Seeing that the dozen little brothers of Tian Luozi were threatening, black bull was ready to run to us, but he had not run a few steps with his little brother, and Tian Luozi's little brother caught up. Tian Luozi's little brother had guys in his hands, while black bull and his little brother had no guys in their hands, and they were completely in the state of being chased and killed.

Tian Luozi's younger brothers saw the black cow as if they saw beef. They were chasing the black cow with a knife. There were only four black cows and his younger brothers, and Tian Luozi had more than a dozen men. The black cow chased and killed by Tian Luozi's younger brother wants to escape to me desperately.

He opened his mouth and stretched out his hand to look at me. The word "save me" in his mouth had not been said yet. The knife in the little brother Tian Luozi's hand pierced his body. The blood flowed out of the black cow, and a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth.

"Brothers! Kill him!" when those people saw the black cow fall to the ground, it was like seeing delicious food. They rushed up and stabbed the black cow with a knife. The black cow's blood splashed high and there were blood holes all over his body.

The black cow looked at me from such a distance and stretched out his hand to me. His eyes were almost staring out. He clenched his teeth to support for a while, but his hardest body couldn't resist the sharp stab of the knife. The black bull looked at me and twitched a few times before he died.

After the black cow fell to the ground, all his three younger brothers were killed by Tian Luozi's younger brother. Seeing that the black cow fell in a pool of blood and the stretched hand for help had not been put down, I stood there as if I had been chopped by a tired point. There was a blank in my head, and the whole person was like an empty body.

If my younger brother hadn't patted me behind me, I hadn't calmed down. Now the black bull is dead and all my plans have been disrupted, but the days have to go on, life has to go on, and I still have to do what I should do.

I took my younger brother to go to Tian Luozi's men with a smile, looked at them and said with a smile: "you came in time. If you hadn't come, the dead black cow might have really escaped!"

God knows how uncomfortable I feel when I say these words, how against my heart. How can black bull treat me well? How can I feel better and laugh when I see that he ended up like this.

When Tian Luozi's men saw that the black bull was dead, they took out a cigarette and lit it. Then they smoked leisurely. The person in charge knew me. He looked at me and said with a smile: "I heard that brother Guan is very brave. Liu Hong and Liu Hualiang died in your hands. We all admire brother Guan. Today is a good time to kill the black bull. The boss is afraid that brother Guan will miss. He specially asked us to guard around here and help brother Guan when it's critical! Don't worry, brother Guan. Although the black bull died in our hands, the credit belongs to you!"

I smiled and said, of course, this is the best. In order to make Tian Luozi's men think I hate the black cow, I deliberately stabbed the black cow's body with a knife. Tian Luozi's men asked me to leave quickly with my little brother. It's not good to stay at the crime scene for a long time. When the cops came, they would be in trouble.

After we left the scene, Tian Luozi's men took us to see Tian Luozi to tell Tian Luozi the news of the black cow's death.

When Tian Luozi knew that the black ox was dead, he was not generally happy. He laughed and patted me on the shoulder, saying that if the black ox died, the triple hall would be his, and I would take his seat at that time.

It never occurred to me that Tian Luozi had left a backhand. His hand caught me by surprise. What should I do next when the black cow dies? I don't have much power in the triple hall. It's almost impossible for Guan Yihan to overthrow Tian Luozi alone.

"Thanks to brother Guan today, let's go out and celebrate while the black ox is dead!" Tian Luozi looked at me on my shoulder and said with a smile.

Of course, I can't refuse. I followed Tian Luozi to celebrate. Although I was smiling when I drank to celebrate, my heart was full of anger.

After the celebration, I left. Only after I left did I know that when I took my little brother to find Heiniu, Tian Luozi had taken all Heiniu's men with people, that is to say, Heiniu's power had been defeated by Tian Luozi. Even if the Heiniu didn't die at that time, the Heiniu didn't have a chance to turn over.

I really didn't see it before. This snail is really ambitious and cruel. It's better to deal with such people less. If he blocks his interests when, he will show his fangs.

After the black ox died, my head was also blank, because I knew very well that Lei Gong was not about to die. Although he had cancer, he would not die so soon. If Lei Gong knew that the black ox was dead, I didn't know what Lei Gong would do.

After thinking about it, I went to Lei Gong and apologized to Lei Gong. After I came to the hospital and told sun Han, sun Han put me in. Lei Gong lying in the hospital bed was watching the news and looked much better.

After I went in, Lei Gong asked me what was the matter. I looked at Lei Gong and said in a muffled voice, "Heiniu, he's dead. He was killed by Tian Luozi's men! All the Heiniu's younger brothers are controlled by Tian Luozi!"

After listening to me, Lei Gong was so angry that he vomited blood. The killing of the black cow was a great blow to Lei Gong. Lei Gong pointed at me and said angrily, "go back first and let me calm down first!"

After Lei Gong said that, I left. Once the black ox died, there was a pillar missing in the triple hall. The whole tribe was in the hands of Tian Luozi. How can Lei Gong not be angry.

Early the next morning, I heard the news that Lei Gong was discharged from the hospital. After the black cow died, no one in the triple hall competed with Tian Luozi, so Lei Gong insisted on leaving the hospital to preside over the overall situation even if he was ill.

After Lei Gong was discharged, Tian Luozi and all the partial hall leaders in the triple hall went to meet him. After receiving the news, I quickly changed my clothes to meet Lei Gong.

With the help of sun Han, Lei Gong was discharged from the hospital. It's not good news for Tian Luozi, because Tian Luozi is ready to be the hall leader. Who knows that Lei Gong suddenly discharged from the hospital, and it seems that Lei Gong can't die for a while.

After Lei Gong was discharged from the hospital, the first thing he did was to order his men to bury the black ox. how can we say that the black ox is also one of the pillars of the triple hall and the most trusted person in the triple hall.

Lei Gong didn't investigate the death of the black bull. It's useless even if Lei Gong did. Tian Luozi's general situation is in hand. After the death of the black bull, those swing partial hall leaders took refuge in Tian Luozi angrily. Tian Luozi's momentum is greater than before. Everyone has regarded Tian Luozi as the hall leader.

After the black ox was buried heavily, Lei Gong found me. Lei Gong said that the black ox was dead and he was in a lot of discomfort. I had the job of killing Tian Luozi. The death of the black ox still made Lei Gong very sad. Lei Gong sighed and said to me sincerely: "It's up to you to kill Tian Luozi, and the Sanlian hall is up to you. If you can kill Tian Luozi, 1 you'll be the leader of my hall!"

The position of hall leader is very tempting. Tian Luozi can't resist this temptation. Naturally, I can't resist it, but I know very well in my heart that this is not a good business. It's not very difficult for me to kill Tian Luozi, but it's very difficult to kill Tian Luozi.

"Black bull treats me well. I'll avenge him for this. But I'd better find someone else for the hall leader's seat. Guan Yihan still knows how many kilograms he is. I'm not qualified enough to be the hall leader!" I looked at Lei Gong and said sincerely.

The reason why I say this is because I know that Lei Gong is baiting me. He wants to lure me to kill Tian Luozi, but what he doesn't know is that I want to kill Tian Luozi whether he lures or not.

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