to another world (!

This is not over yet.

Just two days ago.

The south army finally confronted the rebels. The worst thing is: the alignment point is on the state boundary.

It's like saying.

The five southern states have all fallen.

So the result.

Chaotang was shocked.

Ten days!

In just ten days, the rebels took the two states of the empire. The queen mother had fallen and she didn't know how many things, and the officials were all scolded as grandchildren.

The prime minister expressed helplessness.

Say it.

Who will explain why the situation has changed so far?

too terrifying!

Half of the empire was occupied in this way, and the whole thing was not in units of years. It took only a few dozen days to transfer troops from Banxian to Shanzhou.

In the past, dozens of days passed in a flash.

Now, when I open my eyes, the sky has changed.

. . .

Two days later.


Hearing this voice, the prime minister trembled.

These days, nothing good has been reported.

Shaking hands.

Open the letterbox.


In an instant, the prime minister smiled bitterly.


It was bad news again. At that time, when the state borders encountered, the opponent directly nested in the nearby mansion city, building a defense, not at all with the southward cavalry city.

The cavalry ran the fastest in order to prevent the northward advance.

But what can the cavalry do if people do not enter and defend themselves?

Horses siege the city? It's a joke, I can only wait for the people behind to come up.

it is good.

Waiting is waiting.

Start to siege the city!

As a result, day and night, there was no result. The letterbox in hand was the news. Not only did he make no progress, but his own loss was not small.


There is also bad news.

That is the surrender of the Nanyu Navy, which has been spread among the army going south.

Unstable military spirit!


The prime minister couldn't help but pat the table.

Want to curse.

But knowing that it was useless, he could only sigh and report to the Queen Mother. There was no accident, and his ears buzzed for a while, and the prime minister wanted to resign.

After being scolded, he was about to leave.

"Queen Mother, Prince He, please see me." The court lady reported.


The prime minister sighed in his heart, is the royal family going to intervene?


The front-line soldiers knew about the Nanyu navy's defiance.


The second brother of the first emperor's mother, Prince He walked in.

"I have seen the Queen Mother."

He saluted, but there was not much respect in his tone.

The queen mother listened to politics and took power.

Since then.

The royal family and the queen dowager are no longer completely in one mind. When they learned that the navy master Nanyu had returned, they were still kept in the dark, and the royal family members were all annoyed.

Then let him come.

In fact.

He knew about it a long time ago, but didn't come to the door immediately.


If the army goes south and succeeds, the problem is not too big.


I also wanted to let things ferment, just like now, the Queen Mother has made a mistake of concealing information, and she did not cover her lid, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the royal family.


The goal was achieved.

"Nan Yu navy rebels, why did you hide it?" Prince He stared at the queen mother.


The Queen Mother is also a little confused now.


I can still be tough, and the royal family hard steel, who said our son is the emperor.

But now, the whole thing is already in the direction of losing control, running wildly all the way, wanting to be hard-hearted, but there is no such confidence, it is really inexperienced.

Half of the country is gone.

The imperial navy turned against each other.

The intelligence system collapsed.


Who would like to have this kind of experience? She doesn't want this kind of experience either.

A series of bad news came.

Even for a moment, it felt like the building was about to fall.

"Prince He, the situation in the empire is still under control, and only some rebellious courtiers and thieves, under the iron hoof of the empire, they can only be crushed into ashes."

"The news is blocked to avoid panic."

"Twenty days."

"It must be...otherwise..."


The empress dowager shunned the importance and neglected, and directly talked about the conditions.

Finished listening.

Prince He was silent for a moment.

Nodding her head to agree, the Queen Mother used her own power to trade for 20 days. Once she did not achieve the expected goal, she would have to give up her powers such as imprisoning the country.

This is an exchange.

Although it can be forced to delegate power now, the identity lies there after all.

No matter what, people are also the emperor's biological mother, and the relationship is too stiff and not good.


"Twenty days from now, I hope to see what the Queen Mother promised and say goodbye!"

After speaking, Prince He turned and left without much nonsense.

In the hall.

The queen mother clenched her fists.


Having been in power for a long time, it is a bit hard to hear someone want to reduce the power in her hands, but there is no alternative, they can't destroy all the royal family members.

This is crazy!

"Send twice as much force, at any cost!"

The queen mother ordered the prime minister.

Twenty days.

In order to have power, she has not cared too much.


The prime minister was helpless.


The army that represents the south will exceed one million and will draw out a large number of elite soldiers in the north. It can be said that the Queen Mother has slid 80% of the force this time.

Fortunately, the Quartet has been peaceful for a hundred years.

No need to worry about taking advantage of it.

. . .

at this time.

All parties also knew about Nan Yu's situation.


"Have you heard? A general in the Nanyu Empire rebelled."

"Of course I heard that it was not only a rebellion, but in just a few dozen days, it occupied half of the Nanyu Empire, and the Nanyu Navy surrendered."

"Oh my God!"

"Is the Nanyu Empire going to end?"



"Have you heard that the Nanyu Empire is about to become history."


"Have you heard, Nan Yu..."


The more it spreads, the more outrageous it is, as if the Nanyu Empire is about to change hands tomorrow. In this regard, everyone did not think about the authenticity, and just eat it.

This year, there is no entertainment news.

The melon of the Nanyu Empire absolutely quenches thirst.

It's a waste of not a good bite.

. . .

Hundred cities.


News of the Nanyu Empire also began to spread. There was no other feeling about this. The distance was too far, and the only thing that could be done was to predict.

The results are nothing more than several.

First, the empire is subjugated.

Second, the suppression was successful.


There is a third situation, that is: long-term confrontation. The Nanyu Empire is divided into two, and at this point, the four forces may become five forces.

"It will definitely succeed in suppression, after all, the power of the empire cannot be underestimated."


"Not necessarily. After tens of days, half of the country has been lost, and the Nanyu Empire is already late."


"I feel that the third possibility is the greatest. The further north, the greater the pressure to move forward, and the existing turf has to be digested."

". UU reading"

There are different opinions, and the three mainstream views collide.

The result is not important, I have participated anyway.

. . .

As for the Dayan Empire, he didn't eat this melon very much. The dispute between the prince and the prince has never ceased, the dark tide is surging, the atmosphere is weird, and the situation is extremely complicated.

Since the beginning of this year, the old emperor has been critically ill several times.

If one fails, it may become a melon by itself, so there is no time to laugh at others.

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