My beast Emperor System

Chapter 234: Fearless or just dumb

"DEATH MAGIC: HELL FLAME!" Derik growled as he threw his open palm forward and pure black flames surged out violently! Consulting everything in its path!

His eyes revealed a hint of surprise as he noticed some ant-men leaning on the walls of the large pit waiting for him to go below them before charging at him from above!

As long as they have the higher ground, they will have the advantage, right?



The ant men charged forward, swarming towards Derik from all directions but even then Derik couldn't help but chuckle.

"They are definitely getting smarter" Derik commented as three pairs of black angelic wings sprouted on his back and with a single flap, it created a powerful shockwave that sent the ants flying back while Derik flew higher!


Suddenly a blue streak of lightning shot past Derik, heading towards the ants!

Like an explosion, Lucien's lightning aura exploded violently, spreading across the entire area all at once and reducing the enemy forces surrounding them.

"Took you long enough to get here" Derik said as he shot Lucien.

"You shouldn't dive in alone like that, you will get yourself killed" Lucien chuckled.

Above them were Derik and Lucien's demonic army gaining ground. With Derik's original forces which are over ten thousand plus the ant army joining their ranks, they bulldozed through the enemy forces and chased after their master.

Having such an army behind him, Derik wasn't flustered and gave Lucien a slight nod.

"Now?" Lucien was dazed. Apart from Derik's unusual request, Lucien was shocked he could pick out so much information from just a nod!

What is he becoming?

"We have an army that will deal with the beasts above... We can only go below and deal with the queen... Once that is over, it will be easier to kill the rest" Derik said but Lucien frowned.

Diving in headfirst meant a lot and it will be considered stupid if a person dives in first before knowing what he or she is up against.

As motivated as he was to go against Derik's plan he couldn't help but feel thrilled. This excitement was something he could not explain. He had this feeling that no matter what is down there he will not be killed.

[This is what it means to be strong] Rakuzen's head echoed in his head making him smile.

"You know... I am beginning to like you more and more as the day goes by" Lucien said and Derik grinned in response.

"This is what makes this kind of life exciting!" Derik said as he placed his hands across his chest in an X shape and his six wings wrapped around him before he began free falling!

Seeing him dive deeper towards the terrain of the queen the ants were alarmed and many of them charged towards Derik but before they could reach him, three raging suns, twice the size of a full-grown man appeared around him, spinning viciously. Everyone that dared come in contact with it was reduced to ashes and crushed in a matter of minutes.

"Amazing!" Lucien muttered upon seeing the miniature suns spinning around Derik. He remembered when they spoke about the abilities of a realm protector and back then he found it hard to believe that someone can control the power of the sun, moon, and stars but seeing it now he completely believed Derik!


Letting his wings wrap around him, Lucien began are free-falling as well. As long as he followed the same scorching path left behind by Derik, there is no way he would be harmed. Even then some daring ants still jumped forward, trying to reach him but every one of them was blown away by strong bolts of lightning surging around Lucien.

After free-falling for what seemed like twenty seconds, the duo struck the ground but the ants above were still chasing! Fighting them and an emperor tier ant queen will definitely be troublesome!

"Derik!" Lucien screamed.

" I know!" Derik growled as the sun symbol on his forehead lit up brightly.

"BRILLIANT SUN!" Derik growled as the three suns slammed together, forming one larger sun!

Creating the larger sun, Derik threw it above their head, allowing it to fly upward, destroying all ant beasts that dared to chase after them!

Doing this he was expecting some sort of praise from Lucien but he heard nothing. Gazing at Lucien he realized that the kid was frozen stiff by shock and when he looked forward he realized the room had over thirty more ant men but this time these ones were at the King tier, all of them surrounding the massive ant queen. This force is enough to raid an empire and leave it damaged! Thankfully, ant magic beasts were more docile and only attacked those who dared to step foot into their domain.

"Wow!" Derik muttered.

Even someone like him felt threatened in such a situation, leaving him temporarily speechless.

"This won't be easy" Lucien said with a frown.

"If it was easy, It won't be fun" Derik said with a light smile before moving forward by a few steps.

A force like this is capable of threatening him, so it was natural he felt more eager to eliminate it.

"Why have you come?" The Ant queen gazed at the duo and even though their cultivation base may be lacking, she felt more threatened than when facing off against another emperor tier magic beast.

Hearing it speak so calmly, Lucien felt chills running down his spine. Even with the inheritance, this emperor tier beast, which is equivalent to demigods was calmly speaking to them. It meant that even though it felt threatened, the problem wasn't enough to make it anxious.

"To kill you... What other reasons are we meant to have?" Derik responded with a confused look on his face.

It felt as if he just heard the dumbest question ever in a long while. Hearing his response, Lucien felt like burying himself alive. Was this man just fearless or completely dense and oblivious to the danger surrounding them?

An emperor tier magic beast and about thirty king tier magic beasts! Even an emperor will die quickly under this condition!

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