My beast Emperor System

Chapter 149: 13th Imperial knight!

The royal courtyard was filled with all nobles of all ranks and titles. This is a rare occasion because the war was just at the corner and all nobles of the empire are mandated to gather for this day. On the mighty throne at the very edge of the room was Emperor Fei with the Wuxing clan patriarch standing behind his throne. It is said this man can be considered his most loyal partner and friend. The two watched as the small nobles discussed amongst themselves while the mighty nobles gathered and openly discriminated against their peers who were of a lower title.

In this kingdom, there are only two champion realm masters[Emperor Fei and the Wuxing clan patriarch] and slightly over thirty spirit realm masters. Everyone at the mortal realm and below is almost considered insignificant and that's why the spirit realm masters spared no effort when discriminating against the weaker ones.


The golden doors yanked open as a youth walked into the room. Unexpectedly, he was topless, revealing his bandaged abs and he wore white trousers. On his body were numerous tattoos of various magic beasts and his long silver hair easily reached his waist, giving him a gentle look. 

"Lucien Rakuzen!"

"So the rumors are true, he fought Klaus!"

Many began murmuring as they turned their attention to the pale-looking large man in golden armor gazing at Lucien coldly.  When Lucien entered the room, he directly began walking towards the man with a cold look on his face. Judging based on the looks on their faces, many assumed these two were about to erupt and tear each other apart but to their greatest surprise when Lucien got close, Klaus stood up and they shook hands.

"Kid, you are still alive?" Klaus asked.

"Hehehehe! Don't expect me to die from a little scratch!" Lucien replied.

"HAHAHAHAHA! THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO HEAR!" Klaus laughed heartily with Lucien and after they were done exchanging pleasantries, Lucien began walking towards the throne. 

On a higher floor in the massive hall, Lucien could see the twelve golden knights staring at him. It looked like they were watching his every move, making it look like they are expecting him to do something crazy.

"Emperor!" Lucien said and fell on one knee while bowing well.

His actions left everyone stunned since Lucien has never proactively shown the emperor respect and many wondered why the emperor was yet to put him to death but seeing him act this way, even emperor Fei was shocked but slightly delighted. Unknown to them, Lucien was just in a good mood. 

Making the Lightborn family his allies while having Alice help him sort out many of his clan related issues while having her draft out a list of potential recruits, he finally felt like he is moving forward and for some reason, he felt extremely happy. 

"You have come!" Emperor Fei said with a slight smile on his face but even then Lucien didn't lift his head.

"I came as you ordered…. I apologize for having you wait but Klaus here did a number on me… I needed to tend to my wounds first!" Lucien answered calmly and respectfully.

"I can see that…" Emperor Fei said as he gazed at the bandages on Lucien's body and couldn't help but smile.

Lucien may be the one covered in bandages but he could see Klaus was even more hurt. For a warrior realm youth to be able to accomplish this is already extremely extraordinary and even he couldn't help but gaze at Lucien with a hint of admiration.

But with the crowd somewhere, everyone could feel someone's killing intentions surging dangerously and when they all glanced to the side it was a silver-haired aged man who was slightly identical to Lucien in some way. A man many had forgotten for a long time, Lukas Raizen!

Ever since he banished Lucien from the Raizen clan, he had only been greeted with news of Lucien's exploits. He was extremely delighted when Lucien was imprisoned for consuming a sealed artifact and he was amongst the nobles that pushed for his execution but even then, Lucien managed to escape death somehow, and even now, he keeps performing outstanding deeds that put him to shame. Over time his approval rating as a leader and a clan head kept dropping and other heads of the three great beast-men clans in the empire, gaze at him and call him stupid.

He found it amusing when Lucien was made a noble with the human realm cultivation base and he never expected Lucien to go far but today, gazing at his grandson, he felt the threat of death looming over his head. He knew his grandson was not the type to let go of old grudges. Lucien will only put it aside for now and wait for the perfect time to strike. 

With such a threat rising so fast, why wouldn't he feel the urge to destroy them entirely?

"I suggest you restrain yourself old man… Or you may not live to leave this place!" Lucien's eyes let out a silver flash as he turned his attention on the old man he once called grandpa.

Hearing this Lukas flared up with anger and quickly rose to his feet, Lighting began crackling around him but then he felt the cold gaze of the emperor and Wuxing clan head, causing him to shrivel up and sink back into his seat. He didn't know why but he felt like everyone on this court is against him since they were all looking at him as if he did something stupid.

Would dare let this junior insult him and get away with it?

"Don't ponder too much on it old friend, even if given a chance to redeem your image you will die at the hands of your grandson…. You are not his opponent anymore!" The patriarch of the Lucardo clan said with a slight smile on his face. 

Those around him nodded in agreement, causing the Raizen clan head to lower his head in shame. The emperor just shot the old clan head a cold glance and as soon as everything settled down he turned his attention to Lucien and only then did his gaze grow soft.

"Lucien Rakuzen, in one night alone, you have done a great service to this empire by letting her enemies know they can't just do as they please… For that, we thank you…." Emperor Fei said this and paused a little before he continued.

"As a reward, I have decided to grant you the title of viscount and allow you to pick a territory of your choice to add to your own…. After much deliberation, I and the twelve imperial knights of the Fotia empire have decided to invite you as the thirteenth imperial knight of the empire! What do you say?" Emperor Fei added with a raised eyebrow.

Hearing this, the entire hall erupted as they gazed at the twelve knights above in shock. The title of imperial knight means Lucien's position is practically higher than that of these nobles since he has the authority to command battalions in wars! If he should accept, he is no different from a war general! Someone considered to be on par with the twelve strongest spirit realm masters in the empire! If not for Klaus' condition, many would have kicked against it, but seeing what Lucien was able to do to the old monster, many considered him superior in strength now and none dared look down on him so no one dared to object.

"Before I accept this generous reward, I wish to clarify something" Lucien said calmly as he looked up this time, gazing into the eyes of the emperor fearlessly.

"Go on!" Emperor Fei said as he leaned forward with interest in his eyes.

"As a viscount, I have the right to choose another territory to put under my command and make it mine, am I correct?" Lucien asked.

"Yes…" Emperor Fei answered casually.

"And as an imperial knight, I am allowed to gather my own personal forces without restraint or restrictions?" Lucien asked again.

"Yes" Once again the emperor's answer was simple.

"Then I request that the emperor allows me to bring in my subordinates who reside outside the empire… They are the ones who thought me spirit beast cultivation method and because of them, I have come this far… They see me as their leader due to my ownership of the beast assimilation technique and they await my return!" Lucien said with a slight bow but his eyes were blazing with passion!

Hearing this everyone in the room was stunned. They have forgotten Lucien must have learned spirit beast magic from somewhere and having seen it on numerous occasions they could attest to its power even without Lucien saying it. If Lucien can gather elite members capable of utilizing the spirit beast ability, his strength will skyrocket in an instant and they will be of great help in the upcoming war!

"I agree… You have my blessing!" Emperor Fei was pleased with Lucien's offer and quickly agreed.

"Welcome the thirteenth Imperial knight of the Fotia empire, Lucien Rakuzen!" Wuxing clan head declared with a loud voice causing many to stand and clap!

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