My beast can't be a demon.

Chapter 1 Are you serious?

After school at noon, hundreds of students walked out of the gate of Xin'an Beast Taming College and rushed to the restaurants around.

Their faces still had the childishness of high school students, and the abominable breath of youth was about to overflow.

Zhou Lu held a pot of green plants and lay on the balcony of the dormitory, watching the young girls coming and going.

I have to say that young people nowadays are really bold in their dress.

These freshmen who have just enrolled are lucky. The new secret realm of spirit beasts has just been discovered, which means that they have more possibilities in choosing spirit beasts. They don't have to be bound by the spirit beast breeding company and be forced to accept the high breeding formula and evolution materials of spirit beasts.

Of course, a brand new spirit beast also means that its evolution is unknown, which will greatly increase the burden on the beastmaster.

But all this has nothing to do with Zhou Lu.

He was just there to look at the legs.

As a time traveler, Zhou Lu was not surprised at all by the orphan identity of his predecessor. The only regret is that his professor father sold all his property and invested it all in research, and finally died suddenly in the laboratory. He should have been from a wealthy family, but he left no property for himself.

Fortunately, the Beast Taming Academy is quite nice, and his father's students also take good care of him. Otherwise, with his silent character in his previous life, he might starve to death alone in the room one day without anyone knowing.

Thinking of this, Zhou Lu set his sights on the school gate not far away. This is a rare way for him to relieve his depression in the face of a completely unfamiliar world after crossing.

After all, whether in the past life or this life, at least the breasts are still the same breasts, and the legs are still the same legs.

At this point, it's better to take a look at the black silk.

The green plant in his arms seemed to feel the owner's fluctuating emotions. The green leaves swayed gently, and the tender buds on the top of the branches seemed to raise their heads like heads and look towards Zhou Lu.

Zhou Lu felt the movement of the green plant in his arms and looked down.

The green plant that looked like a roadside weed shook its stems, and then the soil under it moved, and a snow-white root broke out of the soil.

After doing all this, the grass patted its leaves, as if inviting Zhou Lu to look at its legs.

Well, even if he had accepted the fact of time travel, he still couldn't accept that a grass was acting cute with him and showing off its legs to him.

The grass's reaction to its owner was very strange.

Obviously the owner liked to look at legs so much, why didn't he look at his own?

So it used a lot of strength and finally stretched out another thick root out of the soil.

Then, it raised its head and looked at Zhou Lu proudly: I'm whiter than theirs!

"No... um... I mean no, Fireworks." Although Zhou Lu didn't know what the little grass named Fireworks wanted to express, he always felt that it was what he understood. "Although I like to look at legs, they are usually girls'... at least human legs. My XP is not that weird."

Fireworks swayed, puzzled by Zhou Lu's words, but it could hear the rejection in its master's words, and drooped its leaves a little disappointed.

As a beast world, it is understandable that a grass is so spiritual.

But the protagonists of other beast taming articles, the initial beasts are either pandas, tigers, lions, etc., and at least cats and dogs. How come it turned into a grass here?

Let me think about who was the last protagonist who used grass as a weapon... Well, why do I feel even worse.

Damn, I don't know what my father is crazy about. He insisted on making me contract a grass, occupying my only beast card in vain.

Plant-type spirit beasts cannot stay away from the soil for a long time before they evolve to the second stage and complete their metamorphosis. Although there are many beast-controlling technology products that try to solve this problem, they are not as good as other types of spirit beasts.

In fact, he could be a little cruel and pull out the fireworks directly. Most plant-type spirit beasts have no ability to walk before they evolve to the second stage, and they are even so weak that they cannot be defeated by humans. But looking at the smart green little guy in his arms, Zhou Lu couldn't bear it.

Forget it, I don't have the talent of a beastmaster anyway, and I don't pursue the strongest. I'll just keep it.

In this world where existing resources have been used up, even if you are a time traveler, you may not be able to make a name for yourself in this world with a mature system and a solidified promotion path without plug-ins, right?

Zhou Lu thought so, and suddenly his mobile phone rang. He looked at the notes, hesitated a little, and answered the phone: "Hello, Sister Xiaoqing."

"Do you have time now? Come to my laboratory for a quick meal?" A woman's pleasant voice came from the other end of the phone.

Wu Xiaoqing, one of the students of the original father, was also one of the graduate students in the laboratory at that time.

After the father of the predecessor died, she took good care of the predecessor.

That is... Sister Xiaoqing, are you sure you can cook?

Zhou Lu remembered the horror experience not long ago.

However, just when Zhou Lu was about to refuse politely, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

[Ding! Detected eligible candidates, started to execute the detection procedure. ]

Zhou Lu thought he was hallucinating at first, but soon reacted:

Could it be... my time traveler benefits are coming?

[Ding! Start to execute the attachment procedure. ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the salvation system. ]

Here it comes! Here it comes! My golden finger is here!

[Ten years later, Zhou Lu, the strongest, most evil, and most terrifying demon king in history, will destroy the entire world. All people's consciousness will sleep forever under his rose of death, and their bodies will be enslaved by him forever. ]

[The spirit beasts he cultivated will become the demon gods that destroy the world, and the creatures in the world will wail under its vines. ]

[In order to prevent this tragedy from happening, please do everything you can to stop the demon king from growing and awakening. ]

[The system will guide the host through tasks. ]

[Current optional task 1: Kill Wu Xiaoqing. ]

[Task introduction: Wu Xiaoqing, a graduate student at the Breeding Research Institute of Xin'an Beast Taming College, is one of Zhou Lu's guides on the road to becoming a beastmaster. She has repeatedly saved Zhou Lu's life at the most critical moments. She is a great enemy on the host's mission path. If there is a chance, the host can clear this obstacle. 】

[Task Reward: Random Permanent Skill Card of Spiritual Beast (Grade A)*1]

[Current Optional Task 2: Get the Special Evolution-Related Information of the End Rose First]


Zhou Lu…I think I’m Zhou Lu, right?

What’s wrong with this system? How did I become the great devil who destroys the world?

“Hello? Xiao Lu, are you listening?” Wu Xiaoqing’s voice was slightly anxious on the other end of the phone.

“Ah, I’m listening, listening.” Zhou Lu came back to his senses and said to the phone, “No problem, I will come on time.”

“That’s good.” Wu Xiaoqing breathed a sigh of relief, “By the way, bring me some salt when you come.”

“…Do you want me to bring you some chili peppers?”

“No need for that. The senior brother next door majors in the Solanaceae spirit beasts. There must be plants of the genus Capsicum over there. Maybe you can pick peppers from pepper plants that have awakened to become spirit beasts.”

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