My beast Emperor System

Chapter 154: Chapter 153

Instructor Han was still trying to catch his breath when he noticed his shadow thicken, and from it, Lucien crawled out. Seeing this he frowned but he didn't complain. In his opinion, as long as Lucien is on their side, no matter how creepy or bizarre his techniques are, he wouldn't mind.

He adjusted his seating posture before asking his question.

"Are you done?" 

"Yes, she's dead" Lucien said casually as he gazed around the room as if he was looking for something. After a while, he took off his mask and threw it into his omini Zone before turning his attention to Instructor Han.

"The humans are trying to kill the emperor, so they are trying to reach everyone close to him… You can consider this a coup or at least an attempt… I am sure they still have some tricks up their sleeves so I dare not take them lightly… I will have you return with me to my territory… there we can speak further while you are getting patched up" Lucien said calmly.

"You have a healer?" Instructor Han was more stunned by this news than the news of the coup.

He knew more than anyone how difficult it is to get people with healing magic and the Lightborn clan simply made a fortune out of this with their family secret healing technique.

"I am in an alliance with the Lightborn clan and my assistant is one of their main branches younger generation, why won't I have a healer?" Lucien chuckled as he grabbed Instructor Han and helped him get on his feet.

The duo walked to the teleportation platform outside the room and from there they directly teleported to Lucien's territory, here none of these human noble families dared attack him, after what happened to Zhao Li.

When they got to the territory, Lucien exploded into a large body of gray mist with, instructor Han, shooting towards the castle. While this happened, Instructor Han contracted Emperor Fei and briefed him on the situation. By the time he was done, Lucien had already made it to the grand hall of his castle but to his greatest surprise, there were people here. People cleaning, sweeping, doing all sorts of work with Alice directing them on what to do. 

Seeing Lucien arrive she was happy but then when he saw the terribly injured instructor Han, she was terrified. 

"Follow" Lucien didn't bother explaining as he carried instructor Han and ran up the stairs, heading to his room.

"Hehehehehe! You have good eyes… I can see why you chose her as your assistant, you sly bastard!" Instructor Han said while licking his bloodied lips.

Seeing this Lucien didn't know how to react. He wondered if he should laugh or cry since he didn't understand how someone in this condition would have the strength to crack silly jokes.

"One more word from you and I will drop you… Believe me when I say you will die from the fall" Lucien said while his pitch-black eyes suddenly let out a threatening silver flash and only then did Instructor Han shut up.

When they reached his room, he placed his bloodied friend on the bed, staining his white bedsheet. This made Alice frown but she didn't complain. She quickly ran over to Instructor Han's side and began mumbling some inaudible words and soon her hands let out a golden glow and she proceeded to place it over Instructor Han.

At this point, she frowned as she realized the kinds of tutor wounds instructor Han sustained and wondered how this man is still conscious up till now.

"What happened?" Alice couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this question, Lucien looked into her eyes for a while and was reluctant to speak but since she's the one healing him and his new assistant, he decided to speak.

"The human faction is preparing for a coup, so they are trying to kill any potential threat that has close ties with the emperor…. Instructor Han is the first and they also tried to get to me through him, that's why they tortured him" Lucien gave her a brief response while watching her closely to see if there will be any reactions.

If she flinched or fumbled he will assume she knows about this and kills her immediately, but to his surprise, she didn't, instead she wore a confused look on her face. He wanted to say something but then he got a warning from the figure that a single person has entered his territory!

"WHO!" Lucien's eyes revealed his murderous intentions 

She wanted to ask something but then a dark figure shot into the room from the window and Lucien reacted accordingly and pounced on the figure in a black robe and hoodie!

"Die!" Lucien didn't hesitate as his black lightning exploded violently and shot towards the figure but to his greatest surprise, the assailant sidestepped, covering a large distance in one move before shooting towards the airborne Lucien.

"COURTING DEATH!" Lucien screamed madly the entire room exploded and two figures shot out of the castle trading blows viciously!.





Both figures shot back with Lucien's silver robe had many holes but none of the enemy's attacks made it past his steel skin, meanwhile, the invader's robe had numerous holes, revealing high tier pieces of magic equipment.

"You don't even wish to know who I am?" The figure said in a hoarse voice.

"Why ask for a dead man's name?" Lucien said as his body trembled violently before he let out a painful cry!


In an instant, all his power exploded creating a powerful storm as dark clouds gathered over his head, as his body shot into the air.

"Anyone one who dares to step into my territory without my permission seeks death! I CAN ASSURE YOU, YOU WILL NOT LEAVE THIS PLACE ALIVE!" Lucien's voice was more like that of a beast than a person now. 

Countless black bolts of lightning gathered over his head taking the shape of a terrifying black dragon!

Alice barely blocked Lucien's explosive attack even though it wasn't aimed at him, and right now she and instructor Han watched from the destroyed part of the castle as Lucien unleashed his full strength!

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