I had trouble sleeping and eating all night, because I could kill Tian Luozi tomorrow, so I was very excited. I couldn't sleep over and over. The first reason I was excited was that I finally had the opportunity to kill Tian Luozi, and the second was that I was afraid I couldn't kill Tian Luozi.

The next morning, I called Lei Gong and asked Lei Gong to ambush everyone under his hands near Tian Luozi's residence. When I heard from him, they swarmed up to kill all the remaining parties in Tian Luozi's residence, and I got away on the 1st.

Tian Luozi is very powerful and there are many younger brothers guarding his residence. In case, I have to contact uncle Zhong and uncle Zhong about it.

After I told uncle Zhong, old uncle Zhong told me that it was OK. In the evening, he would come with his little brother to help me. Let me rest assured to kill the snail. The rest will be left to him and Lei Gong.

After I had ordered the action in the evening, I went to prepare the guy. I prepared a very sharp short knife and hid it on my body. It was convenient to kill Tian Luozi at that time. If you want to kill Tian Luozi at Tian Luozi's residence, you have to kill him at once.

After everything was ready, I went to Tian Luozi's residence when it was dark. Although Tian Luozi didn't take care of me, he still had some trust. I easily entered his residence.

When I went in, Tian Luozi was working with a blonde on the sofa. After seeing me coming, Tian Luozi asked the blonde to open his mouth and get it all into the blonde's mouth. Then Tian Luozi pulled up his pants and greeted me with a smile to sit down next to him.

After the blonde left, I sat next to Tian Luozi. Tian Luozi told me what Lei Gong told him to do. After that, Tian Luozi asked me, "I always feel that this thing is deceptive. What do you think?"

I said that Lei Gong was the leader of the triple hall. How could I know what he thought? But in fact, all this was arranged by me. How could I not know that there was fraud? There was not only fraud, but also deadly activities.

After listening to what I said, Tian Luozi smiled, patted me on the shoulder and said, "the black bull has been buried now. Who else can compete with me in the triple hall? No matter whether he has fried or not, I will ask Lei Gong to abdicate after the matter is done. If he doesn't retreat, I'll give him a ride first. In short, I'll sit down as the leader of the hall!"

It turned out that when we were calculating Tian Luozi, Tian Luozi was also calculating Lei Gong. It was really a conspiracy, but it depends on who is better.

When Tian Luozi spoke, I looked around. No one was there. Tian Luozi's younger brothers were guarding outside the door or downstairs. There was only Tian Luozi in the room. This was a good time for me to start.

I looked at Tian Luozi and said with a smile, "brother Tian, don't you think it's strange that I suddenly came to you today?"

Tian Luozi shook his head and said he didn't feel strange. I must have something to tell him. He said he knew me.

I nodded and smiled, then looked at Tian Luozi and continued, "brother Tian, you are really accurate. I really have something to tell you today. First, I want to emphasize to you that you don't know me. Second, I have to tell you the truth. Lei Gong's instructions are really deceitful!"

Seeing that my face had changed, Tian Luozi unconsciously leaned against the sofa and looked at me with a trace of fear. He pointed at me and said, "brother Guan, what are you doing? Your face is so ugly."

After sneering, I looked at Tian Luozi and said calmly, "what am I going to do, of course I'm going to kill you!", then I pulled out the short knife hidden in my body, looked at Tian Luozi and continued: "You and I have no grievances in the past and no hatred in recent days, but you killed the black bull and treated me well. I have to kill you today. Secondly, Lei Gong has given orders. As a member of the triple hall, I naturally want to kill you! You are not bad to me. I will let someone bury you after you die!"

After I said that, Tian Luozi was completely flustered. A cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Looking at me, he hurriedly said, "brother Guan, I'm not mean to you. You might as well kill Lei Gong instead of killing me. Naturally, I won't treat you badly when I sit as the leader of the hall. It's much more cost-effective than you kill me!"

What Tian Luozi said is indeed reasonable, but if people only have interests in their hearts but no friendship, is it still human?

After Tian Luozi finished, I sneered, and then took the short knife in my hand and prepared for the result. Tian Luozi saw that I was going to do it, and quickly shouted at the door: "come..."

He wanted to ask for help, but he only said one word, and his mouth covered my hand. I covered Tian Luozi's mouth and stabbed him in the heart with a short knife. Tian Luozi struggled and twitched twice and fell on the sofa. When he was out of breath, his eyes were wide open and staring at me.

After Tian Luozi died, I calmly sat next to Tian Luozi and wiped the blood on the short knife. At this time, Tian Luozi's men outside the door opened the door and asked me what happened. They said they heard Tian Luozi calling them just now.

"Oh, yes, brother Tian just talked to me. Go out first! Brother Tian will call you if you have something!" I said calmly to Tian Luozi's men. Tian Luozi's men knew that Tian Luozi valued me very much, and they naturally believed what I said.

Tian Luozi died very simply. He died happily without any crime. In the final analysis, he is not mean to me. I must bury him well in the future. I have thousands of reasons not to kill him. Unfortunately, people can't help themselves in the Jianghu.

After Tian Luozi died, I smashed the glass in Tian Luozi's room according to the previous agreement. After the glass broke with a bang, Lei Gong and old uncle Zhong brought people to kill him. There were not many men in Tian Luozi's residence, and they soon took it down by Lei Gong and old uncle Zhong.

Old uncle Zhong and Lei Gong took care of Tian Luozi's men and went to Tian Luozi's room. When they saw Tian Luozi lying on the sofa, Lei Gong was very angry and said, "come on, drag Tian Luozi out to burn!"

"Wait a minute!" I stopped Lei Gong. After smoking a cigarette, I was relieved. Looking at Lei Gong, I continued: "Tian Luozi is not mean to me. Although he is damn, he is also good to me. I hope you can give Tian Luozi to me! Let me bury Tian Luozi!"

Lei Gong looked at me and nodded, "well, in that case, I'll give Tian Luozi to you. The men sent by Tian Luozi will also come back. We'll deal with Tian Luozi's men first!"

I went back after smoking. Once Tian Luozi died, the overall situation of Sanlian hall has been decided. It's time for me to worry about the Qinglong club. Fat chicken killed my good brother Liu lang. it's time to pay back this account after waiting so long.

Lei Gong and Lao Zhong are highly respected in the Sanlian hall. Under their persuasion, most of Tian Luozi's men surrendered, and a few unwilling to surrender went to the West. As for the partial hall leaders who took refuge in Tian Luozi, they scolded Tian Luozi one by one to show their loyalty to Lei Gong.

I didn't say anything about the tree falling and the monkeys scattered. What's funny is that those partial hall masters who believe that my position in the triple hall has improved. Only because of Lei Gong, they all come to curry favor with me. What's more, they also advised me to kill old loyal Uncle Lei and become the hall master. I handed over the people who said this to Lei Gong. It is said that Lei Gong threw them to feed fish.

Lei Gong is in poor health. After Tian Luozi died, the power in the Sanlian hall was handed over to old uncle Zhong. Old uncle Zhong spent half a month to renovate the Sanlian hall, and the Sanlian hall returned to its original calm.

As for helping the green dragon club, Lei Gong also promised me after Tian Luozi died. He said that as long as I spoke, I could dispatch the staff of the triple hall, including uncle Zhong.

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