My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 413: Contribute to

"My bank is connected to another world (!

Hundreds of billions of money smashed technology.

Such a handwriting shocked China's private business community.



Still envious!

Numbers are sometimes so strange. Although the difference between 50 billion and 100 billion is only doubled, the shock is several times that of the former.

Play too big!

In addition to the shock, many related companies are hot!

The announcement said investment in technology.


It is said that investing in technology companies, in this way, can we seek financing? For a time, a large number of technology companies sent emails to Linghang.



Seek cooperation.


Some also plan to come directly.

. . .

And this is what Shu Fu wants. He wants to build his own technology research and development system from scratch. Although he can spend money, he needs time to accumulate.


It is a good way to acquire and invest in some ready-made products.

Of course, the main focus is on acquisitions, and Shu Fu is not an angel.

In the short term, Shu Fu didn't plan to play any high-tech breakthrough, it was unnecessary. It is to make a good reserve of low-end technology and lay a good foundation for the category.





Almost more than half of technical subjects are involved.

Establishing a set of level scientific research system, within three to five years will be concentrated development, cast the foundation, during the period will produce some small results.

Lay the foundation for other advanced technologies in the future.


Once you get it right, all the black technologies come out. Do you think the day is not exciting enough?

. . .


After everyone accepted Linghang's wealth and wealth, some voices appeared again.

"With so much investment, does Linghang want to build chips? The most advanced lithography machine?"

"If so, that would be great!"


"I don't think it is possible. There is no problem with the design of cutting-edge chips. Someone can do it, but the manufacturing technology is difficult, and 100 billion won't be able to come out."

"No, that's 100 billion. Is it so difficult for the lithography machine?"

"that is."


"You are a layman at first glance. The production of lithography machines involves tens of thousands of technological breakthroughs. Don't be fooled by the Internet. What Dutch companies produce."

"It is similar to Linghang. It is mainly designed and then assembled with equipment from major manufacturers. Most of its core technology comes from major technology giants."

"It's not just money, but time. At present, the world's most advanced lithography machine, it is not impossible to master the complete technology. There are two conditions."

"First: 100 billion."

"Second: Ten years."

"It can be developed, but after ten years, the process is lagging behind."

"It is completely a bottomless pit that burns money. It is impossible for any company to develop independently and stand at the forefront."

"If you want to achieve breakthroughs in full technology research and development, and stand at the forefront."

"Ten years, one trillion yuan, maybe ten years later, it will reach the level of the most advanced lithography machine at the time. In that case... it is difficult to return to the original."

"The cost of time will eat up all the profits of this feat."

"Of course, the strategy is of great significance, so there is no need to be choked."


Suddenly, a pessimistic mood spread.

Is it so difficult to make a core? It's just a fingernail-sized thing.

"I think this is too despising our scientific researchers. Now many places are in the chip industry, and results should be produced within three to five years."


"Ten years later, our advanced lithography machine may have come out, and we will no longer have to be constrained by others."



"Leader, work harder, get a chip out."


Many Chinese netizens left messages, hoping that Linghang will win glory for the country in this regard.

. . .

To this.

Shu Fu said: No hurry!

Chips are indeed an inevitable direction, but not now. In many cases, people need some motivation to move forward.

Without goals, it is easy to slack off.


You can make a good chip by yourself.

From the architecture.

To manufacturing.

It is not too difficult to rely on the technology acquired so long.

But this is not something to take for granted. These technologies are patented. Just bypassing it will take a lot of time. Now I am extremely short of people.

Some people say: No matter what patent it is, use him.

In this case, there is no way to talk.

You have to eat one bite at a time, and there will always be bread.

The chip design is not complicated, and the key is manufacturing. If it is really made in one or two years, will it go to heaven?

. . .

at this time.

The time has come to August 3rd.



It started raining heavily in Mingshan City, and Shu Fu was talking and laughing when seeing Cheng Shengjun's family come back early. Among them, he also saw a familiar face.

A girl.

Chu Ying.

If nothing else, she will become Cheng Shengjun's wife.

Cheng Shengjun also saw Shu Fu through the window on the second floor.

"Wait for dinner."

"it is good!"

Shu Fu responded with a smile.

. . .

"He is Shu Fu, right?" Chu Ying asked.


Chu Ying: "Sure enough, she shows talent."

In ordinary chat, I often hear Cheng Shengjun mention this issue, from the initial stall to the provincial college entrance examination champion.

Heard a lot of stories.

Enter the house.

Cheng's father and Cheng's mother started to cook. She wanted to help, but was pushed back to the sofa.

Looking at Cheng Shengjun with a look of resentment, this guy insisted on coming back here, trying to arrange a job for him in the capital, but stubbornly did not agree.

This is not.

I didn't want to give up this relationship, so I took a vacation to take a look.

"Eat fruit."

"Not thirsty!" Chu Ying said politely.

"Take it."

Cheng Shengjun forced her into her hands.


Chu Ying took it, holding the apple and gnawing.

It feels very kind. In the past, Cheng Shengjun only regarded her as a buddy and didn't know how to be polite. Afterwards, it has always been like this together without much tweaking.


Cheng Shengjun turned on the TV.

It just so happened that the simulcast just started for a while.

The two watched very seriously. Since they both ate public meals, they were a common hobby for this show, and the atmosphere was not at all embarrassing.

There was even discussion.

"what's the topic?"

After a while, Shu Fu came in.

"As soon as I watched TV and said to speed up urbanization, we were discussing the future housing price trend. I think it is stable, and Yingying thinks it will rise for many years."

Cheng Shengjun expressed his opinion.

Shu Fu: "..."

Is the topic so broad?

When surprised.

"What do you think?" Chu Ying asked Shu Fu, wanting to pull an ally.


The result was as she wished.

"I think Sister Ying's point of view is reliable!" Shu Fu smiled.

Cheng Shengjun was dissatisfied: "Why are my views unreliable? Accelerate urbanization, and more and more houses will be produced. The more a commodity is produced, the more expensive it will be?"

Shu Fu: "..."

The logic is rigorous.


"Uh, when will you get married?"

I'm free to talk about housing prices, so Shu Fu quickly changed the topic.

One listen.

The two were shocked by this question, how could they care about the house price.

"What are you talking about."

Cheng Shengjun blushed once in a while. He never took the initiative to raise the matter of marriage because he really didn't know how to deal with it.

First, work.

Either go to the capital by yourself, or Chu Ying came to Mingshan City.

Second, the family.

If Chu Ying is willing to come, what if her family disagrees?


In short.

A series of questions made Cheng Shengjun hesitate.


Dare not.

A variety of worries made him struggle until now.

"The two love each other."

"Lang Cai and female appearance."

"Since you like each other in your heart, then live your life together. You have to overcome each other's hurdles first, and then find a way to overcome the hurdles of both families."

"Brother Cheng, make decisions like a man."


A bowl of poisonous chicken soup directly overwhelmed Cheng Shengjun.


Brain rushed.

"Chu Ying, let's live together in the future!" He looked at Chu Ying seriously.


Chu Ying is also a little confused, is this a marriage proposal? Suddenly, there was no preparation at all.

But seeing Cheng Shengjun's steadfast eyes were also stimulated by Shu Fu's words, he nodded.



Cheng Shengjun returned to his senses, only to realize that Chu Ying had agreed.

"Well, congratulations to both of you, everyone is happy."

As the party involved, Shu Fu snapped his hands and sat on the solo sofa aside.

In the previous life, after the two got married, they have always been very affectionate, and they have been able to make it in advance.

"You kid, there was a bunch of Barabara just now, and I'm good at talking!"

Although delighted, Cheng Shengjun couldn't help but complain.

"Happy?" Shu Fu asked with a smile.

Cheng Shengjun: "..."

How dare you say that you are not happy.

Shu Fu smiled again and said: "After one hurdle, there is the next one, you can discuss and solve it by yourself."

After speaking, he took out his phone and swiped his headlines.

As a boss, his headlines are of course different.

You can cut into a private network to watch rich content.

. . .

Soon, the meal is almost ready.

The two also discussed a result: Chu Ying came to Mingshan City.

Typically for love.

This was brought up by Chu Ying on the initiative. After the relationship got closer, many of the problems that had been entangled in the past were suddenly discovered, and they were not so entangled.

The reason is not complicated.

First, the traditional conception influences that marrying a man means marrying to the man’s house.

Second, the family.

With three brothers and sisters in his own family, Cheng Shengjun has a single seedling. If he leaves, what will happen to the two elders? When you are a daughter-in-law, you have to be a little thoughtful.


You can take it to the capital, but if you think about it from another angle, will the two elders feel that they are under the fence?

Third, Mingshan City is also good.

Although my family is not very powerful, it is considered to be the upper-middle level. The water in the capital is very deep, and Mingshan City is pretty good, and all aspects are very simple.

There is no such intricate relationship.



Chu Ying felt that it would be nice to come to Mingshan City, and it would not make Cheng Shengjun embarrassed.

The only problem is how to persuade my parents that although they are usually very open-minded, their parents have always had opinions about marrying so far.


This is a problem, so think about it.

It’s a big deal. In TV, stealing the account book first pulled the card.

. . .

After a meal. U U Reading

The Cheng family continued to discuss the marriage, Shu Fu returned home, the next second, came to Germany, went to a Siemens laboratory for a stroll, and it was full of rewards.


With the increase of the technology at hand, the repetition probability of stolen is high.

Sometimes it is close to more than 95%. At this rate, it is estimated that by the end of this year, the cutting-edge technology will be almost harvested.


Starting next year, self-research on the basis of existing technology will become the mainstream.

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