Before I could call her brother, the short-haired woman had already jumped onto the billiard table with her hands. She pointed innocently at us in front of her brother and said, "Brother Long, these people want to hit me. They also said they want to beat me!"

The short-haired woman had been acting cool and arrogant, but when her brother came in, she immediately became a delicate little girl. She said innocently in front of her brother with the same innocent look.

The elder brother looked outside and then looked at the short hair. He said, "Xiao Qian, did you cause trouble outside? Otherwise, why would people come and take care of you?"

The short-haired woman kept shaking her head, looking at her brother with a serious look and said, "No, I'm very honest these days, I've been staying at home all this time, I swear to you!"

"I swear to god, if I'm dishonest during this period of time, I'll marry you!" The short-haired woman smiled at her brother after swearing. Anyone who wasn't blind could tell that she was interested in him.

Initially, I thought she was pretty cool, but I didn't expect that she would suddenly change into an innocent girl so much. I still hadn't gotten used to it.

"Alright, alright, let's talk about it later!" The elder brother pulled the short-haired woman aside and went over to pull up all those people who had been beaten up.

That bastard Liu Lang didn't know about my brother's relationship with me. After being pulled up from the ground by my brother, he even arrogantly looked at me while pointing at my brother and said: "Good, you guys were pretty good just now. This time my brother-in-law came, see if I'll properly deal with you today!"

To be honest, I don't like people like Liu Lang, but before I could say anything, Jiang Shan took the initiative. Jiang Shan looked at Liu Lang with disdain as he said, "Look at you, do you know who your brother-in-law is?"

Liu Lang gave me an incredulous look, then looked at my brother. However, the one with the biggest change in expression was that short-haired woman.

"Brother Long, is he really your brother?" The short-haired woman asked in surprise.

The elder brother nodded at the short-haired woman and said yes, he is my younger brother. In an instant, the short-haired woman's expression turned unnatural. Actually, it wasn't just her. Our hearts were especially unnatural as well. After fighting back and forth, it turns out that we were all the same person. That kind of feeling was truly complicated.

"This is Ah Kun, my good brother!" The elder brother introduced Brother Kun to the short-haired woman.

Brother Kun shook hands with the short-haired woman politely, but it could be seen that both Brother Kun and the short-haired woman were a bit embarrassed.

"This is Chen Xiaoqian!" "The girl who always fights and stirs up trouble about men's crotch!" The elder brother introduced. The elder brother probably didn't remember and told the story of Chen Xiaoqian. Just by looking at the story of Chen Xiaoqian, one could tell that Chen Xiaoqian was also a girl who was like a man at the time.

"Oh, I know, I didn't see it clearly at that time, and I only saw one side of it. I didn't expect it to be so big now!" Brother Kun suddenly realized and said.

After Brother Kun told her about Brother Kun and Chen Xiaoqian, she found out that Chen Xiaoqian's father was a genuine social person. Chen Xiaoqian, who had lost her mother since she was young, spent her days with people under her father's command, and naturally became a hooligan. Back then, Chen Xiaoqian was a man who was not afraid of burning women to fight her brother. However, in the end, she was beaten up by her brother.

The relationship between Chen Xiaoqian's father and brother was not ordinary, so the matter was settled privately. After the contact later on, Chen Xiaoqian had a favorable impression of her brother. However, it didn't take long for her brother to go to jail, so the matter naturally came to an end.

At that time, Brother Kun only roughly glanced at Chen Xiaoqian, and never saw her again. That was why Brother Kun didn't recognize Chen Xiaoqian.

"That's it for now, let's have dinner tonight!" The elder brother said with an unhappy expression. Then, he walked out by himself.

"Brother Long, wait for me. Let's go back together!" Chen Xiaoqian said as she followed her brother and left.

I, Brother Jiang Shan, fat brother glanced at Liu Lang, and without saying anything further, he walked out with big strides.

"Sigh, this really is the Dragon King's Temple. So you're all one family!" After the chubby brother came out, he looked at us and said helplessly.

Actually, we were feeling quite helpless as well. After a few rounds, it turns out that we are all of the same kind of people. This is fucking awkward.

It was probably to solve this misunderstanding. No one could refuse to give me face, and it was the same for the chubby one. Jiang Shan said that the big guys should go back and change their clothes, as they were all dirty. After they changed their clothes, they would contact each other, and then have a brawl and get together for a meal.

After saying that, we left separately. While I was looking for change in my room, my cousin knocked on my door. I opened the door to look for change in my clothes. It wasn't that I didn't have any clothes on, it was just that I hadn't washed yet due to laziness.

My cousin came in and smiled at me. "Didn't you say that there were four other requests that I had to fulfill? Can you explain them to me first?"

"Didn't I say that we can talk about it after I've thought about it? I still haven't made up my mind." I looked at my cousin and casually said.

"But you should at least give me a general idea, otherwise I won't be able to finish it by then!" Cousin sister looked at me innocently and said.

"Don't worry, I won't ask for any perverts. At most, there will be a little perverted, but you will definitely be able to accomplish it, so you don't have to worry!" I had already picked out a clean set of clothes from the dirty clothes and told my cousin to go back first, because I had to change my pants.

His cousin pouted and walked out unhappily, closing the door at the same time.

After I changed my clothes, Jiang Shan called me and informed me of the location. After knowing the location, I took a taxi and went straight there. When I went, Brother Jiang Shan and Fatty were already there. Liu Lang and Chen Xiaoqian had already arrived and changed into a clean set of clothes. Actually, if Liu Lang didn't act arrogant, then it wouldn't be too annoying.

After I left, I sat down beside Jiang Shan. The moment I sat down, Chen Xiaoqian sat on me. She placed her hands on the table and smiled at me. "I'm so sorry about what happened last time. I didn't know you were Brother Long's little brother. I wouldn't have ordered people to beat you up no matter what!"

I nodded and said it was nothing. It was just a misunderstanding. Only then did Chen Xiaoqian sit down in relief.

Not long after, Big Brother Kun and Big Brother Kun arrived. They had also changed their clothes, and their mature temperament and muscular bodies made them look even more handsome.

After my brother sat down at our table, Chen Xiaoqian also sat down beside him. Her eyes instantly became infatuated with him. This was in stark contrast to her cool appearance.

"There's too much to talk about. This whole thing was just a misunderstanding from the start. We're all on the same side, so let's just forget about this matter. Come, let's all drink!" Under the lead of our brother, we all raised our glasses and downed it in one gulp.

"I was wrong about this. I shouldn't have caused trouble for you guys, and even caused you to lose to the champion of the basketball game." After drinking the wine in his hand, Liu Lang stood up and toasted us once more with an apologetic look.

Although we were taken care of by Liu Lang and his men, but we have also taken care of him before, not to mention that we had such a relationship. Furthermore, Liu Lang had already taken the initiative to apologize.

"There's something wrong with us here. Sigh, let's not talk about the past anymore and just let him pass. After we drink this wine, the past will vanish like smoke!" Saying that, we imitated the adults and drank a cup of wine.

After we finished drinking, we ate our fill and sat there feeling very satisfied, touching our chubby bellies.

During dinner time, Chen Xiaoqian had been acting coquettishly by her brother's side, telling him to give her some food. We, the outsiders, had no right to care about the two of them.

As soon as my brother left, Chen Xiaoqian sat by my side and asked me a difficult question. If the man asked me, I didn't feel embarrassed, but I felt shy to be asked this by a woman. I said shyly. Chen Xiaoqian looked at me and said proudly, "As long as you agree, Qianjie will take you guys to go whoring today and make you into a real man!"

Obviously, the 'all of you' that Chen Xiaoqian mentioned included Brother Jiang Shan, Brother Liu Lang, and the others. When I heard Chen Xiaoqian say that, Brother Fatty and Brother Jiang Shan beside me gave me a meaningful glance, wishing they could agree on my behalf.

I wanted to have a taste of what it was like to be a man and a woman, so after a moment's hesitation, I nodded shyly.

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