This is the first time in a long time that I've spoken to my cousin in such a tough manner. I think that this is probably because I'm used to being beaten up by my cousin.

After I said this, I was so angry that I couldn't even speak because my cousin pointed a finger at me. You. "You!"

It was probably because Cousin couldn't find the words to scold me anymore. In the end, she just used the pillow from her bed to smash me. However, the damage of the pillow was too low, it didn't cause any damage to me.

Even though my cousin didn't hurt me, I was still furious at that moment. After getting hit by her, I instinctively resisted and used all my strength to push my cousin down onto the bed. At that time, I didn't think too much into it and pushed my cousin onto the bed.

"It was you who agreed to let me do it. But after such a long time, I haven't even touched your hands. Today, I will take advantage of the heat and finish what you promised me." I fiercely suppressed my cousin's gloomy tone.

Although Cousin was three years older than me, she was much skinnier than me in terms of figure. After I pressed her down, I took out a hand and held her slender hands.

My cousin, whom I had pinned down, fought desperately, but under my strong control, she seemed powerless to resist.

As I got closer to my cousin, her breath slapped my face, making my blood boil and making me want to possess her more and more.

I used my left hand to hold my cousin's face and fiercely kissed her lips. My cousin kept resisting with her mouth closed, but could only make "wu wu wu" sounds. I greedily kissed my cousin's jelly-like lips. Every kiss made my entire body heat up and my body was getting more and more excited.

At this moment, I was like a wild beast, bawling wildly on my cousin's body. After fiercely kissing my cousin's lips a few times, I turned my gaze towards my cousin's pants. With a bit of force on my hand, a large portion of my cousin's pants were pulled down.

When her cousin saw how barbaric I was, she immediately put her hand on the inside and said pitifully, "No, don't be like this!"

Originally, I planned to tear my cousin's insides off and force her inside away, but when I saw that my cousin was about to cry and her tears were rolling down her eyes, I finally regained my rationality.

I rubbed my temples and got up from my cousin's body. After looking at her pitiful appearance, I didn't say anything else. I opened the door and took a taxi back. By the time I got back, my uncle and aunt had already returned home.

Seeing me come back from outside, my uncle and aunt anxiously asked me if I had seen my cousin, saying that I didn't know where she had gone off to, and that she still hadn't come back yet.

I said that my elder cousin seemed to have gone out to eat with a friend and would be back soon. My uncle and aunt obviously believed my lies and after a "oh" they didn't say anything else.

I sat in the living room watching television, occasionally chatting with my uncle. Not long after, my cousin returned and gave me a look before sitting down expressionlessly.

Auntie said Cousin will go out to eat with friends and come back early. A girl's family is pretty dangerous outside. Cousin, after looking at me, nodded to Aunt and said, "Oh, I won't be like this ever again."

After that, Aunt and Cousin chatted for a while, but Cousin answered absent-mindedly. Seeing that Cousin was in no mood to chat, Aunt didn't say anything more and just sat down to watch the TV.

"Why are your pants so bad?" After the aunt sat down, she looked at her cousin. Soon enough, her sharp eyes noticed that the button on her cousin's pants had been ripped off. To her, this wasn't a button thing at all, so her aunt always asked her cousin with a questioning tone.

Needless to say, the buttons on Cousin's pants were probably caused by me ripping off her pants just now. I was also guilty of a guilty conscience.

Cousin normally doesn't like to talk to Aunt, but this doesn't mean that she doesn't stop talking to Aunt. Cousin has always been very obedient, sensible, and transparent to Aunt, I'm really afraid that if she were to tell me what happened just now, Uncle would definitely break my legs if he found out about what I did to Cousin.

My cousin looked at me for a moment before saying to my aunt, "I accidentally dropped this when I was washing!"

Aunt was obviously willing to believe her cousin's words, "So it's like this, I thought you were doing something outside today. Girls have to clean themselves up and not mess around outside. There are a lot of bad people outside!"

A large part of the reason why she hadn't been touched by a man was because of his aunt's education. If it wasn't for Aunt's strict education, a beauty like his cousin would have already been coaxed to bed by a man.

After watching TV for a while, her cousin went to her room and closed the door tightly. She was probably preparing for the live broadcast, and last time when her cousin was doing the live broadcast, she promised the audience that she would wear the nurse uniform this time.

After watching TV for a while, I went back to my room. My cousin went back to her room to prepare for the live broadcast, while I went back to my room to watch hers. Secondly, I went back to help her manage the live broadcast.

Not long after I lay down in bed, my cousin was on the air. She was wearing a sexy and playful nurse's uniform, and although my cousin always had a smile on her face, it wasn't hard to see from her eyebrows that she wasn't really happy.

There weren't many people at the start of the live broadcast. I summoned up my courage and said, "It looks like the streamer isn't very happy today." When we walked over, my cousin gloomily said, "You're really attentive. You've already figured it out!"

I typed that it was a must, I was not a caretaker for nothing, can you tell this caretaker how unhappy?

When her cousin saw this, she hesitated for a moment before finally opening her mouth. "I have a cousin, he … Alright, let's not talk about those unhappy things …"

Cousin just mentioned me and stopped talking. I wanted to continue chatting with her, but since Cousin didn't want to continue, I didn't say anything. Soon, there were more people in Cousin's broadcast room, so Cousin didn't have the time to chat with me.

I once again turned into an invisible angel. I stood by the side, silently brushing my cousin's free gifts and human value. From time to time, I would send a few words to show that I was still watching her live broadcast.

After about an hour of live broadcasting, some lower quality people appeared in the broadcast room. They would always use obscenities to refresh the screen, and if my cousin ignored them and continued scolding in the broadcast room, then I, as the manager, would definitely not be easy to deal with.

When my cousin got off the broadcast, it was already 3 or 4 in the morning. After she turned off the broadcast, I fell asleep because I was too sleepy.

When I woke up the next day, it was already eleven in the morning. My cousin woke up in front of me. When I woke up, my cousin had already bought something to eat outside.

Uncle and Auntie weren't home, so I was alone with my cousin. But because of what happened last night, our relationship was very awkward. It was so awkward that we couldn't even say a word.

Usually, his cousin would only buy one dish and one soup, but today, his cousin had bought two dishes and two soups, probably because she wanted to gobble down her unhappiness.

When I finished brushing my teeth, my cousin had almost finished her meal, but the dishes and soup on the table were still untouched.

After my cousin finished eating, she wiped her mouth and stood up while saying to me in an indifferent tone, "About that, I bought too much today. If you want to eat it, then eat it!"

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