After we stayed in the Bureau for two days, my brother released us on bail. My brother's bar was sealed and the seals had been pasted. My brother also went to someone for help, but it would take at least half a month to reopen, because the woman who took drugs died after she was sent to the hospital, and my brother also lost a sum of money for it.

The mastermind behind this matter knows that the bastard Huang mouse did it, but there is no accurate evidence to prove that Huang mouse did it. Without evidence, all planned revenge is empty talk.

After the bar was closed, we stayed in the house, waiting for the time of revenge.

After my brother's bar was closed, Huang mouse's bar continued to operate unharmed, and the business was slowly booming. We were not a little angry to see that Huang mouse's son of a bitch's business was getting better.

Of course, my brother wants to settle accounts with Huang mouse. We also want to do things in Huang mouse's bar, but it works twice at a time. It won't work if there are too many times. Huang mouse has just sent someone to do things in his brother's bar. Of course, if we do things, he will be prepared, so we can only wait, wait for a good time, Then take revenge on the bastard yellow mouse.

We stayed in the house for five days. I couldn't stay any longer, so I called Jiangshan fat brother and we discussed going to the yellow mouse's bar.

We chose the day when Huang mouse was away to make trouble in his bar. We didn't inform our brother. They went directly to Huang mouse's bar.

Huang mouse sent someone to hide drugs in his brother's bar, so we'll treat him with his own way. We found someone to buy some drugs on the road, then hid them on our body, prepared to put the drugs in Huang mouse's bar, and then called the note to seal Huang mouse's wine bar.

After everything was ready, we came to the yellow mouse's bar. Recently, the business in the yellow mouse's bar is very hot and there are many people. In the yellow mouse's bar, you can not only eat, drink and have fun, but also ask women to play. The yellow mouse can really make money. This process is a continuous process of making money.

But it's risky to arrange women to sell, which is why my brother didn't do it.

After we walked into the yellow mouse's bar, we first found a seat to sit down. After sitting down, we casually drank a little wine, and then took out the drugs hidden in our body. We had discussed, so we hid the drugs under the table and called the note as soon as we went out.

After we took out the drugs and hid them, we were going to leave. I was holding the phone in my hand and ready to call the note. We just got up and ready to go. The bastard yellow mouse came to us with seven or eight people.

The yellow mouse also hugged a gorgeous woman in his hand and put his hand on the woman's ass, pinching it around. The yellow mouse's face was an expression of enjoyment. After coming over, Huang mouse looked at me and said with a smile, "Oh, this is not Aaron's brother. What's the good weather today? Why do you have time to play in my field? Is Aaron's field closed and you can't find a place to play?"

I really wanted to swear at that time, but I held back. I looked at the yellow mouse and said angrily, "we've had enough. Your field is good. We'll go first if we have something else to do!" after that, we hurried away.

"Stop!" the yellow mouse saw that we wanted to run and stopped us. We didn't intend to stop at that time, but the yellow mouse asked someone to stop us.

The yellow mouse looked at me and said with a smile, "since you're here, play more for a while. Why are you in such a hurry?"

"I said, we still have something to do, so we won't play. We'll play again sometime!" I looked at the yellow mouse and said calmly, but I couldn't calm down. The yellow mouse hit me that night. I couldn't swallow it anyway.

"Since you insist on coming, of course, I can't force you to stay, but it seems that you have something left with me!" after Huang mouse said that, he went straight to the table we just sat on. After Huang mouse passed, he took out the drugs we just deliberately put down under the table.

"What's in this small bag? Do any of you know? Don't say you don't know. I saw you put it here with my own eyes. You should give me a reasonable explanation?" the yellow mouse looked at us with those small bags of drugs.

Needless to say, the yellow mouse must have found out everything we did just now. Otherwise, how could he know that we put the drugs under the table.

"It's nothing but some white powder. Now that you find it, we'll take it away so that you don't say we litter in your bar!" I took the drug in Huang mouse's hand. After taking it, I gave Jiangshan a wink and let Jiangshan fat brother Liu Lang go.

The yellow mouse looked at me with a sneer, then kicked me to the ground, tore up all the drugs in my hand and sprinkled them on my face. After kicking me to the ground, the yellow mouse looked down at me and said, "you really treat me as an idiot. I'm not as stupid as your brother! You want to do things in my bar, right? Well, I'll let you do things well!"

After that, the yellow mouse kicked me hard, grabbed my head and hit my head on the ground. At the same time, he said fiercely, "don't you want to find something in my bar? Well, if you die, you will succeed!"

Seeing that he was beaten by the yellow mouse, fat brother pointed to the yellow mouse and shouted, "fuck NIMA, let him go!"

After that, fat brother clenched his fist and knocked the yellow mouse to the ground. After being knocked down by fat brother, yellow mouse was almost furious and asked his men to take fat brother down. Jiangshan Liu Lang wanted to help, but he was outnumbered. There were too many yellow mice. They had no chance of winning at all. Soon, he was beaten to the ground by yellow mice.

"Fuck NIMA! You son of a bitch, labor and capital will kill you sooner or later!" said fat brother. They lay on the D ground and looked at the yellow mouse.

Yellow mouse didn't pay attention to fat brothers. What he wanted to clean up was me, because his opponent was my brother.

The yellow mouse took another small bag of drugs. After squatting down, the yellow mouse looked at me and said with a smile: "Don't you know this thing? I'll tell you, it's called white powder. Just a little can make you addicted! You can't leave it all your life! But I've just heard about it. I haven't tested it specifically, but you're here today, so I'll take you as a white mouse!"

The yellow mouse tore open the bag of white powder, and then poured all the white powder into my mouth. I closed my mouth tightly and refused to open my mouth. The yellow mouse directly asked someone to break my mouth, and then poured all the white powder into my mouth.

I looked at the yellow mouse fiercely. I wanted to scold him, but I couldn't make a sound. My mouth was dry with white powder. My mouth was like filled with cement.

"Is your mouth very dry? I was so careless that I forgot to give you water!" said the yellow mouse. With a fierce face, he took a bottle of beer, opened it and poured it directly into my mouth.

Although I haven't smoked white powder, I know this thing. If I smoke this thing, it will be useless all my life. If I smoke this thing, people will become neither human nor ghost.

I pushed the yellow mouse away and kept holding it in my mouth with my fingers. Most of the white powder came out of my mouth with my vomit.

"You're disgusting. You've soiled my yard!" the yellow mouse said and kicked me in the stomach.

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