My beast Emperor System

Chapter 110: Suppressing a King tier beast

From the very beginning, Lucien has always known the thrill of fighting stronger foes is not something that can be overestimated, and right now he was doing it again.




With the kids behind him, Lucien slides backward almost effortlessly evading the attacks of the enemy. Numerous earth spikes the size of a building shot out of the ground but none could put a scratch on him.

To others, the king tier magic Bess, Rupture is an absolute monster with great offensive and defensive capabilities! Its control over the earth element far exceeds that of many, granting it the ability to directly manipulate the earth around it but when faced with someone like Lucien, it could only suffer from frustration in silence!

Lucien's movements were swift! Before an attack would reach him, he has already evaded effortlessly with the two girls held by his spirit energy. At first, these girls were terrified by the quick movements but after doing it for a long time, the fear vanished and was replaced with excitement!

They are having fun!

"Stand still and face me head-on, you cowardly human!" Rupture growled like a mad man.

The voices of the two amused kids kept forcing their way into his ears! At this point, all he wants to do is shut these kids up!


Rupture let out a roar as the earth around it began twisting and turning unusually! Gazing at it, Lucien realized that it moved like a crashing wave! The earth rose like a tsunami! Descending on Lucien but even then Lucien still wore an indifferent look while gazing at the massive wave.

"Nameless…" Lucien said casually as the nightmare demon appeared in front of him but it began changing form into the King tier magic beast, Rupture!

With Lucien retreating hastily with the two kids behind him, his spirit beast went ahead to summon a wave of earth just like Rupture, clashing with the enemy.

"This…" Lucien frowned as he watched Rupture's earth wave overpower that of his spirit beast.

While his spirit beast can take the form of anything and attain its abilities, its strength was still limited to Lucien's cultivation level. Seeing the enemies attack overwhelm that of his spirit beast, Lucien didn't get flustered, neither did he get anxious. With his speed he had already far enough to escape the range of the attack, the spirit beast was only a decoy and even with its death, Lucien could still revive and summon it with his soul energy.


"Tier three lightning spell: Zeus" Lucien muttered calmly as he watched the enemy hidden within the earth wave with his spirit eyes.

A great lightning spear appeared in his hand and surged dangerously. The two kids floating behind him were astonished by the light show and gazed at Lucien's back thoughtfully.

"Fall!" Lucien growled as he tossed the lightning spear.

The second it left his hands, it felt like time had paused and for a moment they could see the lightning spear but the next second it vanished with a loud bang, shattering everything in its path!


Rupture let out a scream while falling back. Its entire left hand had been severed leaving lava red blood flowing uncontrollably. On a normal, a tier-three spell should not be able to harm it, but Lucien's understanding of the mystic laws was at a level comparable to that of the spirit realm masters.

According to Rakuzen, spells are only cast by mortals who have a shallow understanding of the laws of nature. But at the spirit realm, one is considered to surpass the level of a mere mortal. Such experts have their lives extended to centuries! At this point, their understanding of the mystic laws is profound.

In this realm, people do not cast spells again. Instead of channeling spells through the mana around them and using it to create magic star patterns through which they can channel their powers, they allow the mana to pass through their body, and through their refined bodies, they conjure the elemental attacks. According to Rakuzen, in the spirit realm, a person is more bothered with martial secret techniques and authorities.

"How was that?" Lucien asked calmly as he gazed at the destroyed arm of the King-level magic beast with a slight frown on his face.

[Your control over the element and laws is profound but your strength is limited by your cultivation realm… From now you should focus on increasing your realm] Rakuzen said.

[Rupture was caught off-guard by your attack this time… Keep it in mind that it will be difficult for you to hit him again!] Rakuzen added with a stern voice.

It could easily take control of Lucien's body and defeat the enemy but by doing that Lucien wouldn't grow. One has to go through hardship and countless battles before he can consider himself a peerless expert!

"I know!" Lucien said calmly with an eye void of any form of emotions.


"Hehehehe… I must confess you are quite capable! Very capable! For someone your age, you can be considered outstanding… But it is a thousand years too early for you to challenge me!" Rupture bellowed as a new lava arm slowly formed before solidifying.

Lucien listened to his words with an indifferent look on his face as he summoned the habakiri, releasing the invisible wind whip!

"A thousand years? Aren't you overestimating yourself? I would say three years tops, I will have the strength needed to subdue you" Lucien replied calmly while he slowly approached the enemy. 

"You are cocky… Really cocky!" Rupture bellowed!

"Not really… I am just confident in my abilities" Lucien answered indifferently.

"Why don't we make a deal…" Lucien said calmly while his body descended slowly.

"What do you have in mind?" Rupture asked calmly. After the short exchange with Lucien, it realized one thing.

Taking on Lucien is just too tiring. His speed allowed him to evade attacks and this also means he can escape whenever he wishes. Fight such an enemy is too difficult and means it has to expend too much energy if it wants to win.

But it was more terrified of something.

Upon arrival, at this place, it noticed the existence of three other king-tier magic beasts. When his battle with Lucien began it felt like three pairs of eyes were watching them from afar! Even Lucien noticed this and even he was reserving his strength for any sneak attacks. With both sides unwilling to fight each other, they could only open discussions once again.

"Remove the unnecessary clauses put in the previous contract and let us form a proper relationship. As you have already seen I am a capable partner with enough talent to make others die of envy…. With my help and that of the being within me, you will definitely reach the god beast level and beyond… Also, we will be taking care of those three soon and make you the sole ruler of all the magic beasts in this land!" Lucien said calmly.

Hearing him speaking Rupture couldn't help but frown. Lucien said his words with so much confidence that he couldn't help but believe him.

"You have a territory to rule... A people to rule… what are your plans?" Rupture suddenly asked.

"Me? Hehehe! I intend to create the greatest empire that has ever existed… A world where everyone can live as one... A world where humans, Beast men, and magic beasts can live in peace… My perfect world… but to do that I need power… absolute power! And that's why I wish to have the perfect partner!" Lucien said calmly.

"You sweet lips piece of shit! This time I will work with you but if I ever catch you slacking in the future, I won't hesitate to get rid of you first!" Rupture said and Lucien only replied with a slight nod.


Barely two hours had passed and Instructor Han was getting worried. Unless when Lucien is fighting, his aura is completely sealed, so it's impossible for one to tell who the victor is. While Lucien's aura vanished, that of the king tier beast remained to make Instructor Han suspect that Lucien lost and was killed but after thinking of everything Instructor Emma said he highly doubted Lucien will lose.

"Someone is coming!" Someone suddenly declared as two balls of silver and orange light could be seen shooting towards the town.

Instructor Han stepped forward while the others stepped back in fear. No one knew what was coming so they felt a bit anxious.


Smashing the ground heavily, the king-tier magic beast stood in its full glory, staring down at the human who dared to approach it. Everyone was so terrified of the magic beast that their body froze due to fear. Even instructor Han's mind was racing! A King tier magic beast appearing means that Lucien lost! He has completely forgotten about the silver beam shooting towards them and was mentally preparing himself to hold this beast off while evacuating the people here.

"At ease everyone… That is my partner…" Lucien's calm voice brought everyone back to their senses and only then did they look up to see Lucien levitating with two kids in his arms.

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