"Er, it's really a coincidence. I didn't expect to deliver food to you!" I wiped the rain on Liu Haihai with my hand. Looking at the steel tooth sister, I smiled and suddenly felt that the world was really small.

"By the way, didn't you say that the school arranged for you to go to other places for internship? Why did you go back to the county?" I asked quickly in order to alleviate the sudden embarrassment.

"Well, my internship in other places has passed, and the school arranged me to work at the railway station in the county. I have a rest today. Who knows it's raining so hard this afternoon, I'll call to order meals. Who knows that I happen to meet brother Han and deliver meals to you," Gang Ya said to me with a smile.

Steel tooth sister smiled and handed over the ordering money to me. I said no. this meal was my treat at that time.

I refused to accept the money from sister steel teeth. Sister steel teeth said that since I refused to accept the money, I would eat with her. Anyway, it was raining hard outside, and I couldn't go back.

Indeed, the rain outside is getting heavier and heavier. I have to wait for the rain to stop when I go back. I'm not polite to steel teeth. I took off my raincoat and went in. After I sat down, steel teeth put the order on the table, and then we shared it. Although steel teeth didn't order many meals, we had a good time.

Steel tooth sister said that Li Xiangning also works with her. They are all conductor. However, the difference is that Li Xiangning relies on money to go to the railway station to work, while steel tooth sister relies on her own efforts to go to the railway station to work. In fact, I sometimes don't know one thing. Li Xiangning's family is so rich that she can have a good future without studying. Why go to vocational school and go to the railway station to work?

After eating, steel teeth and I sat there chatting. We haven't seen each other for a long time and miss each other very much. Naturally, we talked a lot.

When talking with me, sister steel teeth naturally had to talk about the interesting things about the railway station. When talking about the railway station, it was inevitable not to mention Li Xiangning. Sister steel teeth said that Li Xiangning was becoming more and more beautiful. As long as there was a man in the railway station, she would be fascinated by her. Moreover, the most bloody thing was that there were passengers who went directly to the railway station to confess to Li Xiangning. To be honest, I know Li Xiangning is beautiful, but her charm is not so great.

When chatting with me, steel tooth sister asked me how Sun Han was now. Steel tooth sister didn't mention that sun Han was OK. Such a casual mention made me particularly uncomfortable. At the thought of sun Han's betrayal, my mood was bad and my face became very bad.

Steel tooth sister saw that I changed her face and asked me what happened. I said it was all right. It was very uncomfortable to think of sun Han.

Steely sister asked me curiously what happened to sun Han and me. I didn't treat steely sister as an outsider, so I told steely sister about sun Han. Steely sister quickly sat down with me to comfort me after listening to me.

"Brother Han, don't be sad. It's normal to break up. Find another one later!" the steel tooth sister looked at me and said.

I don't know if it's because I haven't touched a woman for a long time. I feel that the steel teeth at this time suddenly become so beautiful and charming. There is an unspeakable tenderness between my hands and feet.

Steel teeth sister saw that I had been staring at her and asked me if there was anything dirty on her face. I said no. steel teeth sister asked why you were staring at me. I quickly turned my head aside in embarrassment, and then coughed and didn't speak.

"Hee hee, does brother Han like me? I'm sorry!" the steel tooth sister looked at me and said with a smile, full of playfulness and loveliness, which makes people feel warm unconsciously.

Originally, I wanted to sit down with steel tooth sister for a while, but the rain has stopped. I should go back to work. After saying goodbye to steel tooth sister, I left.

Since then, every time she ordered a meal, she asked me to deliver the meal to her. After delivering the meal to her, we would have a chat. She said that she liked to talk to me most, even if she could only say a few words at a time, but she was very satisfied.

I haven't opened the live broadcast software since Sun Han and I broke up, but when I heard about Li Xiangning, I was curious to open the live broadcast software to see if Li Xiangning still has a live broadcast. If so, I'll see how charming she is.

Don't say, I really met Li Xiangning live broadcast. It was in the evening. I think Li Xiangning should live after work.

When Li Xiangning was broadcasting live, I looked at it and felt that Li Xiangning had not changed. She was still as beautiful as before. If there were any changes there, I think Li Xiangning's chest should have developed bigger than before, otherwise there would be no changes in others.

Li Xiangning's live broadcast is different from others. Others do live broadcast to get gifts and rewards. In short, it is to make money. Li Xiangning is different. She does live broadcast to show off and satisfy her vanity.

I read it for a while and I didn't read it. I was just curious to have a look.

Once, because there were many trains, she couldn't go back for dinner at noon, so she asked me to send her meals to the railway station, where she ate.

I saw Li Xiangning when I sent the steel tooth sister to deliver the meal. Li Xiangning was selling tickets and looked very busy, but when I saw me, Li Xiangning still glanced at me.

At that time, gang Ya Mei was also selling tickets. She was too busy to connect things. There was no time to eat there. Then I stood outside the crowd and waited for gang Ya Mei. After about 20 minutes, the crowd finally dispersed and gang Ya Mei could eat.

After she came out, she ran to me with a smile, then put the money in my pocket with a smile, looked at me and said with a smile: "brother Han, just now I really bothered you to wait and send it here!"

"It's all right. I'll deliver you a meal. It's all right no matter how far away!" I looked at the steel tooth sister and said with a smile.

Just as I was chatting with steel teeth there, Li Xiangning came towards us in sky blue work uniform and high heels.

"Oh, isn't this Guan Yihan?" Li Xiangning came to me and said to me in her strange and sour tone.

I remember that Li Xiangning began to get better slowly. Unexpectedly, in only a few years, Li Xiangning developed that arrogant and arrogant dog eyed problem.

"If your mouth is blocked by excrement, you can't talk as well as before!" I turned my head and looked at Li Xiangning.

What bothers me most is her arrogant look. I thought Li Xiangning would get rid of this problem after a long time.

I don't want you to be unhappy when we meet again, but I really can't see Li Xiangning's look. It used to be like this, and now I'm still like this.

"Your mouth is blocked by shit. I don't mean you're Guan Yihan. As for you!" Li Xiangning retorted angrily to me.

"What? If I'm not, you can't talk well. You're weird. I remember changing it before. How can it be like that!" I said, looking at Li Xiangning with a bad face.

"Did I do that? Did I annoy you?" Li Xiangning looked at me and said unconvinced.

"What do you look like? Look at you like that. It's like being superior. It's annoying to look at it!" I don't know. I'm easily irritable now. I'm not angry and said to Li Xiangning.

"It's just that I'm a little higher than you. How can I drop it? You're not happy to talk to you! Who do you think you are? You're a delivery man. What's there to drag!" Li Xiangning simply didn't refute me and directly said me.

What I dislike most is Li Xiangning's way of going her own way. If it hadn't been in the railway station at that time, I would have rushed up and cleaned her up as before.

Gang Ya sister quarreled when she saw that Li Xiangning and I were reunited. She quickly came to persuade me to make peace. Under the persuasion of gang Ya sister, I didn't say much.

"Take your time. I'll go back to work first. Bye!" after saying goodbye to sister steel teeth, I stared at Li Xiangning, and then turned and left.

I thought there would be no intersection between me and Li Xiangning, but I didn't expect that Li Xiangning was entangled with me.

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