After paying the money, I didn't have any more money on me. After Ma Tao left with his men, I went back alone. When I returned, my uncle and aunt were already back, my aunt was cooking, my cousin was playing with her cell phone at the table, and my uncle was settling accounts with a small notebook.

Uncle and aunt's income are all based on stalls, and they only earn money through their sweat and blood. Thinking about this, my heart didn't feel good, but I spent the money Uncle gave me on Ma Tao. I think that I really have let Uncle down.

The four of us sat down to eat. During dinner, Aunt and Cousin began to talk about the blind date, and Aunt said that Old Zhang had a son who was quite handsome and had money, so she asked Cousin if she wanted to see him that day.

Cousin was still as impatient as ever towards these matters. While she said that she would look at it when the time came, she had an impatient expression on her face. Cousin's performance did not cause Aunt to say anything more.

Since I didn't have much to talk with my cousin about, my aunt started asking me how I was doing at school, whether I had been bullied or something. She even said that if I was bullied at school, I would tell them and they would help me out.

I was indeed bullied at school, but now that I have Ma Tao as my backer, I don't need to be bullied anymore. I laughed and said that it was pretty good at school and my classmates were all very kind.

She probably changed her clothes to prepare for the live broadcast. Although her aunts and uncles knew that her cousin earned money from the live broadcast, they did not know about the contents of the live broadcast. If they knew that her cousin was wearing something that exposed it to a group of men for the live broadcast, based on uncle's temper, he would probably break his cousin's legs.

I put down my utensils and returned to my room. After playing with my phone for a while, it was time for my cousin's live broadcast. Like before, I waited until my cousin went on the live broadcast before I went to sleep.

The next morning, I met He Jun at the school gate. He Jun and his henchmen were eating, talking and laughing happily.

When he saw me, the smile on He Jun's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a trace of a playful smile. I pretended that I didn't see He Jun, and continued walking forward. After just a few steps, He Jun and his henchmen walked towards me, placing their hands on my shoulders.

"Sure, Guan Yihan. You've even hooked up with Ma Tao. What do you mean by that? Oh, it's like saying goodbye for three days!" He Jun patted my shoulder with a playful smile. His gaze was clearly mocking.

If it was before, I wouldn't dare to say too much to He Jun like this, but the situation is different now. I'm under the protection of Ma Tao, so I don't have to be afraid of He Jun anymore.

"Get your hands off me! "I still need to go to class!" I glanced at He Jun with disdain. If I had spoken to He Jun with this tone before, he would have thought of a way to mess with me. But after I said this, He Jun just stared at me without making any other movements.

"F * ck, everyone says that dogs rely on their power. Looks like it's true. With a backer, your words are already different!" He Jun looked at me and said in a mocking tone.

"Who the f * ck are you calling a dog?" Now that Ma Tao was protecting me, how could I let He Jun suppress me again?

He Jun looked me up and down before saying in amusement, "Guan Yi Han is following Ma Tao now, we can't afford to offend him. Let's go. If we stay any longer, they'll deal with us. I'm very scared!"

"Brother Jun, how are you? Haha!" After He Jun finished speaking, his henchmen followed him and left. Although I'm under Ma Tao's protection now, it was obvious that He Jun and the others didn't think much of me.

But it was still much better than before.

At noon, Ma Tao's group was smoking in the corner of the wall. When they went to smoke, they also called me along the way. I followed behind Ma Tao excitedly went to the corner of the wall and squatted down to smoke like them.

After he finished smoking, Ma Tao looked at me and waved the empty cigarette case in front of my eyes. I was very busy, and it was obvious that he wanted me to buy him a cigarette.

After nodding my head, I happily went to the canteen to buy cigarettes. After buying a pack of cigarettes, I didn't have a single cent left on me. I handed the pack of cigarettes over to Ma Tao.

After we finished smoking, Ma Tao led us from the playground to the school building. As we walked past the playground, He Jun happened to walk past us with his henchmen.

I definitely wouldn't miss this opportunity when Ma Tao was present. I walked up to him and pointed at He Jun, who was standing not far away, and complained like a child, "Brother Tao, that's He Jun. He used to mess with me in school."

Ma Tao rubbed his chin and replied, "Oh." Then, he glanced at He Jun, who was standing not far away, and led us towards He Jun and the rest.

"Hey, you're He Jun, right?" After leading us over, Ma Tao stopped He Jun. He Jun turned around and looked at Ma Tao. He was stunned for a moment before he smiled at Ma Tao with a face full of courtesy.

"Isn't this Brother Tao? "Brother Tao, why are you looking for me?" He Jun said with a smile, as if he was a pet dog trying to please Ma Tao.

"What's the matter?" Ma Tao looked at He Jun with disdain before patting my shoulder and pulling me to the front. He looked at He Jun confidently and said, "Guan Yihan is my brother. I heard that you used to mess with him in school, right?"

He Jun smiled awkwardly, "Brother Tao, we were just joking. How can you say I messed with him? You've really misunderstood me!"

"Misunderstanding? My brother wouldn't lie to me! "Don't try to trick me!" Ma Tao said righteously to He Jun.

To be honest, when I heard Ma Tao calling me as a brother, I felt very flattered and touched.

"Since Brother Tao said so, then I'll confess. I did bully Guan Yihan before, but at that time I didn't know he was your brother. If you had known, I wouldn't have dared to bully him even if you gave me ten guts. This was just a misunderstanding."

"Seeing that you and I have a bit of friendship in the past, I will not pursue this matter. However, let me warn you, if you dare to mess with my brother Guan Yi Han, I will definitely not let you off!" Ma Tao pointed at He Jun and said confidently, while He Jun could only lower his head and say yes.

"Alright, then let's do it like this. It's almost time for class. I'll be leaving first. You should go back to class too!" Ma Tao said grandly while looking at me.

Ma Tao gave He Jun this kind of attitude. It was really satisfying to me. I nodded in satisfaction. I said 'Brother Tao, take care.' After hearing that, Ma Tao nodded indifferently and left with his men.

After Ma Tao left, He Jun looked at me with a sinister smile and said, "You can do it, but I'll tell you this. If it wasn't for Ma Tao, I would have already taken care of you!"

"Get rid of me? "Don't worry, one day, I will return the ten times the amount you forced on me back to you!" I said as I looked at He Jun, who was gritting my teeth in determination.

"Alright, I really look forward to that day. I hope that day won't be too far away." He Jun smiled at me, his eyes filled with disdain.

"Oh right, as a classmate, I have to remind you that it's best if you keep trying to please your backer. If that day, your backer broke up with you, I won't let you off!" He Jun looked at Ye Zichen and smiled sinisterly.

Although He Jun didn't put me in his eyes like before, he didn't dare to do anything to me with Ma Tao as his backer, nor would he take the initiative to look for trouble with me. Of course, I wouldn't take the initiative to look for trouble with He Jun.

Although this kind of situation isn't what I want, but compared to the days when He Jun bullied me, it's like heaven and earth.

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