He Jun entered while humming a small tune. However, when he saw the handprint on Li Xiang Ning's face, the one that came out wasn't the small tune, but rather angrily shouting, "Did he hit you?"

He Jun angrily walked towards me. Li Xiang Ning pointed at me and nodded, saying that it was this big idiot that beat me up.

He Jun walked in front of me and grabbed my hair, lifting me up like a radish. After pulling me up, He Jun gritted his teeth as he angrily glared at me, "You're very fucking savage, to even dare to hit Li Xiang Ning. Don't you know that Li Xiang Ning is someone that I, He Jun, likes?"

He Jun was extremely angry, even more angry than when he hit his mother. However, I was very clear in my heart that he was putting on an act to win Li Xiang Ning's favor, making it convenient for them to roll in the bed together as soon as possible.

Before I could open my mouth to speak, He Jun slapped my face. I didn't use too much strength when I hit Li Xiang Ning, but He Jun had used all of his strength to hit me.

Although He Jun and those few dogs had a good relationship with him, they weren't in the same department, so He Jun was just one person. He and I were about the same size, but he was skinny and I was a bit stronger.

Although I know that I have a chance of winning in a duel, I didn't dare to act. If I attacked He Jun and his henchmen, they would definitely not let me off. Ma Tao was very cold towards me, and even if I got beaten up by He Jun, I don't know if Ma Tao would help me.

"Don't you fucking hang up that high, now why do you dare to hit Li Xiang Ning, I think you're tired of living, move!" He Jun cursed loudly, and after cursing, he pushed me down with all his might. When I fell to the ground, I even knocked over a few desks, and those desks belonged to the girls who were with Li Xiang Ning.

"You idiot, why did you knock over my desk? My desk pissed you off!" Before I could stand up, the girls beside Li Xiang Ning kicked me a few times for knocking me over their desk.

My back hit the desk and hurt, and then my stomach was kicked a few times by the girls. The pain in my stomach and back made me grimace, and the pain all over my body almost made me lie on the floor and not get up.

"That stinking fool, beat me to death!" I lost all my strength to stand up when I fell on the ground, but Li Xiang Ning didn't intend to let this go. She even shouted for He Jun to beat me to death, and the other girls beside her also echoed her words.

They were all dressed up beautifully, but no matter how beautiful the shell was, it couldn't cover up the evil in their hearts. I laid on the ground, gnashing my teeth as I glared at them and He Jun. My body was trembling with anger.

"What are you staring at? Stupid brat, continue staring!" Li Xiang Ning said in a stern voice. After she finished speaking, she even kicked my body a few times.

"Hmph!" He Jun looked down at me condescendingly. After yawning, he disdainfully said, "If you get up and kowtow to Li Xiang Ning and apologize, then forget it. I don't want to hit you anymore. I'll dirty my hands."

I stared at He Jun. My teeth chattered as I clenched them. I used all my strength to stand up and stare at He Jun.

"Holy shit, staring at me?" You want to hit me? "Come on!" He Jun looked at me with a funny expression. He even opened his hands in a provocative gesture for me to hit him.

At this moment, I was furious to the extreme. Under He Jun's provocation, I could no longer restrain the anger in my heart. I clenched my fist and punched He Jun's nose.

"F * ck!" He Jun wiped the blood from his nose and glared at me. At this moment, he clenched his fist and wanted to smash it onto my body, but I pushed him down to the ground before he could even punch.

After He Jun fell to the ground, I casually picked up the book Li Xiang Ning threw at my face and fiercely slapped it with her hand. After He Jun fell to the ground, I casually picked up the book Li Xiang Ning threw at my hands and fiercely slapped it against He Jun's face.

"You f * cking dare to hit me, I won't let you go!" He Jun was pinned to the ground by me. Although he couldn't move, his mouth was still very hard, and his arrogant attitude wasn't any less than before.

Of course, I know that He Jun wouldn't let me go, but I've already hit him. Even if I let go now, he would still take revenge on me, so why don't I hit him a few more times? If I also give Commander He a memory, then I, Guan Yihan, will not be so easy to fight.

"You won't let me go? "Alright!" After saying that, I slapped He Jun's face with the book I was holding. The slap sounded like a clap, while He Jun's white face also turned red and swollen from the slap.

When Li Xiang Ning and the other girls saw He Jun getting beaten up, they didn't dare to help. They just stood there looking and didn't say anything. However, from their eyes, it was easy to see that I had made them afraid.

Perhaps it's because Li Xiang Ning was present, but He Jun was still stubborn even after I beat him up for a while. However, my strength is getting heavier and heavier, and He Jun still admitted defeat in the end.

"Guan Yi Han, if you stop now, I promise you that from now on, I won't cause any more trouble for you. I won't make things difficult for you anymore." He Jun looked at me and said calmly, but his voice was still hard.

"Really?" I looked at He Jun and asked.

"Of course, I, He Jun, will keep my word." He Jun looked at me and said calmly.

If He Jun doesn't want to cause trouble for me anymore, then I'll thank the heavens, but I'm very clear that He Jun's plan is to delay the war. How can He Jun be honest with me after I beat him up?

"I am well aware of your character, He Jun. How could you possibly negotiate with me!? "I don't want to hit you anymore. You just need to kneel down and apologize to me." I looked at He Jun and said without giving in. Since this was He Jun's suggestion, then let him give it a try.

After I finished speaking, He Jun glared at me and fiercely said, "Don't f * cking f * cking f * ck up to your face!"

Although I don't like what He Jun said, but I can't deny that this is He Jun's true attitude.

Looking at He Jun's angry face, I clenched my fists once again. Just as I was about to make my move, a shadow flashed outside the classroom. I know this person. He's a friend of Ma Tao's.

He took a look outside the classroom and then left in a hurry. He had seen the situation inside the classroom, but where should he go after that? I don't know about that.

"Aren't you very arrogant? Let's see how long you can be so arrogant!" He Jun gritted his teeth as he looked at me.

The reason why He Jun is so confident is probably because his henchmen are rushing here. If his henchmen were to come, I would be the one crying.

My only hope of survival right now is Ma Tao. If that person just told Ma Tao about what happened here, then I believe that Ma Tao will help me.

Not long after, hurried footsteps and a few curses could be heard from the corridor. From the sounds, it was not hard to guess that the people who were scolding were none other than He Jun's henchmen.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, He Jun's henchmen appeared at the classroom door. However, I noticed that it wasn't just He Jun's henchmen who had arrived. Ma Tao had brought four or five people with him as well.

He Jun's henchmen, Ma Tao, and the rest were all standing at the entrance. Seeing that someone had arrived, Li Xiang Ning hurriedly shouted, "Come and help, let's kill this stinking idiot together!"

He Jun's henchmen did not start attacking me. Li Xiang Ning took the lead and kicked me in the back. Now that they are here, Li Xiang Ning became bolder.

My back was in pain, so Li Xiang Ning kicked me down to the ground. Ma Tao stood outside the classroom and looked at me expressionlessly. I looked at him from afar and begged pitifully, "Brother Tao, help me once!"

Ma Tao heard it, but he didn't move. He remained outside, leaning against the balcony.

"What are all of you looking at?!" "Hurry up and come in and hit him!" He Jun looked at the dog gang at the classroom entrance and roared impatiently.

Hearing He Jun's words, the dogs of He Jun rolled up their sleeves and walked in. After He Jun's dogs came in, Ma Tao and his men also came in.

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