My beast can't be a demon.

Chapter 93 The nest of the great thunderbird (45, please pre-order!!!)

Do you want to go and have a look?

Zhou Lu's desire to join in the fun became active again.

Since the battle is over, it means that the Great Thunderbird has either been killed or defeated.

In either case, it can no longer threaten him.

However, in this case, the biggest threat to him should be humans.

Just as Zhou Lu was hesitating, Hua Huo stopped what he was doing.

Then he ran to the campfire with a bunch of cracked nuts.

After a while, Zhou Lu ate the fried nuts made by Hua Huo.

Although the taste was a bit monotonous, it was barely enough to fill his stomach.

After finishing this rare picnic, Zhou Lu planned to take Hua Huo to collect the Thunder Mountain Crystal he had marked and found before.

In this way, all his purposes of coming to the Thunder Mountain Secret Realm have been achieved.

Benben has always wanted to go to the Beast Taming Card.

He doesn't want to stay in this damn outside world for a minute.

But it is obvious that Hua Huo is reluctant.

It grew another vine from under its leaf skirt, wrapped around Benben and put it behind it.

It was aligned with the tail of the white jade snail shell, and from a distance, Huahuo actually had two tails.

Although there was an egg on one side and a shell on the other, it looked very harmonious.

Benben: [Put me down! ]

Huahuo said confidently: [No! Didn’t you see that the master was very satisfied? ]

As she said that, Huahuo shook her tail.

Benben was speechless.

While talking, Zhou Lu brought Huahuo to the location of the Leishan crystal.

The process of collecting Leishan crystal was very smooth.

Huahuo rolled Benben and smashed him desperately on the stone.

After so many years of hard work, Benben was not so easily injured even without the blessing of defensive skills.

Once the skill was turned on, it immediately entered an indestructible state.

Even if Huahuo used all her strength to smash Benben on the stone, there was no trace of injury on the surface of Benben.

Benben could withstand such a blow, but Leishan Crystal couldn't.

In a short while, Huahuo smashed out all the Leishan Crystals wrapped in the stone.

After using [Lilliput Country] to shrink and put it into the snail shell, Huahuo crawled to Zhou Lu's side.

Zhou Lu was standing on the top of the mountain at this time, observing the situation in the distance.

Benben followed Zhou Lu's line of sight and found that it was the direction of its former home.

Although the big Leiyin bird was deceived by himself, it was still a "father" who took care of him for a long time.

Benben remembered the battle that the big Leiyin bird encountered before leaving, and couldn't help but worry.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be so easy for a quasi-god to die, right?

Benben finally spoke: [Hey, can you help me talk? Let's go there and take a look? ]

Huahuo typed a question mark.

Benben continued: [You stole me directly from the bird's nest, and I didn't have time to say goodbye to my temporary family. ]

After a pause, it added: [I have some belongings over there, which can be given to our master. ]

Hua Huo pondered for a moment and nodded happily.

It stretched out its vines and tugged at Zhou Lu's clothes.

After Zhou Lu looked at it, Hua Huo curled its tail and held Ben Ben in its hands.

Taking out a pen from the snail shell, Xiao Cao Cao skillfully drew an arrow on Ben Ben's body.

The direction pointed by the arrow was the direction of the bird's nest of the Great Thunderbird.

Zhou Lu had also taken a special spiritual pet body language course, and he understood almost immediately: "You mean, that's Ben Ben's home?"

Hua Huo nodded happily.

Every time Zhou Lu understood what it meant, Hua Huo would be happy for a while.

Hua Huo still hopes to talk to Zhou Lu.

So it has recently read books on human anatomy under Xiao Xi's guidance.

This is not for any scary things, it just wants to understand the principle of human voice.

I wonder if I can make a sound by using leaves to simulate vocal cords.

As long as you can make a sound, you can talk!

Zhou Lu glanced in that direction and realized something.

No wonder the Great Thunderbird and the Nine Difficult Candle Dragon Egg appeared in the same place. They were together!

This also means that when he didn't know, Hua Huo ran to the Great Thunderbird's nest alone.

Zhou Lu couldn't help but feel scared.

Although Hua Huo would not die immediately with the [Recycling] skill, Zhou Lu couldn't help but feel distressed for any danger that Xiao Caocao encountered.

It was also his fault that he didn't tell Hua Huo that he couldn't go to that place.

"Okay, let's go and see." Zhou Lu looked at Hua Huo holding Ben Ben and said with a smile.

He never refused the reasonable request of the pet.

What's more, the danger has been ruled out now.

Let's go and see Ben Ben's former home.

Back to the temporary camp, looking at the traps and alarms in the distance, and then looking at the tents and campfires, Zhou Lu was quite emotional.

I thought I would have to go through a lot of hard searching in the Leishan Secret Realm, but when Hua Huo went out to find food, she achieved the biggest purpose of this trip.

This camp seemed to have been built in vain.

Zhou Lu couldn't help but feel a little sorry.

However, achieving the goal is a good thing after all.

Zhou Lu thought about it and started packing his luggage.

He planned to go to Benben's house and then leave the Leishan Secret Realm directly.

The rain stopped completely.

So did the wind.

Under the guidance of Hua Huo and Ben Ben, Zhou Lu soon arrived near the nest of the Great Thunderbird.

The battle here had just ended, and the air was still dancing with flashing lightning.

The traces of lightning on the surrounding rocks were particularly obvious, and Zhou Lu even faintly saw the precipitation of Thunder Mountain Crystal.

The power of the quasi-god was indeed terrifying.

It turned out that Thunder Mountain Crystal was struck only by skills.

This also means that the spirit beasts in the quasi-god period have the ability to control the power of nature within a certain range.

This is not a small fight.

Human technology is so advanced now, but it is still powerless in the face of natural disasters.

When they came to the foot of the mountain, Hua Huo skillfully pulled Zhou Lu to climb up the cliff.

Soon, they came to a platform.

Zhou Lu saw the huge bird's nest on the stone cliff platform at a glance.

In the bird's nest, several bird eggs were still lying there quietly.

Didn't the people who solved the Great Thunderbird take these bird eggs away?

Zhou Lu was shocked.

The next second, he felt the sound of wind coming from above his head.

He looked up subconsciously and saw a purple-red bird staring at him.

It had already seen the stupid bird on Hua Huo's tail, and there was anger in its eyes.

Zhou Lu's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.


He subconsciously thought that someone had solved the Great Thunderbird.

He never thought that the Great Thunderbird might have driven away humans.

Zhou Lu immediately looked at Hua Huo.

Fortunately, he still had the most basic awareness of prevention, and one of Hua Huo's walking stems was at the foot of the mountain at this time.

He didn't know whether Hua Huo's [Fool] could block the skills of the quasi-god.

Just when Zhou Lu was about to escape, a woman's voice came from the Great Thunderbird:

"So you are the kid who stole the egg."

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