My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 425: Arrived in Beijing

"My bank is connected to another world (!

After the three people left.

Shu Fu lay in the yard and looked at the stars. The starry sky of the earth is very different from the foreign stars. There are many bright stars visible to the naked eye on the other side.

The number is hundreds.

If on brightness.

Each one surpasses Sirius, the brightest existence in the night sky on Earth.

However, that's all.


Those are stars, and each star system is measured in light-years, not to mention hundreds, even thousands, it can only be regarded as a landscape in the night sky.

Just look at it!


I don't know if the bank will have any spacecraft in the future.

If any.

It can satisfy the wish that I could only think of before.

To travel the starry sky or something, um, look forward to it, at least, Shu Fu feels that the technical level of the bank is definitely higher than that of the spacecraft.

And it's not a little bit higher.

. . .

After a while.

Cheng Shengjun is back and he is on duty tonight.

In fact, Shu Fu had a meal with the Cheng family last night, which is considered practice.

"Yeah, there are so many left, then I'm not welcome."

Cheng Shengjun happily said that it was not leftovers, but ingredients, fresh in the refrigerator.


There is a star-watcher in the yard.

"When you arrive in the capital, report that you are safe."


"If you have something to call, we still know one or two people over there."


"So are you, don't be polite if you have anything." Shu Fu said.

Hear this statement.

Cheng Shengjun smiled. What can he do to ask Shu Fu for help?

Although he admitted that Shu Fu had some money, he didn't plan to borrow it.

Therefore, did not take it to heart.

Talked for an hour.

Seeing that it was not early, Cheng Shengjun returned home.

According to the previously signed contract, the Cheng family had to move out before the end of September, and the Cheng family had also found a house, not far from the barbecue shop, and planned to move in a few days on the weekend.

As for Chu Ying, she has already left.

I heard that I went back to convince my family.

. . .

The next day.

Tianma is bright, Shu Fu goes out.

He glanced back at his house.

Just about to leave, Cheng Shengjun's voice sounded at the opposite door.



"I will give it to you."

"it is good!"

The two came outside Xingfu Alley. Cheng Shengjun saw a familiar car. He is still curious about what friends, when he feels like he is using the car, he will be there on call.

Say goodbye.

Seeing the car disappearing in the distance, he turned back home, ready to go back to sleep.

. . .

the other side.

Shan 婼's home.

The family has also gotten up. They packed up last night, washed and had a meal early, because they were in the same university, so they were going to go with Shu Fu.

There is no airport in Mingshan City.

You have to go to the provincial capital by car first.

Just right.

Take Shufu's car with Jiu Xinqin.

Shan's father couldn't help sighing. Now, he really can't control his daughter. So far away, if his own cabbage is smashed, there is really no way.


What makes him most helpless is that Xiaobaicai seems to be anxious...

Thinking of this, hey, his heart!

. . .

ten minutes later.

At the gate of the community, the long car slowly stopped.

"Hello Auntie!"

"Hello Uncle!"


Shu Fu politely greeted the two parents. He also knew Shu Fu and Jiu Xinqin's parents, but he didn't see much, mainly because he heard more.



Salted fish!


There are not many good words in my daughter's mouth anyway.

Even so, it does not prevent them from having a good impression of this young man. The woodcut master, the sun is handsome, the assets are millions, and the advantages are also a basket.

Unfortunately, it seems that I have no play with my girlfriend.

Don't want to be fascinated by Shan Yan. No, I glanced at Shan Yan, his eyes were full of the boy, and Father Ji took another look at Shan father's expression.

For a moment, I felt: Fortunately, our daughter was not fascinated.

if not.

It's me who is having a headache.

"Study hard in college, and you are not allowed to fall in love."


"Remember not to be fooled by any stinky boy."

"Will not."


Prior to this, Jiu's father had told her daughters in this way, and should not have to worry about it in the short term.

Open the trunk.


"Xiaofu, where's your salute?" Father Jiu couldn't help asking because it was empty inside.

"Oh, I checked it in advance to the capital."

Shu Fu casually explained.

"So that's it." Father Ji didn't ask much, putting in his daughter's suitcase and a bag. In addition, the two women also carried one on their backs.

There are indeed more things for girls.

I brought some specialty products to share with my classmates.


Put your salute and cover the trunk.


"Drive slowly on the road, the plane only took off at noon."



After bidding farewell and wiping tears, the car set off towards the morning sun until it disappeared at the end of the street. The two families looked back, and the eyes of the two mothers were slightly red.

My daughter grew up by her side, and now she is going to a distant place, and she feels empty immediately.

The home is empty.

The heart is also empty.

But I also understand that the child will eventually grow up and fly alone.

. . .

Approaching noon.

Provincial capital airport.

Take the card.

Security check.


Shu Fu didn't give himself anything special, what first class to buy, domestic flights, mostly small and medium-sized planes, there is really no difference in first class.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Arrived in the capital.


The two girls stared at the luxury business car in front of them for a moment.

what's going on?

Is it a private car?

"Borrow it, go up." Shu Fu smiled.

The school has a special bus for freshmen at the airport, but Shu Fu didn't bother to wait until it was full.

This car was indeed ‘borrowed’ from the company.

But only for him. In addition to the car, Linghang also bought a large villa near the school.

If you don’t have it in his name, if you buy it yourself, you have to pay him. This is a dividend and you have to pay taxes.


The real estate is linked to the company, and all expenses are linked to the company, which saves a lot of things.

At this time, the co-pilot had come down with a black-clothed security guard to help them carry their luggage.

With doubts, the two women got into the car, it was very nice, and there was also a small refrigerator.

for drink.


A full cabinet.

"Wow! This little cake looks so good, can I eat it?" Jiu Xinqin was instantly attracted.



"If you can bear it, you can always see the school."


Jiu Xinqin rolled her eyes. Finally, she couldn't help but took it out from the inside, unpacked, and ate with a small spoon, taking a bite with Shan Yan.

"do you want to eat?"


"Unexpectedly, you still have friends in the capital."


After talking all the way, I arrived at the destination after more than an hour. After getting off the bus, the appearance of the three people attracted a lot of attention. After all, it is difficult to take the test here.

The proportion of girls with both wisdom and beauty is too small.

It looks seems to be quite rich, but the car looks expensive.

"Let's go!"

Shu Fu took an admission notice and walked in. The two women pushed the box They were all four rounds, and the bags were put on it. They didn't need to pull it.

Therefore, Shu Fu was determined not to be a gentleman.

In this regard, the two women have long been used to it.

When opening a shop together before, Shu Fu wouldn't help as long as it wasn't dangerous or something girls couldn't do.

Although not a gentleman.

But Jiu Xinqin also had to admit that it was very comfortable to get along with Shu Fu.

Because there is no psychological burden, she has a stronger personality. We girls can do what we can do. Why do we need men to help?

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