My beast Emperor System

Chapter 238: The ant colony

Derik felt a crushing feeling around his throat which would make any normal person restrain from using the word pathway on a stronger being but he wasn't worried about any damages that may occur to his body. As long as he didn't make use of more powerful words that may harm his soul, it should be okay!

"Hold it! Nice and easy!" Lucien said as his eyes released extremely terrifying light while his body drifter backward!

The clouds gathered and black lighting surged around him at a terrifying pace. Blood could be seen rolling down his ears but he wore a massive grin on him as he saw the ant Queen struggle but she couldn't break free from Derik's divine words!

"QUICK!" Derik growled as he felt like his throat was about to get ripped off. With his weaker cultivation base, he can only suppress this ant queen for so long.

"Damn it! Okay!" Lucien growled as he threw the massive ball of lightning in his hands at the enemy!



The ant queen could only watch as she was violently struck by the massive ball of lightning and pushed to the ground by the explosion!

Meanwhile, Derik was breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath. He finally realized why Cyrus doesn't even attempt using the word pathway on stronger foes. It was no different from torture, even someone like him could barely withstand it.

"What the hell is with that dumb name" Derik finally spoke up.

His gaze was the one of someone wondering whether he should smack the hell out of the dumb kid or not. Why the hell would someone want to name a technique and call it a hell zone grenade?

"Isn't it cool?" Lucien asked with a proud smile, making Derik wonder if this kid is really clueless. Can't he see that no one here is happy?

"Dude, that name is shit! We don't do that here... It doesn't even match the technique! How the fuck does lightning become a grenade?" Derik said with a raised eyebrow. The only thing stopping him from giving this kid a serious ass whopping was the ant queen.

They weren't fools. They could tell this ant queen can't be defeated easily.

It will take way more than this!


Shooting out of the debris was the ant queen appeared with numerous cracks on her black ant armor and green blood sipping out of those wounds. All Derik needed to do now is find a way to get his corrosive death aura into those cracked and that will be the end of this demigod level magic beast.

Of course, the ant queen wouldn't give them such a chance!

"All of you... You all must die! Here and now!" She growled as she clasped her hands together and the air around the entire area froze!

Derik and Lucien saw something like a black elastic ball expanding but none of them ran. They could tell this was the enemy's domain and the only way to finish her off was within this world. If they ran, she can just hide inside the anomaly until her wounds recover and they will be forced to start all over again.

"I guess someone has to die here" Derik chuckled as he was slowly pulled into the black liquid alongside Lucien.

"Hehehe! The one's to die definitely won't be us!" Lucien said with a cocky smile on his face.


Derik and Lucien soon found themselves in an endless sanding world with no clouds, no sun, no moon but surprisingly it wasn't dark. They could see just fine and the presence of the ant queen could be sensed everywhere!


Lucien let out a sigh of relief, catching Derik's attention.

"What's up?" Derik asked while shooting him a glance.

"Nothing much... I just feel like this fight has gone on long enough and this is our best chance to put an end to it... It's almost over..." Lucien said with a light smile, causing Derik to chuckle.




The ground shook violently as they watched massive ants surge out from all sides and soon they were surrounded by an endless army of ants, charging towards them from all directions.

"To think her anomaly is an actual ant colony... She wears down her enemies with her infinite army" Derik said with a slight look of shock and surprise on his face.

He has seen so many types of anomalies and domains all through his lifetime. The most common domains and anomalies are the ones that focus on strengthening the user to a ridiculous level, and that's what his past domain did. The second was the type that created an unfavorable condition for the enemy, giving the user an environmental advantage, just like the Lightning emperor tier magic beast he killed not too long ago. Finally, there is the last which focuses on numbers overpower! It allows the user to summon an infinite number of armies to overwhelm the enemy and wear him out.

This kind of anomaly is rare and that's why he was shocked.

"It's nice... Unfortunately, this power will be mine soon" Lucien said coldly as he clasped his hands together and his shadow expanded rapidly, allowing his demonic army and beast assimilations to surge out.

"You don't use your beast assimilations much now... Even your spirit beast has been dormant for a while now" Derik said while shooting him a glance.

"It's not as easy as you think... These abilities are lacking... Using the strength of the inheritance brings out the best in me" Lucien said and Derik sighed

He stomped the ground and his shadow spread out as well, allowing the undead army to surge out with his own emperor tier lightning magic beast. Lucien jumped on the head of the faceless who took the form of the Rakuzen blue serpent dragon while Derik jumper don the head of his lightning beast. They both gazed at the sky above and wondered how to pull out the owner of this anomaly!

"Blowing this anomaly up from within will be extremely difficult but it shouldn't be impossible" Derik said with a frown.

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