My beast Emperor System

Chapter 142: Scourge!

As much as Zhao Li would have loved to reject Lucien's claims and try to prove him wrong, he knew Lucien wasn't lying! While he may be strong and have a higher cultivation level, he could not best Lucien in a short time because he was more of a support type mage than a combat type. With little means of killing the kid, he had let the battle last long enough for Lucien to gain the upper hand.

Should all eight magic towers focus their attacks on him, alongside the six beast assimilation phantom images and the nameless with Lucien aiding from a distance, he may not even survive one joint attack not to talk of three. A great man knows his strength and also knows his weaknesses. Once a man is aware of his weaknesses and is ready to admit defeat when necessary, he or she will definitely live a long and peaceful life.

"Stop attacking!" Zhao Li gritted his teeth as he gave the order and even though his subordinates were reluctant to obey, but they had no choice but to do as they are told. Their master is now at the mercy of the enemy so it would be considered foolish antagonizing the enemy!

"Just name your price, we will pay!" The gray-haired spirit realm elder said with a reddened face due to embarrassment as he bowed respectfully towards Lucien's fleeting figure.

Many considered Zhao Li's order an act of good faith and as someone from an important background in the Libet empire, a mere Baron like Lucien would be eager to negotiate with him and try to form relations from this event but contrary to their beliefs, that didn't happen. The sinister smile on Lucien's face didn't fade and his eyes were still pinned on Zhao Li as he asked a question.

"What are you doing?" Lucien asked with a confused look on his face.

His question left everyone presents confused as well since they noticed Lucien was genuinely confused.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Li asked as he felt cold sweat trickling down his back, making him feel uncomfortable.

"Why did you stop the fighting? Why did you stop your men from attacking? I remember you all shamelessly came here in masses to take my head but now you are at a disadvantage, you think you can just stop the fight? DON'T MESS WITH ME!" Lucien's calm tone slowly grew furious as his silver aura exploded and he shot forward!


The Chinese blue serpent dragon over his head let out a loud scream as shot towards the enemy while the blue azure dragon spear appeared in Lucien's hands.

"RIP!" Lucien growled as the spear began rotating and a massive whirlpool of scorching blue flames filled the entire sky and surged down like the divine judgment of a deity!

After his new upgrade, his strength could easily rival that of Rakuzen when he took over his body, so Lucien was no inferior in any way, making his techniques more flashy and captivating!

"Has he gone mad?"

"He dares try to kill Zhao Li of the Zhao clan! They are the fourth most powerful clan in the Libet empire!  Who could consciously try to kill an important figure from such an important family in one of the great three empires?"

"This youth is crazy!"


Many cursed under their breath but a few were more amazed and appreciative of Lucien's actions. They believed those from prominent clans have become too cocky because they always have a way out of bad situations. If everyone is like Lucien, these reckless nobles will think first before they act!

"YOU DARE!" Zhao Li growled as he summoned a transparent force shield to block the surging flames but at that moment, he saw the grim reaper hovering over his head. His body jerked forward instinctively as he summoned another invisible shield at his back to tank the attack and just as he expected, it was a beam of mana energy that was shot at him by one of the magic towers.



He suddenly planned to move forward but he was stopped by a sudden change in the weather! Gusts of wind surrounded the entire battlefield and thanks to it, the constant surge of blue flames, and the continuous waves of beams Zhao Li was trapped, making it impossible to move. 

"Domain spells?" Zhao Li muttered as he summoned ten invisible shields that formed a reinforced rectangular dome.

"HOW LONG DO YOU THINK YOU CAN HOLD OUT? DO YOU THINK YOU CAN KEEP HIDING WITHIN THIS PLACE? LAST TIME I CHECKED, EVEN SPIRIT REALM MASTERS NEED TO BREATHE, HOW DO YOU PLAN TO SURVIVE?" Lucien said as the blue flames stopped and from instead, a purple mist spread across the entire battlefield. 

"Acid?" Zhao Li muttered in shock as he watched all forms of vegetation below reduce to nothing, making him wonder how many magic beasts Lucien has consumed to possess two domain spells!


Before he could realize what was going on, a fist pierced through the invisible barrier and struck his chest. 


He spat out a mouthful of blood as his body wiggled back and his invisible barriers vanished, revealing Lucien's pitch black, hollow eyes peering into his soul. Thanks to the amazing vitality of a spirit realm expert he was still alive even as he felt Lucien's hands gently touching his beating heart.

"If you kill me…" Zhao Li muttered but he was interrupted by Lucien.

"If I kill you, your clan will seek revenge, and just like you, they will all die. As long as you do not have a champion realm master in your clan I have no reason to fear… Do you think your clan patriarchy will travel all the way from Libet to here to die at the hands of the experts of the Fotia empire, because of a cocky brat who snuck out at night with a hundred elite troops and lost his life along with fifty of them? Do be stupid… Let us all be realistic here… You have no cards left!" Lucien sneered as he slowly tightened his grip on Zhao Li's heart making those outside tremble in fear!


Many screamed as they attacked the dome preventing them from entering, recklessly, causing Lucien to chuckle slightly

"Stupid mortals…" He commented before turning his attention to Zhao Li and said;

"I told you, I have seen through all your moves… You cannot cast the two types of barriers you have all at once… So all I had to do is make sure you can't take down the invisible barrier and then go for the kill with my fist… I guess I was right!" Lucien chuckled slightly.

"What do you want?" Zhao Li asked as he gripped Lucien's hand and tried to pull but compared to Lucien's inhuman strength, he was like a kid trying to win an adult bodybuilder in a game of arm wrestling. He gazed at Lucien's face only to find out that his smile was gone and there was no expression left on his face.

"What do you want?" He asked timidly once again.

"I want you dead" Lucien answered casually making his heart skip a beat.

He was sure Lucien was a hundred percent serious about what he just said and that is what terrified him even more.

"Please, I can give you anything you want! Riches, cultivation materials… all of it, just spare my life!" Zhao Li didn't care about his image anymore and begged like any other commoner.

Gazing at him, he looked pathetic and Lucien found this disgusting! He hated the fact that this man dared to come to his territory to kill him and didn't even have the guts to follow through with it!

"Stop!" a voice echoed as he saw a figure shooting towards them from his city.

He and Zhao Li watched as the figure soon reached about a few hundred meters away from them and stopped!

It was a green-haired man wearing a green knight armor with a sword almost the same size as him hanging loosely on his back. The Rakuzen clan keeps having numerous visitors willing to pay the entrance fee so Lucien cannot keep tabs on them. Judging based on the armor and the number of medals on it, he could tell this man was from the military for the Fotia empire and that left him more confused.

Why would someone like this interfere at a time like this?

"Why are you here?" Lucien's voice was cold enough to send shivers down the spines of all those who heard him.

It was like he was telling the man he would kill him if he gave a wrong answer!

"Lord Lucien, I am Sir Carlos of the imperial forces!" The man gave Lucien a slight bow while he spoke but his tone didn't carry any form of respect.

"You didn't answer my question… Don't make me ask again!" Lucien warned, ignoring his greetings.

"I order you, as an imperial Knight for the empire, to hand this man over to my custody and let the empire deal with him…" The man said boldly but Lucien's answer was something he did not expect!

"Piss off!" Lucien growled as he waved his free hand and a massive mana beam shot towards the man!

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