Zhao Jiale definitely came to see the excitement. All this has something to do with him. After Zhao Jiale came in, the attention of the media was attracted by him. In fact, Zhao Jiale, a bastard, doesn't attract the eye, but his father's position in the entertainment industry is not generally high. We can only cherish that his father rarely appears in the public eye, So, of course, those reporters aimed their long guns and short guns at Zhao Jiale.

Those reporters asked Zhao Jiale why he came here today. Zhao Jiale sat down arrogantly, then crossed his legs and said casually: "to tell you the truth, I have been in love with Miss Li Xiaomin for a long time. I am also worried about her when I see that she is haunted by so many negative news. As her future husband, it is necessary for me to come to the scene to help her out!"

Originally, my cousin was bothered by these negative news. Now Zhao Jiale said these words to the media. These media will make a big fuss on Zhao Jiale and my cousin when they go back.

I glared at Zhao Jiale. At this time, my cousin began to answer the questions of those reporters. A reporter asked my cousin whether the news on the Internet was true. After hesitating, my cousin looked at the manuscript in her hand and prepared to answer.

Before the press conference, the brokerage company signed by the cousin thought out a way for the cousin to let the cousin not admit that these things really happened anyway and let the cousin veto them all. At that time, the brokerage company will find a public relations company to wash her white, but it's not easy to wash her white.

"These things have really happened. I was an online anchor before I started. During my time as an online anchor, because I didn't have much popularity, I did show off my sexuality to get more popularity for myself. Maybe it's because of my current identity that people resent these things, but in my opinion, it's nothing. I eat by myself I really can't think of any reason why I shouldn't admit it! "Said my cousin, looking at the media reporters.

What my cousin said is also true. Any problem will be expanded when it comes to stars. For example, some star cheating is a normal thing for ordinary people, but it will set off a storm when it comes to stars. This is the Jianghu of the entertainment industry.

In addition to being an online anchor and showing off sexy, other cousins will not admit it. Of course, the others are rumors and rumors used to slander cousins.

Although I appreciate my cousin's Frank face, I can't help worrying about my cousin. The brokerage company signed by my cousin has warned my cousin. If my cousin doesn't answer my cousin's questions according to their manuscripts, I'll terminate the contract with my cousin.

Cousin frankly faced the result of being dismissed by the brokerage company. With her large piece of negative news, the final result may be snow hiding. Snow hiding is undoubtedly a disaster for an artist.

After answering those reporters, my cousin looked at Zhao Jiale and said calmly, "Mr. Zhao, I remember when you came in and said you liked me for a long time. I'm really sorry. It's really my shame!"

With that, my cousin left under my escort. Zhao Jiale's face was very ugly and looked at my cousin biting her teeth.

My cousin didn't ask me to take her back to her residence, but asked me to take her to the agency.

After going to the brokerage company, my cousin terminated the contract with the brokerage company under the leadership of her agent. As soon as I came out, my cousin and I were surrounded by reporters.

Under my escort, my cousin returned to her residence and began to pack her clothes. This residence was provided for her by the brokerage company. Now my cousin has terminated the contract with the brokerage company. Naturally, my cousin's residence will be taken back by the brokerage company.

After packing up, my cousin came to the hotel to stay, and the residence was naturally taken back by the brokerage company. My cousin said that it was a pity that she ended up without making money to buy a house. My cousin was not too disappointed and disappointed with such a result.

Although I was not directly laid off by the company, my cousin was gone. I was asked to be a bodyguard for other artists. I didn't want to pay any money. After I resigned, I also took my luggage and stayed in the hotel with my cousin.

In the evening, what my cousin said at the press conference was written into the news by the editor of entertainment news. Some true love fans expressed support for my cousin, but some black fans were still spraying my cousin.

No, my cousin doesn't care about these now. She's far away from the noise of entertainment. My cousin says there's nothing wrong with this.

My cousin called me to her room before I went to bed. Looking at me, she said calmly, "didn't you want to go back long ago? Now I don't need protection. You can leave at any time!"

I asked my cousin if she was going to leave. My cousin said she was not going to leave yet. She made too much efforts to become famous. She was really unwilling to leave like this. She wanted to stand up again and give an account of her efforts.

My cousin is in a very bad situation now. There are constant negative news. She has terminated her contract with the brokerage company, and the bastard Zhao Jiale is staring at her. If I leave at this time, what can my cousin do alone? Besides, Zhao Jiale asks someone to beat me like that. If I leave like this, I won't be reconciled.

Zhao Jiale hurt his cousin so badly. How could I let him go? At this time, I remember the video recorded for Zhao Jiale at that time. His father's position in the entertainment industry is not very high. I want to see how the entertainment news writes Zhao Jiale.

I looked at my cousin and said solemnly, "don't worry, cousin. I will never leave. I will help you make a comeback!"

After listening to what I said, my cousin was very moved. She said that I could support her at this time. She was very moved. After I smiled, I joked: "since you are moved, you can promise each other by yourself!"

"It's OK for you to say, didn't you lie down and let you do it that night? You didn't touch it yourself!", my cousin looked at me with a smile and said, the haze on my face was swept away. I was much relieved to see a smile on my cousin's face.

I said there was a phone call at that time, otherwise you would have a big stomach now. My cousin looked at me and smiled and said, "Oh, really? You're so good?"

I said with a bad smile. Of course, my cousin looked at me with temperature at this time. Just when I was ready to bend over and kiss my cousin, the earth leopard called me. The earth leopard asked me where I was. He had already summoned people and asked me to discuss the payment of rats.

I've been busy with my cousin's negative news these days. I forgot it. I said I'd go to him and come right away.

After hanging up, I went out to find the earth leopard. The earth leopard was waiting for me at a barbecue stand. When I went, the earth leopard was drinking beer and eating barbecue.

After I sat down, the earth leopard brought me some bottles of beer and discussed things with me while eating barbecue.

The earth leopard said that he was as powerful as the rats. If he really started, it was not sure who would win or lose. After telling me something about him and the rats, the earth leopard told me what he meant to find me today. In fact, the reason why the earth leopard wanted to move the rats was not entirely out of anger for me. He was also selfish. If he killed the rats, He can get more territory and more oil and water.

However, he and the white rat have half the power advantage, so the white rat wants me to call someone from the green dragon club to help. The white rat doesn't have much power, so he doesn't have to bother his brother.

Of course, I know what the earth leopard thinks. I immediately took out my mobile phone and called Jiangshan and asked Jiangshan fat brother Liu Lang to come and help them. At that time, I'd better bring some more hands, so that I can completely defeat the rats.

After hearing what I said, Jiangshan immediately agreed that they would start to help tomorrow.

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