After kissing my cousin for a while, I left happily, just like a little boy who got candy.

When I went back, Sun Han was still broadcasting the show live. In order not to disturb Sun Han's live broadcast, I walked out the door and strolled along the road.

After walking for a while on the road, I coincidentally met the Steel Teeth Sister who was going to buy vegetables. The Steel Teeth Sister told me before that she also rented a house in the county city by herself. Furthermore, the house she rented wasn't far from ours.

The Steel Teeth Sister rented a house by herself. She usually lived and ate alone, but she was very thrifty. Every month, there would be a surplus in her living expenses, but similarly, her life would not be very good.

After meeting the Steel Teeth Sister, I greeted her in a very friendly manner. The Steel Teeth Sister said that she was going to buy some food, and coincidentally, I was also taking a walk. Since I had nothing better to do, I accompanied her to buy some food.

The Steel Teeth Sister didn't have much money on her. When she bought the vegetables, she took out all the money, all the change, not a single 100. The dishes she bought were very cheap and very little, just some vegetables and a few eggs and tomatoes.

Although I'm not a rich person, I still have some money on me. My brother would occasionally give me one or two thousand, so I wasn't short of money. When the Steel Teeth Sister was preparing to leave, I bought some meat and some vegetables for her to cook.

The Steel Teeth Sister didn't want it and said it wasn't appropriate. Indeed, I had only known her for a week or so, but I didn't know why, but I had an inexplicable good impression of her and wanted to treat her better.

Under my insistence, the Steel Teeth Sister finally accepted. However, she said that she would cook a meal for me to eat. Otherwise, if it didn't work out, I would also agree with a smile.

I helped the Steel Teeth Sister carry the dishes while she led the way, and very quickly, I followed her to the place she rented. The place she rented was rather simple and crude, a dilapidated, tiled building that hadn't been demolished yet, although it was a bit simple and crude, the rent was naturally much cheaper.

I ate until my stomach was full before I was willing to leave. Originally, she still wanted to stay a while longer, but seeing that the sky was slowly turning dark and there was only one man and one woman left, what would happen if I stayed? Thus, I rationally chose to leave after eating.

When I finished eating and returned, Sun Han was just about to go out for a meal on the live broadcast, but I've already eaten. When I returned, Sun Han was just about to go out for a meal on the live broadcast, but I've already eaten, but Sun Han already told me to stay with her.

After eating his fill, Sun Han took my hand and walked into the room. Sun Han, who had been broadcasting live for such a long time, was a little tired.

Sun Han was playing with her cell phone with her back to me and her hair draped over her head. Sun Han probably didn't know that her posture was particularly seductive. From my point of view, other than her curvy ass, she could also see Sun Han's slim waist.

At that moment, I subconsciously turned evil. Smiling evilly, I moved my body behind Sun Han. A certain shameless and solid part of me even shamelessly slammed into Sun Han's fart.

Sun Han obviously felt it. He put down his phone and turned around to look at me angrily, "You're pushing me back again!?" "Why are you so annoying? I was just having fun, and you just pushed me up!"

"It's not like I'm dispirited or listless. It's normal for my Yang energy to shrink and harden!" I laughed mischievously as I looked at Sun Han.

Sun Han angrily tapped my crotch with his little finger, then smirked at me and told me to lie down while she helped me do it.

At that time, I laid down happily, but Sun Han didn't know what kind of fun it was to have me wear the eye patch. He even threatened me that if I didn't wear the eye patch, he wouldn't help me with it!

I could only obediently lie down and put on the eyepatch. To be honest, after putting on the eyepatch, it was pitch-black. When I felt the warmth from Sun Han's hand, it was rather stimulating.

But very quickly, I suddenly felt that place was ice-cold, as if I'd met an ice cube. I quickly removed the eye patch, but found that Sun Han was pointing a small knife at me.

"Why did you go soft?" "How am I supposed to shave off all your hair if you're like this?" Sun Han looked at me with disdain as he waved the knife in her hand in front of me.

I told Sun Han to put down the knife, but Sun Han didn't. He said I had too much black fur and had to be shaved clean. When I refused, Sun Han even grabbed me and made me obediently listen.

I know that Sun Han was being naughty, but she kept swinging the sabre around in my hands. I was really afraid that if she accidentally cut me in half, I would really become a eunuch.

"Okay, okay, I'll be good, I'll be good, but you have to be careful. If you really break me down, then I'll marry you home and let you live as a widow for your entire life!" I solemnly said as I looked at Sun Han.

But Sun Han didn't agree. He told me to just lie still and let the knife dangle in my hand in excitement.

Under Sun Han's merciless knife, my place quickly became a 'Bald Hair Chicken'. Sun Han was very satisfied and threw the fur into the trash can, then he came over and happily helped me with it.

But when Sun Han helped me, he still disdained me from holding back, didn't he?

Sun Han didn't even show any expression when he helped me. When I thought of Sun Han shaving my place into a bald chicken, I forced myself to stand up and press Sun Han down. Then I pressed down on Sun Han's body and began to pull at Sun Han's clothes.

"I already agreed to help you, what else do you want?" Sun Han looked at me with his eyes wide open and said seriously.

"Just take off your clothes, I'll just touch it, just touch it!" I said confidently to Sun Han.

"Do you really think I'm a three year old child? You told me to touch it before, but after it was taken off, you touched it, licked it, and sucked it, so I wouldn't fall for your trick again!" Sun Han looked at me and pouted unhappily.

Hearing that Sun Han had exposed my true identity, I couldn't help but blush.

I pitifully begged Sun Han for a moment to let her take off her clothes for me to touch. Just for a moment, I definitely wouldn't lie this time.

"NO!" You're a bad guy and you're trying to trick me again! "I won't fall for your trick!" Sun Han looked at me and said in a determined manner.

I pulled Sun Han's hands away, then used one hand to control Sun Han's hands, while my right hand started to strip Sun Han's clothes. Sun Han had just taken a bath, and didn't even have a cover, so after peeling off the clothes, I could see the two enchanting scenes in front of me.

Ah!" "Since you're relying on your strength to bully me, if you don't let me go, I won't help you get it done in the future!" Sun Han threatened me furiously, but Sun Han's words were basically as if he didn't say anything at all.

Sun Han continued to struggle as she spoke, trying to kick me away with her big white leg. But the more she resisted, the more I desired to conquer her. Under Sun Han's resistance, I lowered my head to lick her.

Sun Han was still resisting and I couldn't control her hand either. I let go of her and said, "Stop it, I can't even do anything if you move around like this!"

Sun Han acknowledged and placed her hand on my neck, allowing me to do whatever I want with her breasts.

Afterwards, Sun Han and I embraced and kissed. Sun Han responded to my mouth while at the same time moving his hand towards my other side.

I also suggested to Sun Han to let me do it, but Sun Han said no, I'll have to get married in the future before I can do it. When that time comes, no matter what I do to her, she won't refuse and will still cooperate with me.

Although his words were quite good, when would this be the end?

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