When I opened my eyes and woke up, I was already lying on the white hospital bed in the hospital. Beside my bed, I sat in a graceful posture. After rubbing my eyes, I saw that the person sitting beside the bed was Sun Han. Sun Han was holding a towel to wipe my hands and my head.

After I opened my eyes, I forced myself to sit up. The pain in my abdomen and body made me sweat. When I sat up, my head was all cold sweat. After I hissed, I looked at Sun Han sitting by the bed and asked, "how did I come to the hospital?"

Sun Han took my hand and wiped it with a towel, then looked at me and said, "didn't you go to kill Liu Hong? I just passed by and saw you faint under the car, so I drove over and saved you from the car. If I were a little slower, you would have been cut to death."

After I said thank you, I didn't say anything more. Sun Han said that I had been lying in the hospital for three days. When she sent me to the hospital, I had lost too much blood. My life was in danger. I lost too much blood. I only survived when sun Han transfused blood into my body.

After I hissed, I looked at Sun Han and said, "I really thank you. If it weren't for you, I would have been cut to death!"

After that, I lay down. The wound on my body hasn't healed yet. Everything I say is pulling the wound. It hurts like hell. I can only lie down and rest assured to cultivate my body.

I stayed in the hospital for a total of 20 days. Sun Han has been taking care of me for these 20 days. I asked sun Han, "what about Lei Gong? Aren't you afraid that he knows to blame you?"

Sun Han looked at me and smiled. Then he looked at me and asked, "do you think he Lei Gong is so powerful and powerful, why does he keep me? There are many better women than me. Why does he only spend money to keep me, not others?"

I really don't know this. After all, I'm not Lei Gong. How can I know who he likes to keep? Pickled vegetables and turnips have their own love. How can I know about this?

Sun Han said that the reason why Lei Gong likes her is that sun Han is very much like Lei Gong's ex-wife. Lei Gong regards his ex-wife as his life and the love of his life. Because sun Han looks more like his ex-wife, he moved his compassion, fished sun Han out of the club, let Sun Han live in his villa and treat sun Han well.

Sun Han said that Lei Gong was very kind to her. He didn't have enough money to spend. Lei Gong would give her whatever he wanted. Lei Gong completely regarded sun Han as his ex-wife and compensated sun Han for all he owed his ex-wife.

"You don't have to worry that Lei Gong will be angry. He won't be angry when I do anything!" Sun Han looked at me and said.

Later, I learned that Lei Gong was really tolerant of sun Han. As long as sun Han didn't leave him, he wouldn't blame sun Han for anything. Even if sun Han was outside with other men, Lei Gong wouldn't say anything about sun Han. I think this is also because Lei Gong owed his ex-wife and couldn't compensate.

Sun Han took care of me in the hospital for 20 days. In these 20 days, my injuries have been much better. The day before I was discharged from the hospital, Heiniu and Lei Gong personally came to the hospital to see me and see how my injuries were.

It was in the afternoon. Heiniu and Lei Gong came to the hospital to see me. At that time, I was eating. Sun Han was sitting next to me. The meals were bought by sun Han for me. After Lei Gong and Heiniu came in, they saw me sitting with sun Han.

After Lei Gong came in, he didn't get angry, but walked to me with a smile. When sun Han saw Lei Gong coming in, he got up and went out. Lei Gong and Heiniu sat next to me. Heiniu looked at me and said, "it's really a hero. After you killed Liu Hong, the triple hall went to seize Liu Hong's territory. The seat of the head of the partial hall is yours!"

I smiled and said it was nothing. As a younger brother, I naturally had to try my best to finish what the boss told me to do. After listening to me, Lei Gong smiled and said, "you killed Liu Hong this time. Naturally, I have to fulfill my promise. After you leave the hospital, you will sit in the seat of the hall leader. You go and sit."

After chatting for a while, Lei Gong and Heiniu left and knew that I would be discharged tomorrow. Lei Gong said that when I was discharged tomorrow, he would give me a celebration banquet to celebrate.

In fact, when Lei Gong came in, I was still worried because of sun Han, but as sun Han said, Lei Gong didn't blame me or sun Han, just didn't see it.

The next day after I was discharged from the hospital, Lei Gong invited me to a celebration banquet. All the hall leaders of the triple hall went to the banquet. At the banquet, Lei Gong took this opportunity to inform those hall leaders of my taking the seat of partial hall leader. Of course, those hall leaders had no objection and congratulated me on taking the seat of partial hall leader as I wished. I also gladly accepted it.

Lei Gong had already divided my territory and arranged my little brother for me. Heiniu arranged my residence for me. I wasn't polite. I didn't have a shelter, so I moved in directly.

Lei Gong arranged more than 80 younger brothers for me. During the four or five days after I stayed, I took my more than 80 younger brothers out to eat, drink and have fun every day, because they were originally from Sanlian hall. Although they were my younger brothers, they certainly didn't agree with me. I took them out to eat, drink and have fun. In fact, I wanted them to obey me from the heart.

After I stayed here, sun Han sometimes came here to chat with me. One afternoon, sun Han came to my residence. I was drinking beer on the balcony. After sun Han came, he came to me, and then leaned his hand against the balcony and stared at the sunset like me.

I took a bottle of beer and handed it to sun Han. Sun Han was not polite. After opening it, he took it and drank it. I took a sip of beer, looked at Sun Han and asked, "I have something to ask you."

Sun Han asked me to say, and I continued: "The past has passed, and the gratitude and resentment between us have been written off. Why did you save me at the beginning? After I killed Liu Hong, his younger brothers wanted to chop me into meat sauce. It was definitely not easy when you saved me, but you not only saved me, but also took care of me in the hospital for so long."

After taking a sip of beer, sun Han looked at me and said, "do you really treat me as a heartless person? I was wrong to leave you at the beginning. I'm sorry for you. Saving your life should be compensation for you. You were also very good to me at the beginning. Taking care of you in the hospital should be return to you. Don't blame me in your heart. I'm already very satisfied!"

After sun Han finished, he calmly took a sip of beer, looked at me and said seriously, "I hurt you so much before. You don't blame me when we meet again. I'm already flattered. I was really sorry for you at the beginning. I know that."

In fact, my hatred for sun Han has long disappeared in the running in of time. Sun Han's words make me feel more cordial to her. How to say, I used to sit at the same table with her. She knows me and I naturally know her.

After another sip of beer, sun Han looked at me and said, "you've actually been much more generous to me. I treated you so much. When you see me again, you can still talk and laugh with me. I'm much more stingy than you!"

Sun Han said she was stingier than me because the first thing she did after she followed Lei Gong was to ask Lei Gong to send someone to kill the rich man who had abandoned her. It is said that Lei Gong sent someone to catch the rich man. Sun Han killed the rich man himself. I heard that the rich man was stabbed alive by sun Han with a sharp bamboo stick , when the rich man died, his body was full of blood holes. Those who had seen the body had straight hair in their hearts. Later, Lei Gong came forward to settle this matter for sun Han himself.

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