I looked up from my black leather shoes and saw a handsome young man looking at me. After looking at me for a moment, he shifted his gaze to the three tattooed men.

"I welcome you guys to play here, but you guys causing trouble here is a different story." The man looked at the three tattooed men and said calmly. However, it could be seen from his expression that he really didn't want anyone causing trouble here.

"Big Brother Kun, today's matter really happened too suddenly. I'll apologize to you here, then we'll leave immediately. We'll come back later when we have time!" The tattooed man did not explain any further and planned to leave after saying a few words.

"You stinking woman, why aren't you leaving yet? Let's see how I'll deal with you when I return!" The tattooed man swore and pulled that enchanting woman away, leaving me and that so-called Brother Kun lying on the ground.

That Brother Kun was handsome, and he had a head of flowing long hair. He looked exactly the same as the Ah Kun that An Dabao had mentioned. Needless to say, this Brother Kun was the Ah Kun that An Dabao had referred to.

"Excuse me, are you A'Kun?" Although I had already guessed it, I still stood up to ask out of politeness. This way, I could confirm that I was mistaken. That would be awkward.

After I said this, Big Brother Kun turned around and looked at me. After looking me up and down, he nodded and said, "I am A'Kun. What business do you have with me?"

I said that I'm Guan Yi Long's little brother, and my name is Guan Yi Han. The reason I came here today is to find him.

Since I'm already here, I naturally have nothing to be embarrassed about. I shamelessly told Brother Kun about the bullying in school. After hearing about it, Brother Kun nodded his head to show that I understood.

"Didn't Brother Long already come out?" "He's your big brother. It doesn't seem reasonable for you to come looking for me instead of him!" Big Brother Kun looked at me and said indifferently. His tone was very calm.

I said that I would look for my brother the day he was released from prison, but my brother told me to look for him in the future. After hearing my words, Brother Kun nodded, then rubbed his nose as if he was thinking about something.

"Wait here for a moment, I'm going out for a while, I'll be back soon!" Saying that, he walked away without waiting for me to say anything.

After brother Kun left, I sat down on a chair with my hands on the table. The three tattooed men were adults after all, so strong that they hurt all over my body. Just a moment ago, I didn't think that after brother Kun left, my body started to hurt all over.

After I sat down, the waiter came over to clean up the beer dregs on the floor. After finishing the cleaning, Brother Kun came back. After Brother Kun came back, he directly sat down in front of me.

"Since you are Brother Long's blood brother, then I won't treat you as an outsider anymore. To be honest, being bullied in school is something that I should help you with, but I can't get involved with the matters inside the school. If you encounter any trouble outside the school, you can call me anytime, and I'll definitely help you settle it!" Brother Kun looked at me and said.

Although big brother Kun didn't say it out loud, his meaning was very clear, that is, he won't help me. To be honest, this not only made me embarrassed, but it also made me disappointed. Although I wasn't completely confident, but I still had the confidence that Brother Kun would help me.

I didn't say much after saying 'oh'. I planned to leave after resting. There was no point in staying here any longer.

"You definitely rarely come out to play in school, come drink with me. Your brother used to drink with me a lot." Big Brother Kun said as he called for Di Bar to bring out a few bottles of beer, then poured a full cup for me.

Although big brother Kun didn't help me, he was still big brother's good brother after all. I naturally couldn't refuse, so I drank a few cups with him.

"That's right, why did those three people hit you just now? If I knew that you were Brother Long's younger brother, I wouldn't have let them leave so easily!" Brother Kun said to me after drinking two cups of wine.

I didn't have anything to be embarrassed about. I told Brother Kun the whole story truthfully, and after Brother Kun heard me finish, he smiled. His calm face finally broke into a smile. "Hehe, this taste isn't bad. But looking at your age and your clothes, you should still be a virgin, right?"

In the face of Brother Kun's teasing words, I felt a little shy. After looking at it, Brother Kun smiled, drank a cup, and said, "Then do you want to be a man or not? If you want, I'll call a woman for you and give you a full set so that you can try to be happy when you become a man! "

Actually, I really don't want what big brother Kun said, but after a while, uncle and aunt will be back. I also need to go back, or else uncle and aunt will be worried.

"What is it? "You don't want to?" Big Brother Kun saw that I didn't say anything and continued to ask.

Of course I want to, as a pure and innocent little place, I want to do that kind of thing with a woman for a day or two, but today is impossible, because my uncle and aunt are coming back soon.

"I do want to, but it's not early today, I'll be going back soon." I said rather awkwardly, letting me choose between a woman and my aunt and uncle. To me, this was no ordinary dilemma.

"Haha, I couldn't tell that you're a good child. Since that's the case, you can go back first!" Brother Kun looked at me and said with a gentle tone.

When I went back to the taxi, my aunt and uncle had already returned. My uncle asked me where I had gone, and when I said I was going out to buy something, my uncle stopped asking.

When I returned to my room, I took out my cell phone and started to chat with my cousin through private messages. When we got to the live broadcast of my cousin, I couldn't help but think of that seductive woman in revealing clothes and seductive posture. When I thought of her white and big breasts, I couldn't help but feel even more embarrassed.

Under the stimulation of my cousin's live broadcast, I stretched the sinful five-fingered girl into my crotch. Not long after I was done, I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was already the next morning.

After I finished washing up, I went back into the school. During the third period, I took out my cell phone to check the time, and happened to see a notice informing me that the host I was paying attention to was currently broadcasting live, namely my cousin.

As a conscientious administrator, after I saw this notification, I couldn't help but click to watch it. My cousin was indeed broadcasting live, but she didn't dare to be too loud in the school, so I didn't hear what she was saying.

I took a look at it and quit because class was about to start.

The moment I stepped out of the room, I felt someone looking at me from behind. I turned around and saw Li Xiang Ning lying on the table with her hands on top of her head, staring at my phone.

Obviously, Li Xiang Ning had also seen my cousin's live broadcast. When she saw me looking at her, the corner of her mouth curled up. She arrogantly looked at me and said, "You stinking idiot, what are you looking at!"

I didn't want to have a conflict with Li Xiang Ning. Furthermore, with regards to someone like Li Xiang Ning, I also disdained talking to her. After she finished scolding me, I decisively turned around to sit down and wait for class.

In the evening, my cousin and I were still chatting using private messages. We were still chatting very happily, but after chatting for a few minutes, my cousin didn't reply to my message. I waited for a few minutes, but my cousin still didn't reply.

I was bored to death, so I opened the live broadcast interface and watched a few other live broadcasts. I watched quite a few female anchors, but as I was used to watching my cousin's live broadcast, I felt that the other female anchors were no longer interesting.

I was free, so I casually turned on the live broadcast function nearby. As soon as I turned it on, I saw a familiar face on the nearby live broadcast page. It was Li Xiang Ning.

Li Xiang Ning's fans were pitifully few, and her character value was even zero. Thinking of the arrogance and humiliation that Li Xiang Ning showed me in school, I angrily opened up her live broadcast room.

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