In the presence of Mr. Jiang, many of the people brought by the yellow mouse dare not do it, because many of the people under the yellow mouse are the people under the fat chicken. In the final analysis, they are also the people of the green dragon club. How can the people of the green dragon club have the courage to cut their own leader.

"I know there are people from the green dragon club among you. If you leave everything now and let bygones be bygones, if you insist on fighting side by side with the people who are not the green dragon club, you are standing on the opposite side of the green dragon club!" Mr. Jiang said calmly looking at the people behind Huang mouse, but the energy implied in the calm words should not be underestimated.

After Mr. Jiang said that, many people behind the yellow mouse put down their guys and left. "Brother mouse, we want to live! I'm sorry". After a polite remark, most of the people behind the yellow mouse ran away.

After the people behind Huang mouse ran for more than half, Huang mouse's face changed. Huang mouse looked at his brother and said disdainfully, "Guan Yilong, you are really mean. You moved Mr. Jiang to help. Without Mr. Jiang's help, you would die ugly today!"

"To be mean, I dare to compare with you. I don't know whether you are mean or not, but you will definitely die today! I can guarantee that!" my brother said coldly looking at the yellow mouse.

Mr. Jiang asked his brother to kill the yellow mouse as soon as possible. After that, Mr. Jiang got on the bus. The reason why his brother invited Mr. Jiang was actually afraid that the fat chicken would make trouble behind the yellow mouse. Who knows if the fat chicken had arranged a back hand behind the yellow mouse. With Mr. Jiang, we don't have to worry about everything. Mr. Jiang is like our reassurance.

"Cut him to death!" my brother said fiercely, pointing to the yellow mouse.

As soon as my brother's voice fell, we rushed towards the yellow mouse like a hungry wolf. There were not many people around the yellow mouse, and we rarely fell to the ground. In less than five minutes, the only person standing was the yellow mouse.

Looking at the blood and corpses on the ground, the yellow mouse's head has burst into a cold sweat. In the final analysis, there are few people who are really afraid of death, and the yellow mouse is obviously afraid of death.

"Guan Yilong, if you have seed, fight with me alone! I'm worth dying in your hands!" said Huang mouse, looking at his brother. He obviously wants to use the method of provocation to fight with him alone. If you fight alone, my brother may not win 100%.

"Well, I'll fight you alone. If you win, I'll let you go! But it's only with the consent of my brothers!" the elder brother looked at the yellow mouse and said, the elder brother won't give the yellow mouse any chance. Today he will kill the yellow mouse and make him unable to stand up all his life.

"Son of a bitch, you've made Xiang Ning still lie in bed, and I'm going to kill you today!", as soon as I thought that Li Xiangning's situation hasn't improved yet, my inner anger suddenly rose three feet, took the lead and rushed directly with the guy towards the yellow mouse.

After I rushed over, Jiangshan fat brother Liu Lang also rushed over. Although the yellow mouse can't escape today, it's impossible to kill the yellow mouse at once.

Yellow mouse is a kind of strong man. It's estimated that both of them can't beat yellow mouse with a physique like me, but everything has become easier with the help of fat brother.

After we surrounded the yellow mouse, we began to have a wheel battle with the yellow mouse. In the final analysis, the yellow mouse also had a guy. We didn't rush close. It's not fun to cut down this knife.

"Just you little bastards want to kill me?" yellow mouse saw that we didn't dare to get close and were dying. I also admire his courage for being so arrogant.

After the yellow mouse said that, I took the guy to cut him. He wanted to cut me back, but fat brother blocked me with the guy. After I cut him on his back, the yellow mouse was very angry, like an angry tiger. He just cut with the guy.

However, he was still struggling. After the yellow mouse cut, fat brother aimed at the opportunity, rushed up and hugged the yellow mouse directly from the back of the yellow mouse. Fat brother's physique was already strong. At this time, he trapped the yellow mouse's hand like a hemp rope.

The yellow mouse still wanted to step on brother Pang's feet to get away, but we would give him this opportunity. Jiangshan clenched his teeth and shouted angrily, and then stabbed the guy in the yellow mouse's stomach.

"Ah!" after being stabbed by Jiangshan, Huang mouse broke free from the bondage of fat brother and kicked Jiangshan to the ground.

The yellow mouse clenched his teeth, covered the wound on his stomach and held it there. The cold sweat on his forehead was flowing. It was not difficult to see that he was at the end of a powerful crossbow.

Seeing this, Liu Lang and I rushed towards the yellow mouse, and then seemed crazy. We took the guy and stabbed the yellow mouse. Even if the yellow mouse didn't want to fall down like this, he couldn't help it.

"Guan Yilong, I won't let you go if I'm a ghost!" said the yellow mouse fiercely, looking at his brother after he fell to the ground. He vomited blood in his mouth. His face was very ferocious.

After the yellow mouse fell to the ground, we dealt with the guy we had and left. Later, I learned that the fat chicken really left a back hand for the yellow mouse. The fat chicken also called more than 100 people to wait for his brother and the yellow mouse to go to war. Unfortunately, the appearance of Mr. Jiang interrupted all the arrangements of the fat chicken, The fat chicken can only watch the yellow mouse fall, but these are later words.

For us, the fall of the yellow mouse is definitely worth celebrating than the festival. Later, my brother borrowed a sum of money from brother Hu to build the bombed site again. Although it is said that the yellow mouse is dead, the loss caused by the yellow mouse to my brother is still great.

After my brother rebuilt the field, he began to operate. As for me, in addition to taking care of the billiards room every day, I spent more time basically taking care of Li Xiangning in the hospital. However, as time passed day by day, Li Xiangning's situation did not get any better.

The doctor said that if Li Xiangning can't wake up within half a year, there will be little chance of waking up. Moreover, Li Xiangning's food is fed by nursing workers. Although Li Xiangning's body can digest food, the injured Li Xiangning's physical function is getting worse and worse, which will lead to Li Xiangning's body becoming weaker and weaker. In a word, the longer Li Xiangning can't wake up, the worse it will be for her health.

But there's nothing I can do except worry. It all depends on God's will.

Li Xiangning's parents are also worried that Li Xiangning will never wake up. They often call me to ask about Li Xiangning, but Li Xiangning has always been like that. I don't have any good news to tell Li Xiangning's parents.

As time goes by, it's almost half a year since Li Xiangning had a car accident. I'm also getting more and more worried. If Li Xiangning can't wake up all her life, I feel bad. After all, it's because of me.

Just when I was about to completely lose confidence, God still woke Li Xiangning up.

At that time, I was putting things in the billiards room. At this time, I called at a glance, "Mr. Guan Yihan, right? The patient in ward 55 has woke up. Now the attending doctor is checking her. If it's convenient, come to the hospital as soon as possible!"

"Free, free! I'll come to the hospital right away!" after that, I hung up the phone.

When I heard the news, I was happier than I found the gold. I quickly called Li Xiangning's parents and told them the good news. Steel tooth sister also got off work at that time. After I told steel tooth sister, steel tooth sister said she would also go to the hospital to see Li Xiangning, As soon as Jiangshan fat brother Liu Lang heard the news, they changed their clothes and prepared to go to the hospital with me to see Li Xiangning.

Thinking of seeing Li Xiangning soon, I was so excited that my little heart almost jumped out of my mouth.

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