My beast can't be a demon.

Chapter 20 Fireworks Destroy Every House (Please collect! Please read!)

The next few days, Zhou Lu spent almost all of his time in the room, instructing Hua Huo to hit the wall to practice headbutts, and was called out by Wu Xiaoqing for one day.

Although the last experiment failed and almost lost her life, Wu Xiaoqing still did not give up on her mushroom project.

After several days of painstaking research, she finally found another evolutionary route that she thought was harmless, and invited Zhou Lu to fry a mushroom to test it.

Zhou Lu didn't know whether the new mushroom could be eaten.

Because he had never beaten it.

When Zhou Lu thought of the scene that day, he felt ashamed and determined to practice his fist and foot skills, at least not to be humiliated by a mushroom like this.

If he didn't know a little about fist and foot, and Hua Huo's help, he would have been pressed to the ground and beaten by a mushroom.

"Are you really studying food?" The embarrassed Zhou Lu looked at Sister Xiaoqing helplessly, "I feel that this mushroom can beat three of me."

The key is that after this thing enters the explosive growth period, a culture medium can grow dozens of identical mushrooms a day.

However, this mushroom seems to activate the combat mode only when it is threatened with its life, and usually sleeps lazily hugging the wood.

The mushroom that fought with him suddenly jumped up when he took out a knife to slice it.

Despite the successive failures, Wu Xiaoqing obviously did not give up this project, after all, this was her own graduation project.

In the past few days, Zhou Lu was not in a hurry to train [Body Feeding], nor was he in a hurry to explore the secret realm. Instead, he let Hua Huo consolidate his previous skills while practicing head hammering.

As Xiao Xi said, the skill of [Body Feeding] is indeed very difficult to train. It requires the beastmaster and his spirit pet to reach a certain level of emotion. When both parties can sacrifice themselves for each other, there is a chance to train and obtain it under specific conditions.

And if there is no guidance from someone who has experienced it, even if you train according to the instructions, you may not be able to feel the flow between the attributes of both parties.

Fortunately, although Zhou Lu does not know who can [Body Feeding], he can let himself use [Body Feeding] a few times.

It is definitely impossible to complete the task [Exam Interference], but it is still possible to use this task to brush a few one-time skill cards of [Body Feeding].

Zhou Lu can only hope that this task will not be like the previous one, where the failure reward becomes another skill.

Otherwise, he can only keep recalling the previous feeling to practice [Body Feeding].



While Zhou Lu was thinking about the next training plan, Hua Huo was happily hitting the wall.

This time Zhou Lu learned his lesson and bought a metal cultivation pot for plant-based spiritual pets. Although it is not as hard and beautiful as the shell of the white jade snail, at least it is enough for training.

"I said, are you really not going back to your room?" Zhou Lu looked at Xiao Xi who was drinking tea on the edge of the cup and asked.

Xiao Xi glanced at Hua Huo who was constantly hitting the wall, and glared at Zhou Lu unhappily: "Are you talking human words? Can my room accommodate people now?"

Zhou Lu knew that he was in the wrong, and coughed twice without knowing how to respond.

Xiao Xi yawned and continued, "I don't know why, but I don't think it's a noise when I see it hitting the wall. If it's on the other side of the wall, it would be pure torture."

Following Xiao Xi's line of sight, the originally flat wall had been hit by Hua Huo and a pit had been made, revealing the innermost layer of stones.

The teacher's dormitory was built according to the highest standard of defensive buildings. The outermost layer is cement with energy absorption ability, which has a certain defensive effect against attacks of various attributes.

The innermost layer is piled up stones, which are black water stones, one of the hardest stones in the world.

Although the cement outside is also strong, it will still have pits under Hua Huo's persistent impact. But the black water stone is at least an insurmountable wall of sighs in front of Hua Huo at present.

That's great~!

In order not to become a burden to the master, the weak pet constantly trains to make itself stronger.

And this pet is a plant-based beast like himself.

This is simply the most standard plot!

Xiao Xi sat on the cup, looking at Hua Huo who was training seriously, and sighed in her heart.

But when Xiao Xi sighed, Hua Huo stopped.

Its metal flower pot had been deformed in the continuous collision, which made it look a little cute when it was carrying the flower pot.

Hua Huo arched its body and came to the pit that it had hit.

It looked at the gap between the black water stone and the black water stone and fell into deep thought.

Hua Huo stretched out its walking stem and attached itself to the gap.

The sudden silence surprised Zhou Lu and Xiao Xi, but the slight sound from the wall made them panic.

"Fuck! Hua Huo! What are you doing!" Zhou Lu shouted, trying to stop Hua Huo.

However, when he stopped it, it was too late.

With the loud noise of the wall collapsing, the dust covered the whole room.

Hua Huo, who caused the trouble, was also frightened by the scene in front of her, and the vines entangled and then shrank.

Hua Huo quickly arched into Zhou Lu's arms, then stretched out her little leaf and secretly looked in the direction of the collapsed wall.

Xiao Xi held her face with both hands: "No! My room!"

The direction of the collapsed wall was towards Xiao Xi's room.

As the black water stone fell, the roots of Hua Huo that had stretched into the gap suddenly lost their target for rooting, and they looked around awkwardly.

Zhou Lu was about to ask Hua Huo what she was doing when he saw Hua Huo's vines retracted from the collapsed rubble.

Several small pieces of clothing were wrapped in its vines and handed to Xiao Xi.

Your clothes are dirty...

Hua Huo shook the vines, signaling Xiao Xi to change clothes.

Xiao Xi looked at the corner of her skirt stained with tea stains, and she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This stupid grass actually tore down the wall to get me clean clothes.

Seeing Xiao Xi fall into a brief touch of emotion, Hua Huo, who had succeeded in his plan, stuffed several small pieces of underwear into his flower pot at lightning speed.

"..." Xiao Xi watched this scene speechlessly.

Hua Huo patted Zhou Lu's arm with a leaf, pretending to chat with Zhou Lu.

"Hey, don't pretend. I saw it all." Xiao Xi said with a cold face.

Hua Huo pretended not to hear.

"Give me back my underwear! You perverted weed!" Xiao Xi said angrily with her hands on her waist.

Hua Huo was immediately unhappy, stretched out her vines and quarreled with Xiao Xi: I am not a weed! I am a domesticated one!

Zhou Lu reluctantly tried to persuade them: "Okay, the most important thing for us now is to quickly call someone to deal with it. The collapse of the dormitory is not a small matter."

He never expected that Hua Huo would learn to use roots and stems to drill gaps without any instruction, and arch the black water stone wall.

"Speaking of which... why is Hua Huo so interested in your clothes?"

Xiao Xi was still a little angry. After hearing Zhou Lu's words, she replied unhappily: "My underwear is actually the leaves of the Tao-seeking wood. For plant-based spirit beasts, it is a good growth nutrient, and it will also bring them a little bit of attribute bonus. Spirit beasts are very sensitive to things that are beneficial to them."

"So that's the case..." Zhou Lu nodded thoughtfully.

"Do you have any more clothes like this?" He looked at Xiao Xi and blinked.

"..." Xiao Xi looked at Zhou Lu as if he was a pervert.

"Look... it's all dirty anyway, isn't it?" Zhou Lu also realized that this question was strange, and hurriedly explained.

"Needless to say, both you and your servant are perverts!" Xiao Xi angrily put her hands on her hips and announced her conclusion.

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