My Beast Girl Reinforced Group Of Online Games

Chapter 153: The Distribution And Upgrade Method Of Ancient Dragon City!

[Central Organization of Ancient Dragon City]


City Lord: Another Life

Deputy city lord: not appointed (one person can be appointed)

Interior and General Affairs: Not appointed (one person can be appointed)

City Defense General Affairs: Not appointed (one person can be appointed)

Military General Affairs: Not appointed (one person may be appointed)

Army General: Not appointed (three people can be appointed)

Military lieutenant: not appointed (twelve people can be appointed)


[Territory Resource Warehouse Statistics]

Stone: 1000W/10 billion

Wood: 1000W/10 billion

Iron ore: 1000W/10 billion

Food: 1000W/10 billion

Funds: 1000W/∞ (Gold coins can be used to exchange, 1 gold coin is equal to 1000 funds, there is no upper limit for exchange funds!)

Population: 1324W/3000W (callable)

Army: 110W/300W (can be called, can be compiled)

Glowing Stone: 0 (Material consumption that can be used to gather population, army and collect resources!)

Prosperity: 72%/100%

City/Territory Level: Level 4 Main City


[City owner authority]

★The right to appoint officials!

★Organization executive power!

★Tax relief right!

★Institutional right to participate!


Looking at the panel in front of him, Lin Bei pondered for a moment.

As for the appointment, it should include the appointment of the player. There is no rush for this, because Lin Bei already has a very good candidate.

The only thing that is confusing is the authority of the city lord.

The appointment of officials is very simple to understand, it is the appointment of official positions.

Tax exemption is also very simple to understand, but this authority will cause Lin Bei to pay for the hole himself, so if it is not a particularly important issue...

For the time being, I will not consider moving this permission.

But the remaining two permissions made Lin Bei confused.

Ever since.

He asked the old demon directly.

Hearing Lin Bei's doubts, the old demon immediately smiled and explained.

"Master City Master, the two permissions you asked about can actually be regarded as one."

"For example, if there is a violation of the rules in the gambling house, you have the authority to let them close down or continue to open."

"As for the right to participate, it refers to the meaning of buying shares, and you can get some commission from it."

"This is also the emperor's unique authority to let go, and it can be regarded as a reward for the city lord's hard work!"

After the old demon's explanation, why didn't Lin Bei understand?

He couldn't help squinting his eyes, and couldn't help asking: "So, I can still influence the affairs of the guild?"

"That's right."

"But because you also have the guild, you don't have the right to participate, but you do have the right to execute."

The old demon nodded slightly, and said hoarsely.

Lin Bei laughed secretly in his heart.

If this permission is known to those players, it is estimated that they will have to panic for a long time.

after all.

As long as Lin Bei is willing...

All guilds created in Ancient Dragon City must be disbanded!

As for violations?

It's too simple to directly charge them with a crime if you do it casually.

Thinking about such authority, don't be too overbearing!

After Lin Bei learned about the authority, he became even more calm.


Official appointments began.

For the time being, he only appointed one deputy city lord, and that was for Huan Ying. As for the rest of the appointments, he directly delegated power to Huan Ying, and let her handle them.


She knows more about the situation in the guild than Lin Bei does. For the time being, only she knows who can use it.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, this is the best for the time being.


He donated 500W gold coins directly to the Curry side of the fund, which suddenly turned the 1000W fund into 5 billion in an instant.

so that...

After seeing the series of numbers, the old demon on the side froze on the spot.

He never thought of it.

[Ancient Dragon City] The new lord is so fierce that he donated such a huge amount of money directly. Compared with the previous city lord, it is simply incomparable!

for a while.

Because of the momentary excitement, the old demon's old face turned red: "It is a blessing for the ancient dragon city to have you in the past hundred years!"


"Old demon, don't be polite to me."

Lin Bei waved his hands. "You still tell me, if Gulong City wants to improve its status, what needs to be done?"


The old demon was taken aback for a moment, then pondered for a while before giving the final answer.

"According to the normal rules, if you want to upgrade the fourth-level main city to the third-level main city, you need at least 10 billion funds."


"It is also necessary to maximize the prosperity, as well as the saturation of the population and the army."

"After reaching the third-level main city, the prosperity will be reduced accordingly, and then the requirements for capital, population limit and army limit will also increase."


These things that the old demon said are relatively difficult goals to achieve.

There are still some fragmentary conditions remaining.

For example, resources must also meet the current upper limit.

In addition to the daily random contribution of NPCs, this resource can also be supplemented by players performing tasks.


Relatively speaking, it is simpler!

After the old demon's explanation, Lin Bei had a preliminary understanding of the situation of [Ancient Dragon City].

The biggest problem is prosperity.

This degree of prosperity has a great relationship with buildings, population satisfaction, and comprehensive evaluation.


It needs to develop in many aspects before it can gradually improve, and it is also the most difficult item in the upgrade of [City Pool]!

"These issues can develop slowly, and we will talk about it when the time is right!"

"As for the money issue..."

"Then it will be easier to solve!"

Lin Bei smiled slightly, feeling much happier in an instant!


He took advantage of the opportunity to open the territory task bar.

Territory missions are the exclusive benefits of [Moon Shadow Like Frost] guild members. In addition to supplementing various resources according to the missions, you can also get contribution points.

Contribution points can be exchanged for some daily refreshed items at the [Financial Institution], which is a benefit in disguise.


The general territorial buildings also benefit from this benefit, but compared with the welfare buildings in the city, there is an obvious gap.

at this point……

When the territory is officially opened, it will be made public in the near future!


Because the guild needs to recruit newcomers, the guilds with territories rely exclusively on newcomers and new recruits, as well as recruiting strong ones who are alone.

Lin Bei didn't waste any time and directly opened the task panel.

pause time.

Rows of tasks are listed down.

【Tree demon making trouble】

Difficulty: ☆ (half star)

Details: There are often tree demons outside the city making troubles, and they must be expelled regularly.

Condition: Kill 100 [Qilong Dryad]!

Rewards: Fund +10; Wood +100; Glowing Stone +1; Contribution +100!

Refresh: Refresh in 3 hours and 59 minutes!


【Picking mussels on rocky beach】

Difficulty: ★

Details: The seafood in the city is almost gone, you can go to the shallow sea area, or salvage sea mussels or river mussels in the wild pools!

Condition: Get 10,000 clams!

Rewards: Funds +100; Food +1000; Glowing Stones +10; Contribution +500!

Refresh: Refresh after 11 hours and 59 minutes!


【Mine Misty Cloud】

Difficulty: ★★★

Details: [Ancient Dragon City] The mines on the northwest side seem to be haunted frequently, so that the miners can't collect with peace of mind. As a result, the profits of the nearest mines are not large, and this problem needs to be solved.

Condition: Go deep into the [Fire Mine] and find the source of the haunting.

Rewards: capital +8000; all resources +1W; brilliant stone +100; contribution +2500!

Refresh: Refresh after 23 hours and 59 minutes!


After reading it roughly, Lin Bei thinks it is reasonable.


The funds are linked to the income of [Ancient Dragon City], and now they are also linked to territorial tasks. In this way, there will basically not be a big gap in follow-up funds.

The remaining gold coins can be kept as an emergency measure when there are fund problems in the future.

after all.

The funds can be exchanged in, but they cannot be exchanged...

Right now!

Huanying sent a message telling Lin Bei that they were already at the gate of the city.

Ever since.

Lin Bei said to the old demon: "Old demon, the deputy city lord is right outside the door, you take them to the hall, and I will go there right away."

"Good Lord City Lord!"

The old demon saluted slightly and left the central organization.


Lin Bei adjusted the task posting board and set it as a dynamic claim. In the future, players of the faction can receive it directly on the bulletin board outside the city lord's mansion.

Lin Bei, on the other hand, raised the difficulty of the task to the highest level, intending to take on a task and do it as well.

after all.

At present, there is plenty of time, and the territory task can also be upgraded.

The higher the difficulty, the more experience points are given.

Not long.

Lin Bei has raised the difficulty to the highest difficulty, and then checked directly.


His eyes fell on the top difficulty, and a smile appeared on his face.


That's actually a task with 9 ★ difficulty!

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