Steel tooth sister told me that Li Xiangning followed her to the toilet and waited for her outside the toilet, but when she came out, Li Xiangning was no longer outside the toilet. Steel tooth sister thought Li Xiangning had returned along the same road. After all, here; It's not far from the public beta, just a few steps away. How did you know Li Xiangning would be lost.

Steel tooth sister also blamed herself for this. She said that she shouldn't have taken Li Xiangning to the bathroom at that time, so that Li Xiangning won't be lost. Moreover, she's unfamiliar and there are many bad guys outside. What if Li Xiangning is targeted by bad guys? She has only the intelligence of a child.

Cousin heard that Li Xiangning was lost, so she hurried us to find it. Cousin said there were many gangsters in this area. What can Li Xiangning do when she lost and met bad guys.

My Jiangshan fat brother Liu Lang, led by sister steel teeth, went outside the public beta and began to look for Li Xiangning with the public toilet as the center. The four of us were on one side. My cousin went to find someone to help. Sister steel teeth waited in the toilet in case Li Xiangning didn't see anyone back.

We looked for Li Xiangning outside for a long time, but we didn't find Li Xiangning. Looking at the dark day, I was more and more worried. If Li Xiangning was watched by bad guys, what would we do if something happened? I knew I shouldn't have brought Li Xiangning out to see my cousin.

Just as I was thinking of those bad things in my head, unconsciously I had come to an old street without anyone. There were no people and no people selling things in the old street, but the houses on the roadside were brightly lit.

Seeing that there was no one above the old street, I was ready to turn around and leave to look for Li Xiangning elsewhere. However, when I was ready to leave, I heard a voice not far away. It was a woman's voice, and it was very similar to Li Xiangning's. although the voice was not loud, in order to avoid Li Xiangning's accident, I walked along the voice.

I followed the sound to a small alley. At this time, the sound became louder and louder, and the sound gradually became clear from the original ambiguity. At this time, I can be sure that this is Li Xiangning's voice.

But after confirming that it was Li Xiangning's voice, my heart became more eager, because I heard Li Xiangning crying, and with Li Xiangning's cry, there were several men's voices laughing.

Thinking that Li Xiangning might be in trouble, I hurried to the alley. In the dark alley, I saw three chicken nests smoking there, laughing and looking at Li Xiangning squatting on the ground.

Li Xiangning squatted on the ground, crying and looking at the three chicken nests, and then said in fear: "you big bad guys, go away quickly, or my sister Xiaoxiao will hit you!"

The three chicken nests are wearing tights and their hair is very explosive. They are like a chicken nest. I can't control what they do. This is their freedom, but if they dare to be unfavorable to Li Xiangning, I have to manage it.

Because my footsteps were very quiet, the three chicken heads didn't find me.

The three chicken heads stood in front of Li Xiangning. At this time, one chicken head looked at the other chicken head who seemed to be the head and said, "brother, how does this woman feel stupid? She has been repeating this sentence since we brought her here. Is there something wrong with her head!"

The head of the chicken nest looked at Li Xiangning with an obscene face and said, "why do you care so much? Whether there is something wrong with her head, as long as there is nothing wrong under her. Hurry up, let's shoot a few shots before there is no one!"

"Big brother, don't say ha, this woman is still very beautiful. Otherwise, we'll tie her home directly after we're done. If we want to shoot, we'll have sex with her. Anyway, she's stupid," said another chicken nest head, looking at Li Xiangning with an obscene face.

"That's a good idea. Then we'll take turns alone!" said the head of the chicken nest with an obscene smile on his face.

After that, the head of the chicken nest stood in front of Li Xiangning, took off his pants chain, took out his dirty things from his pants, and looked at Li Xiangning like this, which was very disgusting.

The other two chicken heads also obviously put up a small tent. The head chicken head looked at Li Xiangning and said fiercely, "you silly girl, open your mouth quickly, or I'll kill you tonight!"

Li Xiangning didn't speak. She kept wiping her tears and cried pitifully, "sister Xiaoxiao, sister Xiaoxiao, where are you?"

Seeing Li Xiangning crying so sad, I was also very unhappy. I went behind the three chicken nests, looked at them and said, "let her go!"

After hearing what I said, the head of the chicken nest stuffed his dirty thing into his pants, turned to look at me and said arrogantly, "I advise you not to mind your own business. Be careful that I clean up with you!"

"She is my wife. She has a brain injury and her intelligence is just like a child. I don't want to conflict with you. Take the money for tea and let my wife go!" I took 500 yuan from her and handed it out. Although it's not much, it's the only cash on me.

The reason why I do this is not because I counselled, but because there are three of them. If they really do it, I will be beaten by them. Not only can I not save Li Xiangning, but I have to be beaten. The gain is not worth the loss.

The head of the chicken nest had several earrings on his ears. He touched the earrings and looked at me. He looked behind me with his spare light, and then kicked me to the ground. At the same time, he took the money in my hand and put it in his pocket. "I want to let this girl go with so little money? At least 3000!"

After that, the head of the chicken nest stretched out his hand in front of me and asked me if I had any money. If I didn't have money, get out and take out the money. Then he let Li Xiangning go.

I really have no money, but how can I watch him bully Li Xiangning? I bowed my head and said very low, "you'd better let her go, or else!"

"Otherwise, you bite me!" said the head of the chicken nest, looking at me with disdain, patting his ass and letting me bite.

"You'd better let her go, or I'll kill you!" I said, pulling out the small dagger ready for self-defense from my waist, then directly strangled the head chicken's neck with my hand and put the dagger straight on his neck.

"I warn you, I'm covered by my eldest brother. This area around here is covered by my eldest brother. If you dare to touch half of my hair, my eldest brother will ask someone to chop your family!" although the head of the chicken nest was kidnapped by me, he still didn't forget to threaten me.

But I can clearly know from his tone that when he said this, he was still worried that I would kill him.

My brother said that people in the Jianghu will inevitably be calculated. He told me to put a dagger on my body for self-defense. Even if I don't need it for self-defense, it can be used to peel fruit at ordinary times. I still wrote down my brother's advice. Since then, I will put a dagger on my body for self-defense.

But what I didn't expect was that it would come in handy today. Of course, I also used it to scare the head of the chicken nest. If I really want to kill him, I don't have the courage. Killing people is not a small thing. I don't want me to be shot.

"I don't know who your eldest brother is, and I don't want to know. You quickly set your people free my wife, or I'll kill you!" I looked at the head of the chicken nest and said fiercely.

The chicken head still wants to grind. He said I should think clearly before I start. I won't feel better if I kill him.

I won't talk to him. I directly cut his thigh with a dagger. Of course, I grasp the strength. This knife just makes him bleed.

Seeing that I said to do it, the head of the chicken coop counseled and quickly asked the other two chicken coops to let Li Xiangning go.

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