My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 407: There is nothing to pick up here

"My bank is connected to another world (!

After lunch.

Liao Fang left Shu Fu's house.


Back at school, although it is summer vacation now, he has to visit it almost every day. Now the old teaching building has been torn down and the foundation of the new building has been laid.

The workers are busy, it is not too hot today, no lunch break.

Because the engineering funds are in place.


There are new changes every day. Liao Fang took out his phone and snapped a picture.

come back to the office.

Connected to WIFI.

Don't say it yet.

I am used to smart phones, and I feel more and more comfortable, such as watching news, compact, barrier-free in various positions, and more convenient than TVs and computers.

Click on the Toutiao APP.

It used to be a practical Sina, but the interface feels old-fashioned.

Unlike Toutiao, it feels relaxed overall.

Ever since.

The number of headlines that are clicked is increasing.


Liao Fang was reading the news.

He Chen?

A familiar term came into view, was surprised, and clicked on it.

"Hechen, a subsidiary of Linghang Technology, signed a land purchase agreement with Shanghai Stock Exchange-Pudong New Area, with a total investment of approximately RMB 5.6 billion to build the Linghang Technology Industrial Park. 》

After reading the specific content.

Liao Fang couldn't help but his eyes rounded.


This is a subsidiary of Linghang Technology?


The name of Linghang Technology has been in the air for several months, and it is still in full swing. The most dazzling rookie in the corporate world has broken the development records of countless companies.

Founded for half a year, the valuation is US$50 billion.

In the first month of the new product, sales exceeded 100 billion yuan.

Before everyone reacted, he rose to become a giant.

The light on its body.



It's almost blinding.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be behind Hechen. I only knew that it was Shuvra's investment before, and I didn't care too much. Unexpectedly, the origin was so amazing.

Liao Fang could not help but sigh:

Shu Fu's network is really good enough to lead the way.

. . .

As soon as the news came out.

The Internet is also very lively.

"Damn, efficiency!"

"Leading is really too rich, and the cash flow is estimated to be the first private enterprise."


"I heard that Linghang holds nearly 100 billion yuan in supplier payments."

"Hold the grass!"

"China's No. 1 local tyrant company!"


For Linghang Technology's wealthy and crazy purchase of land, I can only say one word---service!

There are not many companies that can spend 50 billion yuan on projects this year.

Investment of this order of magnitude can almost only appear in state-owned enterprises and in major national projects. This is cash, and it is highly probable that it is even self-owned.

What concept?

If it is not invested, it will be used for dividends.

Based on the situation of last year's Hurun List, it is not straightforward to become the richest man in China, and he is still the richest man created with cash assets. It is astounding to think about it.

Too rich!

"Who is the founder? I haven't heard of it yet."



"I heard from the leading staff member that he is very young, and I don't know how big it is. It's very mysterious."

"Is there no media coverage?"

"It's hidden deep, I guess it may have a big background, so that it can keep my own information under pressure."

"Something makes sense."


For the boss of Linghang Technology, the discussion is getting hotter and hotter.

. . .


The major companies once again picked up a basket of lemons.


How many companies can have a turnover of over 100 million yuan a year is good. An investment is 50 billion yuan. It is still cash. There is almost no difficulty in getting it out.

Take a look, oops, that heart!



Although the future is the world of young people, it doesn't need to be so fast. Take our forward waves on the beach, right?

However, there is envy and jealousy.

But I have to admit that they are really amazing.



Without a super vision, would invest in smartphones?



Without Zhu Xianming's 1 billion capital injection, the early stage simply cannot be played.






The more major companies study the history of the rise of pilots, the more they admire them. Various factors are indispensable.

People eat this cake by their ability.

The chairman is a bit stubborn, and the major investment institutions agree to a valuation of 50 billion US dollars, but Linghang is stunned that it does not sign various conventional terms at all.

On gambling.




How can it be possible to treat investors as angels and expect them to be good people.

Whether it's BAT or Netease Whoosh Sina, who didn't sign a series of restriction agreements at the beginning, otherwise, it is difficult to guarantee the interests of the capital.

Take care of them.

It is time to take the opportunity to raise funds quickly and get the money in hand.

if not.

Wait another month or two, and a large number of following mobile phone companies will pass the test, get the license, and go on sale. By then, the entire industry will be very popular.

Among them, it is very likely that there will be hot brands.


From the point of view of interest, we should cherish the money we can raise now.

Once the number of brands on the market soars, investment institutions switch to other brands, and in turn throw money and lead the way. This is definitely a big bad news.


Piloting is powerful, but it cannot violate the laws of the market.

. . .

After Liao Fang left.

Shu Fu came to the alien and helped deliver supplies.





Very busy.

Although the front line had seized a lot of food by ransacking their homes, they had consumed a lot of food. In addition to soldiers, many of them were used for disaster relief in various places.

Rainy season in five states.

There are often floods.

Naturally, it can't be the same as Nanyu Dynasty, regardless of whether you ask.

In addition, in order to buy people's hearts, this expenditure was included in the plan to provide basic food and survive.

If you don’t have a home, make arrangements first.

Relief for work.

In short.

Don't let people starve to death.


Not all materials rely on transmission, joking, very expensive, only some of the more important parts, you need your own help, accounting for a very small proportion.

Less than one-thousandth, most still have to rely on land transportation.

If there is not enough manpower, we will place orders to those darts.

A batch of table salt is being delivered.


Shu Fu appeared at his home in Mingshan the next second, and someone knocked on the door.


Open the door.

There are three in total, all in suits and shoes, none of them knows.

"Shu Dong, hello, I am the president of Shangfeng Capital, Qi Yi."


Shu Fu asked.

One listen.

Seeing that he didn't mean to invite him in, Qi Yi had no choice but to tell him what he wanted.

"Our company wants to invest in pilot..."

After hearing the beginning, Shu Fu pressed his hand and interrupted his lengthy introduction.

Q: "What's the valuation?"

Qi Yi: "30 billion U.S. dollars, but..."


Before I finished speaking, Shu Fu closed the door directly, wanting to pick up the leak? No way, there is nothing left to pick up here.

It's not that the other party is crazy.

These days, more than one investment institution has come over.

Because Linghang bit the condition and saw that the oil and salt were not going in, he turned his goal to the chairman of the board, and wanted to see if he could make a breakthrough.

The conditions are similar.

Or, a valuation of 50 billion US dollars, but various conditions have to be agreed.

Or, the price is directly cut in half, without mandatory clauses.

In fact.

This is also a normal operation, because if there are no conditions, the interests of investment institutions cannot be guaranteed at all, so the price will definitely be less.

Cut in half is a routine operation.

In reality, unless it is your father, there is almost no investment with unlimited terms.

. . .


The corners of Qi Yi's mouth twitched. He had long heard that this kid was uncomfortable, but he didn't expect that the door would not be allowed in.

I haven't finished speaking yet.



Knocked twice again but Shu Fu never opened the door again.

Qi Yi could only turn around and leave, reporting on the phone on the way.

"He doesn't agree."


"I haven't talked about the background of our company, the people are shut down."

"Okay, I'll go tomorrow."


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