We didn't cover her with the blanket, so when Li Xiang Ning pushed the door open and saw everything in the room, she immediately blushed like a red apple when she saw me. She screamed in panic and quickly closed the door.

After being completely seen through by Li Xiang Ning, I no longer had the mood to continue. I looked at Sun Han and impatiently said, "Weren't you the one who shut the door just now? Why did Li Xiang Ning push the door open and come in?"

Sun Han looked at me innocently and said, "How would I know? I did close the door!"

I finally understood that Sun Han had indeed closed the door, but you had to lock it at the same time. It's useless just pulling the door shut, I chided Sun Han in a bad mood. If anyone else had seen me, they wouldn't have had such a huge reaction, but Li Xiang Ning was an exception.

"I just forgot, why are you talking to me so loudly. Since I'm so useless, then let's sleep separately from now on!" Saying this, Sun Han got off the bed in a huff and muttered to himself: "Don't think about me helping you in the future!" Scoundrel!

"Just listen to my explanation, I …" Before I could finish, Sun Han had already put on his shoes and left. On the way out, he intentionally knocked on the door. It was clear that Sun Han was angry.

I know the volume I said was a little too loud, but it all happened because she didn't lock the door. I'm not angry yet.

I knew that the reason why Sun Han was angry was because he wanted me to coax her. But when I put on my pants and went to find Sun Han to coax her, she had already run to Li Xiang Ning's bed and fell asleep.

Li Xiang Ning was lying beside Sun Han. After that dragon just now, she and I felt a little awkward, so we didn't say a word to each other.

Under my repeated attempts to make peace, Sun Han finally managed to say a few words to me. Sun Han told me to hurry back to sleep and not disturb her rest.

I could only obediently go back to sleep. When Jiang Shan and the rest returned at noon the next day, they all looked dispirited. It was probably because they were hollowed out last night.

After returning, Jiang Shan and the others directly went to sleep, not even saying a word to me.

Time flew by quickly. Soon, it was the day of the event, the day of the anniversary of the live broadcast platform's broadcast live.

Sun Han, Li Xiang Ning and her cousin had long since gone to the live broadcast platform together. They weren't flustered when facing danger during the live broadcast, but in real life, such large-scale events had left them quite nervous.

However, when the watch went to the front desk to check their names, they were told that they were not on the list for this event. When they heard this news, their older cousin Sun Han and Li XiangNing were all stunned. They had the front desk check them again and again, but the results were the same.

After they told us the reason, we almost went in and had a big fight, but after thinking for a bit, I can roughly guess why it's like this. That damn fat pig is the host and planner of this event, it wouldn't be that easy for him to erase Cousin's name. Moreover, we beat him up last time, how could he just let it go?

After understanding these things, we had no more complaints and went back together.

Cousin Sun Han and the others have been preparing for a long time for this event, and they've also put in a lot of effort. This goes without saying, if it's gone, then it's gone, who would feel good about it?

Sun Han returned to the hotel and sat down gloomily, preparing to pack up his clothes before heading back. He had spent a lot of money staying in the city for the past few days.

Although Sun Han didn't participate in this live broadcast event, I watched the entire event through a live broadcast of the event on my phone. The one who won this event is an island woman with a particularly good figure and pretty looks, but her performance is really not very good nor does it look good. And the reason why the champion is her, I think there's definitely something fishy about it.

Just these 10,000 people included their cousin Sun Han's fans. They pulled down a banner with Cousin Sun Han's name written on it to cheer for Sun Han and his cousin. Unfortunately, from beginning to end, Sun Han and his cousin never appeared.

In order to properly participate in this event, Sun Han, Li Xiang Ning and his cousin hadn't shown a live broadcast for the past few days. Sun Han originally wanted to go online to see if his fans had left any comments, but when Sun Han took out his phone to log in his account, it showed that it didn't exist.

After calling him, he said that the account had already been destroyed, as did his cousin Li Xiang Ning.

Sun Han had the customer service restore his account, but the other side kept hesitating. They didn't give him a good answer, but only said that they would do their best.

Sun Han, who knew that his account had been destroyed, was very unhappy and almost cried out in grievance. Everything in this account was saved up by her in the past semester, and if it just disappeared like that, then the blow would be fatal for Sun Han.

Looking at Sun Han like this, I also felt very uncomfortable in my heart. But I'm just a normal boy.

I had no choice but to ask my brother for help.

When I found my brother, he had just woken up. After he finished washing up, he asked me what I wanted to find him for, since my brother is not an outsider, I didn't hide anything, so I told him everything I knew and asked him to help Sun Han. The live broadcast was an essential part of Sun Han and also the main source of income for him.

He didn't understand his brother's explanation for the live broadcast, but it had to be related to that fat pig.

Big brother called big brother Kun, then told big brother Kun to gather some people and ask about that fat pig's information.

It didn't take long for him to find out about that fat pig. According to information that brother Kun had gathered, that fat pig was going to the dining hall tonight to attend some sort of celebration party, so Brother Kun had already investigated everything.

Jiang Shan and the others also knew about Sun Han and the others. Although Li Xiang and Sun Han had nothing to do with them, the men's way of thinking urged them to join hands with a common enemy. Jiang Shan and the others also prepared to go together at night to take care of that damn fat pig.

Fighting has always been a guy's preserve, so I let Sun Han go back first. Sun Han didn't want to stay any longer, so he and Cousin Li Xiang took a taxi together.

For the sake of getting rid of that fat pig at night, Jiang Shan and the others even prepared wooden sticks.

At night, each of us took a wooden stick and followed Brother Kun and the others to the restaurant that Brother Kun talked about.

That restaurant was of a higher class and the interior decorations were all very tasteful. Of course, this also meant that the cost of the food inside was very high. For a place like this, ordinary people couldn't afford to come.

Big Brother Kun didn't think much of it and openly brought us in. There were around thirty of us in total, and because we had so many people, the waiters all walked to the side when they saw us.

The customers inside didn't dare to say anything when they saw us. As a boy who loved wuxia movies since he was young, this kind of majestic feeling felt really good.

At the side of the dining hall, that fat pig is sitting there, eating like a big fish. Beside that fat pig is the island lady who won the championship today. I knew that there was something fishy about it.

The fat stupid pig was eating with relish. As the fat stupid pig had its back to us, he didn't even know that we had come.

"Heh, we really meet again due to fate!"

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