It was the same as last time. Sun Han was sleeping on the bed, but for some reason, I didn't sleep. By midnight, Sun Han had already fallen asleep, but I still couldn't sleep.

I couldn't sleep so I took out my cell phone and went online. On the internet, I saw a small window with a caption that was very attractive: I took advantage of her sleeping time and gave her a * *.

Of course I wanted to go in and take a look at such an explosive topic." Of course I wanted to go in and take a look at such an explosive topic. "Of course I wanted to go in and take a look at such an explosive topic.

Just when my blood was boiling, I saw Sun Han, who was sleeping soundly in the bed. The situation between Sun Han and I was very similar to what was written in the little Huang Wen just now.

Sun Han was sleeping soundly, and just to be safe, I called out to Sun Han. Seeing Sun Han was sleeping soundly, I felt relieved and crept onto his bed. My requirements weren't high, I just needed to kiss him and touch him.

Just when I was lying on Sun Han's bed preparing to kiss Sun Han's lips, Sun Han woke up. After Sun Han woke up, he immediately turned on the light. Seeing me lying on top of her, Sun Han asked me in confusion what I was doing.

I said that I was covering her with a blanket at this moment and that it was too cold for her to catch a cold. Sun Han said 'oh' and told me to go back to sleep and not be late for tomorrow.

Seeing Sun Han sleep again, my heart as a thief finally calmed down. It was really dangerous just now and I was almost discovered by Sun Han. If this were to be discovered by Sun Han, how could I face her in the future?

Since the fans in Sun Han's live broadcast room last time, they would occasionally get Sun Han to call me over to broadcast live, so I naturally wouldn't refuse when Sun Han calls me. Through my continuous efforts with Sun Han, Sun Han's fans increased in number, and the number of gifts and rewards he receives every day also increased.

Seeing Sun Han happy, I was naturally happy, but now I didn't feel happy. This was because He Jun was going to school this afternoon, and the time passed really quickly. In the blink of an eye, He Jun had already been in the hospital for an entire month.

When He Jun went back to school, the first person he wanted revenge on was definitely me. Jiang Shan and the others also knew that He Jun was going back to school, so Jiang Shan assured me that he would definitely do his best to help me.

He Jun's hair was completely shaved. In order to cover the scars on his head, he wore a peaked cap, a hat, and a bald head. He Jun looked extremely wretched.

After He Jun entered the classroom, he directly returned to his seat with a cold expression. When he passed by me, he intentionally bumped into my desk. He looked at me and coldly said, "Life in the hospital is really hard. I'll send you there later!"

"Great!" "I'll wait for you!" I casually said as I looked at He Jun.

Compared to me, who didn't dare to cause trouble before, I am now very casual. There is a saying, if you dare to hit me, then don't be afraid to get hit! It's a perfect way to describe my mood.

According to what Jiang Shan said, after returning to school, it is very likely that He Jun would ask those gangsters from the society outside to deal with me. Jiang Shan told me to be careful outside the school, afraid that He Jun would take revenge on me.

But since He Jun acted like this, if he wanted to take revenge on me, how would he care whether it was outside or inside the school?

Early the next morning, I was stopped by He Jun and his henchmen when I arrived at the school. He Jun had been in the hospital for a few days, and Ma Tao was exceptionally well-behaved, but when He Jun returned, Ma Tao also started to stir up.

They stopped me at the school gate, meaning, of course, that there was no need to think too much about it. In other words, they wanted to beat me up.

I stood in front of the school gate for a short while before Jiang Shan and his men rushed over. Jiang Shan already knew that He Jun would do this, so Jiang Shan wasn't too far away from me in order to help out at any time.

Seeing that Jiang Shan had brought his men, He Jun did not waste his time as he loudly shouted, "Hit him!"

"Who's afraid of who, let's go!" Jiang Shan wasn't a person who was afraid of things, and his men were already preparing to make their move.

The situation between the two sides was already tense, and now it was like an arrow on the bow, Jiang Shan led us and charged towards He Jun and the rest.

There are more people on He Jun's side than on ours, but our people are getting braver under the leadership of Jiang Shan. However, in the end, there are more people on He Jun's side.

However, what confused me was that, why didn't Brother Fatty participate in the battle today? If he helped He Jun to fight, then the situation would definitely be different. The one who lost could only be us.

Although this fight didn't end well, He Jun was willing to give up, leading his men to attack us relentlessly.

I was hit seven or eight times on the arm by He Jun, but I also kicked him a few times on the body.

The principal called the security guards after only a few minutes of fighting, but He Jun didn't even put the principal in his eyes. The principal came forward to support him and got hit by the angry He Jun a few times.

But in the end, this fight was still terminated by the principal. We were all called over for a good scolding, but scolding was of no use for us. This fight could be considered a temporary end, but there will be a second one after this.

As expected, just one day later, there was a conflict between me and He Jun in the classroom, and we started fighting without a word. That bastard He Jun knew that he couldn't beat me in a duel, so he swung his chair and smashed it onto my body. I was smashed by him and dislocated my left arm.

In the next few days, He Jun and I would have a fight almost every day.

The worst time I was beaten was one afternoon near the school. Sun Han and I were preparing to go back to broadcast live that day, but just as we walked out of the school a few steps, we were stopped by He Jun and his people. He Jun called his father's people in society, and with a wooden stick in his hand, he smashed it onto my body a few times without saying anything.

After fiercely slapping me a few times, He Jun left. By the time River Mountain, which was a step too late, He Jun had already disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Shan said that this is not a solution. If this continues, I will always be at a disadvantage. Rather than fighting like this every three days, it's better to just fight and settle everything.

What Jiang Shan meant was for me to make an appointment with He Jun to have a good fight, make a rule, win or lose, punish, and settle everything in one fell swoop.

Thinking about it, I felt that Jiang Shan's suggestion was feasible. This kind of headless fighting wasn't really a solution, but I also had a big concern. That was, with He Jun's background and influence, would he be able to win?

After I voiced out my worries, Jiang Shan looked at me and said, "It's true that He Jun's backing is not to be underestimated, but don't look down on yourself. The power behind you is also not a joke!"

What Jiang Shan said made me lose my head, but after Jiang Shan helped me so many times, I should listen to him this time.

I followed Jiang Shan's instructions and found He Jun. When I found He Jun, I almost fought with him again.

"I didn't come here today to fight with you. I came here to challenge you!" I looked at He Jun, who was feigning calmness.

"You want to challenge me?" He Jun looked at me in disdain before smiling in disdain.

"Three days from now, at eight o'clock in the evening, by the broken bridge in Old Street! "If you lose, then get the hell out of the school with your lackeys!" I said confidently as I looked at He Jun.

"You talk a lot. Good!" Yes! "Then what if you lose?" He Jun looked at me coldly and said.

"If I lose, then I'll just get the hell out of school and never appear in your sight again!" I said neither humbly nor arrogantly.

"Good!" As a classmate, let me remind you, in three days, just call as many people as you can. Don't say that I'm bullying you because there are too many people! "He Jun coldly said as he looked at me.

"It's not certain who will win!"

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