When I saw the sexy scene on my phone, I couldn't help but be stumped. Sun Han had his back facing me, and I was so stung that I was standing upright against Sun Han's little butt.

When Sun Han saw the image on his phone, his face flushed red like a red apple. He quickly pressed his phone onto the black screen, but just as the screen went black, I was directly facing her. Sun Han shyly looked at me and said, "You're so bad, you're always like that!" If you continue like this, I won't let you kiss me anymore! "

I already told you not to click on it, if you pull it a little, I'll have a reaction!" I said as I looked at Sun Han with utter innocence. It's not my fault, a man has to react when he sees that kind of situation.

"I don't care. Hurry up and go soft. I don't think it's safe for you to sleep with me like this!" Sun Han pulled the blanket to the side as he spoke, leaving me to stay calm and collected outside the blanket.

"Sleeping together with you … I can't soften just by smelling your scent. How about this, you use your hands to help me do it!" I said pitifully at Sun Han.

"No, just make it yourself!" Saying that, Sun Han even got up and gave me some tissues from the table.

"That guy's girlfriend is already being played by his boyfriend, it's fine if you don't want me to do it, but you can't even help me!" I watched Sun Han complain pitifully.

Under my imploring, Sun Han decided to help me do it in the end. "But I told you first, I can only do it once for you. You are not allowed to play rogue with me in the future!"

Seeing Sun Han agreeing, I was overjoyed. I nodded my head, saying that it would be the only time. But, hehe! As the saying goes, if there was a first time, there would be a second time. If there was a second time, there would be a third time. If there was a third time, there would be …

Excited, I picked up Sun Han's hand. Without much thought, I took Sun Han's hand and held it inside my pants. When I touched Sun Han's ice-cold hand, I became even more agitated.

But after Sun Han touched it, it was as though he was touching a caterpillar. He hurriedly took his hand out of my pants, and his face was already flushed red.

Sun Han said forget it. If she wants to sleep, then let me take the tissue and settle it myself. Under my continuous persuasion, Sun Han still reached his hand in and slowly did as I told him.

Sun Han had obviously never done anything before. She was afraid of hurting me, so her speed and strength were as light as cotton.

Sun Han didn't even dare to look straight at me. He turned his head to the side and started fiddling with it.

"Ah!" Sun Han cried out in surprise. Following his words, all of them landed in her hands.

After doing that, Sun Han looked at me in disdain. Then, he wiped off the liquid on his hand with a tissue. After wiping it clean, he pouted his mouth and turned around to sleep.

"Can you let me know first when we meet next time? They have it all over their hands," Sun Han pretended to be angry at me and said.

"No, didn't you just say that you would give it to me once? Why is there a next time?" I said to Sun Han with a smirk.

"You wish, I'll just give you this one time, hmph!" Saying that, Sun Han pouted as he dozed off in my arms.

Sun Han soon fell asleep, but I couldn't fall asleep. I took out my cell phone and played with it for a while. After playing with it for a while, I finally fell asleep.

The next day, I asked Jiang Shan if he had called anyone. Jiang Shan shook his head and said no.

Although we would definitely lose a lot if it's just us, even if we lose, we still have to go.

Seeing that tomorrow was about to arrive, I felt a little nervous.

As it was Friday, I first went to Uncle's home after sending Sun Han back home. Uncle and Aunt always packed up earlier than usual on Friday so we could have dinner together in the evening.

When I went back, before my uncle and aunt came back, I played with my cousin's computer in her room for a while. Her attitude towards me was much gentler now, and when I played with her computer, she didn't say anything.

When I was playing with the computer, my cousin told me to give her my phone. She had something urgent to do and I had a backup copy of her little video, so I didn't need to be afraid that she would take the opportunity to delete it.

After using it for a while, Cousin placed the phone in front of me. She put her hands on her hips and stared straight at me. Cousin was wearing a small white shirt.

"Cousin, is there something wrong with your looking at me like that? If there is something wrong, please tell me." I sat in my chair and raised my head to look at my cousin, but despite my raised head, my line of sight was blocked by my cousin's chest.

Cousin didn't waste her breath with me. After opening the live broadcast software on my phone, she calmly said to me, "This account is yours, right?"

I nodded. My cousin pinched my shoulder and said angrily, "Then that means you're the manager of my big live broadcast studio. You're an irresponsible person. Yet, you didn't help me manage the live broadcast room. Do you know how many people scolded me?"

After saying that, my elder cousin angrily pinched my body a few times. I don't know if it was my logic or my elder cousin's, but why did others scold her to vent their anger on me?

Cousin even scolded me after pinching me a few times, saying that I was irresponsible and that chatting with her would waste her time. Anyway, I still have many crimes so I can only silently admit it.

"Oh yeah, I won't be broadcasting live tonight, I'll get a room at the hotel, I'll call you then. After you're done, delete the video for me, we'll be even, hmph!" With that, my cousin walked out, leaving me in a daze.

To be honest, I used to feel itchy when I couldn't get my cousin, but now that I have the chance, I feel like I'm lacking something in my heart. But in the end, after hearing what my cousin said, the excitement in my heart is greater than anything else.

After we had dinner together, my cousin was in her room, packing up and getting ready to go out.

When my cousin was done, I asked her quietly at the door of her room if I wanted to buy a TT or something.

"Of course I want to buy it, what if I'm pregnant?" I don't know if I've offended my cousin, but she's been acting weird all day and doesn't even have a good tone when talking to me.

After Cousin went out, I cleaned up and went out to the biggest shopping mall in the county. I heard that the TT sold in those small supermarkets was not regular, firstly, I was afraid that the TT sold was not regular, and secondly, I was afraid that Cousin's stomach would grow too big, so after thinking for a bit, I came to this formal supermarket.

On the third floor of the supermarket, I meticulously selected the measures I want to use tonight. I can't be greedy, I definitely have to buy expensive ones with good quality.

At this time, Li Xiang Ning was chatting happily with a few other female classmates. They were all wearing short skirts with silk stockings. Their beautiful clothing and beautiful appearance made them into a beautiful scenery, and quite a few men glanced over at them.

I quickly lowered my head and grabbed the most expensive TT box and prepared to go to the counter to check out. I was still a classmate, so it was a little awkward for me to let my classmates know I bought the TT.

In order to make it better to cover my tracks, I used some snacks as a cover.

However, despite my cover, Li Xiang Ning still saw me. However, both of us pretended not to know each other as we each walked away.

When I queued up to pay the bill, I was the last one. Li Xiaomin and a few other female classmates were picking something, but I didn't expect Li Xiang Ning to pick something so quickly. After a while, I picked something.

To tell the truth, I was very nervous and embarrassed at the moment. But by the time I checked out, all my cover was in vain.

The cashier took my things off and scanned them one by one, not knowing if there was a grudge between me and the cashier. The same thing happened two or three times, and Li Xiang Ning and the rest were right behind me.

After I paid the bill, a few female students started to discuss in a low voice.

"Isn't that our class' Guan Yihan? Why would he buy a tank?"

"Are you dumb? Buying a tank was naturally that?"

"Of course I know what it's used for. I'm just curious, who's going to buy a Tank like him! "It's not like he's handsome at all!"

"He's at the same table as me. What a pity, he's actually pretty beautiful at the same table. Why would I be willing to be with him?"

Hearing their whispers, I quickly left the supermarket and called my cousin.

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