He took the iron bar and smashed it hard on my hand. He only heard a crisp sound, and the heart piercing pain came straight into my heart. I felt that my hand had been broken. I couldn't feel anything except the heart piercing pain, let alone make a little effort.

I screamed in pain, but it wasn't over yet. The rat stepped on me, looked at me and said fiercely, "I'll interrupt your hands and feet first, and then send you to the West. It's really boring to kill you directly in this way!"

After that, the bastard of the rat swung the iron bar and hit me hard on the other hand. My body was shaking with pain, and the scream was like killing a pig.

Without any sympathy, the white mouse smashed my right leg with an iron bar. I was in a cold sweat and screamed hoarse. Just as the white mouse was ready to smash my other leg, a light came in the distance. The little brother of the white mouse hurriedly said, "brother, someone is coming, let's withdraw first!"

The rat threw the cigarette end he was chewing on me, then looked at me and said fiercely, "you're lucky today. Let you go for the time being, and you won't have such good luck next time!", saying that the rat was unwilling to take people away.

Not long after the rat left, a car came. I knew this car was my cousin's special car. After getting off, my cousin hurried to me and saw me lying on the ground. My cousin was very anxious and asked me what was wrong. I said what else could be done. I was beaten.

My cousin picked me up from the ground, dragged me to the car, and then drove me to the hospital. When I was in the car, my cousin asked me what was going on and how I was beaten. I said Zhao Jiale paid someone to clean me up. Xin, you came in time, or I would have to explain my life.

My cousin felt very guilty about this. She said that if it hadn't been for her words, I wouldn't have been beaten like this. I said it's okay. I'm your cousin. I'm rough and fleshy. It's no big problem to be beaten like this. In fact, I'd like to comfort my cousin and ask her not to feel so guilty. If it's no big problem, it's false, That kind of heart piercing pain makes my body tremble. It's a little better now, but the pain is still the same.

My cousin took me to the hospital. After the doctor took me an X-ray, he said that my bones had been broken, but fortunately, the bones were not broken and there was no need for surgery.

The doctor gave me a few injections, and then wrapped the medicine with gauze and tied it to my injury. The doctor asked me to cultivate myself. I am not allowed to exercise too much during this period of time before the injury is cured. Of course, this mainly means that I can't do that. Of course, I understand.

Originally, the doctor asked me to be hospitalized, but my cousin said she couldn't often come to the hospital. It would be troublesome if the paparazzi caught it. Please ask someone to take care of me in the hospital. My cousin was not at ease, so I had to leave the hospital in advance and go to my cousin's residence for cultivation.

I didn't propose to go to my cousin's residence for cultivation. My cousin asked me to go. My cousin said that her residence environment was good and the space was large, which was suitable for me to cultivate there.

I didn't refuse my cousin's kindness. I went to my cousin's residence for self-cultivation. My cousin prepared a room for me, right next to her bedroom. My cousin didn't spend money to ask someone to take care of me, but took care of me by herself. My cousin said that all this was because of her. If she didn't ask someone to take care of me, she would be sorry and take care of me by herself.

In order to take care of my cousin, she pushed off all the schedules and refused all the invitations. She said she wouldn't be relieved until she saw that I was well hurt.

I'm very moved that my cousin can take care of me, but to be honest, it's not a good choice for my cousin to take care of me. After all, I'm a vigorous man, and my cousin is a proud and sweet looking woman. It's said that men and women are different.

What's more, my hands are injured and I can't move. One of my legs is also injured. I usually lie in bed and need my cousin to help me to go to the bathroom.

On the first day when I came to my cousin's residence, I wanted to pee, so I told my cousin who took care of me. My cousin helped me to the toilet, but my hand couldn't work. I needed my cousin to help me with everything. When I peed, my cousin needed to open my pants chain and take it out for me, so as not to let me pee on my pants, The cousin who still has to hold me let me finish hissing.

When my cousin first saw me, she was a little embarrassed and shy, but after a long time of contact, some cousins became commonplace, and sometimes even tricked me.

Once, when I urinated, my cousin set me up. I felt my cousin's tender and smooth hand. I unconsciously had a reaction. My cousin stared at me. I asked my cousin, "cousin, have you not been touched by a man yet?"

After listening to me, my cousin said, "yes, I've been touched by a man for a long time. Before, your bad cousin didn't touch me. He touched me on others and his relatives' house. You've already touched me!"

Cousin, what I mean by this is that she hasn't been a man. In this era of fire, pure women like cousin are really rare. When I think of this, I can't help thinking of that night when sister steel teeth gave it to me for the first time.

My cousin asked me how many women I've slept with so far. I said there were only three. One was Sun Han, the other was steel tooth sister, and the other was Li Xiangning. The others were not called women. They were regarded as tools to solve desire.

But to be honest, my cousin is really the first woman I want to get the most in my life, and I still want to get it now, but I'm like this now. Even if my cousin pouts her ass and asks me to get it, I can't get it. One of her three legs has been broken and I can't stand stably.

When I was cultivating, the earth leopard called me and asked me out for a drink. I said I was injured and couldn't go. The earth leopard asked who did it when I was injured, because my brother asked the earth leopard to take good care of me here, so when I heard that I was beaten, the earth leopard quickly asked me who did it, Even from the friendship between him and his brother, he wants to help me vent my anger.

I said I was beaten by rats. As for the person nicknamed rats, I don't know. When the earth leopard heard that the person who beat me was rats, his tone changed. It's not hard to hear from his changed tone that the rats had a festival with him.

The earth leopard said that the grudge between him and the rat was unclear on the phone. He would tell me in detail when my legs and feet were better.

When my right leg was better, the earth leopard asked me to go out to dinner. At the dinner table, the earth leopard told me about his gratitude and resentment with the rat.

Originally, there were earth leopards and local snakes around here. Many fields were covered by earth leopards, but I don't know when this white rat came out and occupied a lot of territory of earth leopards.

Of course, the earth leopard was dissatisfied with this, so he took the people under him to settle accounts with the rat. At first, the earth leopard thought the rat was thin and easy to deal with, but the rat was not easy to deal with.

The earth leopard took people to settle accounts with the rat, and the rat calculated it. Several of the earth leopard's men went to the Bureau. Later, the rat paid the earth leopard some money, but in the end, the earth leopard was still very unwilling.

The white rat hit me this time. The earth leopard said he would help me out anyway. Why don't I want revenge? So I'm happy to agree when I hear the earth leopard say that to me.

"When you're almost healed, we'll clean up the dog shreds of the white rat!" the earth leopard looked at me and said proudly.

I am very grateful for this. In the final analysis, I have nothing to do with the earth leopard. They all occupy my brother's face. If it weren't for my brother's face, the earth leopard wouldn't help me like this.

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