I promised. After a while, Li Xiangning drove to pick me up. After I changed my clothes, I hurried to get on the bus. Sun Han dressed in fashion, wearing a famous brand dress, white legs, a pair of famous brand high heels and sunglasses. After I got on the bus, sun Han drove to the street.

"If you go shopping with me, aren't you afraid that Lei Gong will blame you?" I looked at Sun Han and said, how can I say that Lei Gong is also the leading brother. If he knew that his lover went shopping with me, would he not be angry?

Sun Han turned his head to look at me and said with a smile, "I'm not afraid. It seems that you're afraid of me, not me."

After sun Han said this, I was only funny and then speechless. After driving me to the street, sun Han got off and walked slowly with me in the street. Sun Han walked side by side with me for a few steps, so he had to look at me and ask with a smile: "I abandoned you at the beginning. Don't you have any hatred in my heart when you see me again?", when sun Han said this, he was very calm, In her opinion, my answer is only a simple answer. In her opinion, it doesn't matter whether I hate her or not.

"If I said I didn't hate you in my heart, would you believe it? If it were you, I believe you would also have hate in your heart, but after so many years, everything has changed. What do I mean if I hate you again? It's not that I can go back to the past," I looked at Sun Han very frankly.

After listening to me, sun Han just smiled twice. Sun Han said that anyway, if you are free tonight, let me tell her what happened in recent years. I have nothing to be ashamed of, so I told sun Han about what happened in recent years.

Sun Han seemed to be curious about what happened to me in recent years. After listening to me, she smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to have a good fortune. Li Xiangning was one of the best beauties in school. I remember she was still a school flower. Unexpectedly, she followed you later!"

After I finished my story of these years, I asked sun han to tell me her story of these years. After reading me, sun Han looked bland and said, "I haven't had a good day in these years, but I asked for it myself. I deserve it!"

It turned out that after sun Han left with the rich man, they were together for only more than a year. Later, the rich man found a beautiful woman again and kicked sun Han away. At first, sun Han refused to leave the rich man, but the rich man saw that she refused to leave by herself and beat and scolded her all day. He was afraid of pain, Finally, sun Han couldn't stand the beating of the rich man, so he took some money and left by himself.

I don't know if it's karma. After sun Han abandoned me, she didn't encounter any good things again. After she left the rich man, she opened a supermarket with her money to sell things. In the past, the business of the supermarket was barely enough, but later, the business of the supermarket became worse and worse. Sun Han lost all his money and owed a lot of foreign debt. There was no way, When she was forced to die, she went to a club and became a young lady. Later, she was liked by Lei Gong and kept in the villa by Lei Gong.

Sun Han was about to shed tears when she talked about the past. After she said that, she looked at me and said: "When I was abandoned by that heartless man, in fact, I thought about looking for you again, but I knew you hated me deeply at that time, so I gave up the idea after thinking about it. In the twinkling of an eye, everything has changed in the past few years, but I really want to ask you. If I really went to find you again, how would you treat me?"

I smiled and looked at Sun Han and said: "Before we broke up, I always thought I was very strong, but after we broke up, I almost collapsed. I really regarded you as my life, loved you to the bone and wanted you to the marrow. Yes! I really hated you at that time, but I hated you deeply. If you were really willing to go to me, it would be possible according to my cowardly character Reunite with you! "

I'm still telling the truth. Now when I think back to the original things, I suddenly feel that I was so stupid.

Sun Han smiled and continued: "you knew to fight with your so-called brothers at that time, and you didn't have any ambition at all. At the beginning, I was very disappointed with you. I didn't like money to leave you at the beginning. I just felt that there was no future with you, so I left you."

Sun Han smiled and continued: "I thought you were not enterprising and promising, but I forgot the most important thing, that is, you love me! I was really too young. I thought love was no big deal and it was not worth a lot of money, but when I grew up, I knew that love may not be worth money, but it can not be measured by money!"

Sun Han's exclamation, I just listened and didn't say anything more. After all, things are right and people are wrong. The past has passed, and it's no use talking now. What I have to do now is to mix better here and treat Xiangning and steel tooth sister well in the future. This is what I should do.

After lamenting the past, I smiled at Sun Han and said, "there's a clothing store over there. Let's go and see what good-looking clothes there are. Now that we're out, let's go and choose them."

Then I led the way ahead and took sun han to the clothing store. In the clothing store, we each chose a suit of clothes. After buying the clothes, sun Han wanted to drink in the bar and asked me to drink with her, but I didn't go. I took a taxi and left.

Anyway, sun Han is also Lei Gong's woman now. Although we have known each other before, if I get drunk and do something I shouldn't do, if Lei Gong knows, he has to ask someone to cut me into meat sauce.

After I went back, I fell down and went to bed. The next day, Lei Gong called the hall leader of the triple hall for a meeting, and Heiniu specially called me. Heiniu said that Lei Gong's meeting was mainly about the hall leader, so he took me with him and wanted to take this opportunity to help me ascend.

Of course, I am willing to go. This is also a good opportunity for me. Of course, I should take good advantage of it. It will be easier for me to get on the top with the help of black bull.

I followed black bull to the conference room in Leigong villa. When we arrived, Leigong and other hall leaders had arrived. Leigong was slowly tasting tea there. When black bull and I arrived, black bull sat down and Leigong began to talk.

Lei Gong said that although Liu Hualiang had been killed by me, the note kept a close eye on him during this period. The triple hall had no chance to grab the territory occupied by Liu Hualiang. After Liu Hualiang died, his cousin Liu Hong took over his seat.

Lei Gong means that if anyone can kill Liu Hong, he can be the leader of Pian hall. Once Liu Hong dies, his younger brothers are headless. At that time, the brothers of Sanlian hall will rush up and easily grab Liu Hong's territory.

But Liu Hualiang's death is a lesson for Liu Hong. Of course, he won't repeat the mistakes. It's more difficult to kill Liu Hong than to kill Liu Hualiang, but Lei Gong's words have been put here. Whoever kills Liu Hong is the leader of the partial hall. If I want to be superior, I'll just fight.

After Lei Gong finished, Heiniu took me away. Heiniu thought about it for me and asked someone to inquire about the news after he came back. The younger brother who inquired about the news said that Liu Hong had many younger brother bodyguards following him in and out, so it was difficult to start.

Moreover, even if I can kill Liu Hong, whether I can escape from his little brother is also a problem. What's the meaning if I can't escape after killing Liu Hong? Can't you still take the seat of the hall leader?

Killing Liu Hong is a troublesome problem. If I don't go, such a good opportunity will be wasted. I don't know if I can succeed. It's really a dilemma.

But I thought for two days, and I made up my mind to go!

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