After reading sun Han's cell phone, I put sun Han's cell phone intact. After taking a bath, sun Han came to me in loose pajamas, looked at me with a smile and said, "do you want that today?"

I sat on the bed and didn't speak, so I looked at Sun Han. Sun Han playfully walked in front of me, then directly crossed my lap, held my bearded face and kissed her. If I didn't see sun Han's mobile phone, I would not be able to give her a hard kiss, but after looking at Sun Han's mobile phone, even if her lips were warm again, There is no agitation in my heart.

"Sit down first, I have something to tell you!" I looked at Sun Han and said.

Sun Han got down from my lap in disappointment and sat on the bed. I put sun Han's mobile phone in front of her and opened her chat record with Tang Tianyi. Then I sat there and said nothing.

Under such circumstances, it's no use talking too much. Birds that want to fly will not stop flying because of a few thunders.

After reading it, sun Han looked at me with great guilt and said, "I'm sorry. I've only treated him as a friend all the time. There's absolutely no other meaning!"

"Well, there's no need to explain more to me. Go and see the house tomorrow. If it's suitable, rent the house and I'll help you move things there." after that, I lay down and went to bed without a trace of anger or anger.

I actually want to get angry with sun Han, but I know that if I see sun Han uncomfortable, I will feel even worse.

"Listen to me, he and I really have nothing," Sun Han wanted to explain to me clearly, but the explanation is a cover up, and the cover up is a fact. No matter how much you say, it's useless.

I covered the quilt and didn't speak. Sun Han took off my quilt at once. Then he sat on the bed and looked at me very seriously and said, "you mean to break up with me? Don't you?"

I didn't speak, so it was regarded as default. Sun Han pushed me a few times, asked me to speak and gave her an answer.

When I heard the word "break up", my heart contracted fiercely. It was not a taste. Sun Han saw that I didn't speak, put on my clothes and went out. I didn't ask her to stay and let her leave.

After sun Han left, I couldn't control my mood any more. I cried miserably in the quilt. I always thought that lovelorn was no big deal, no big deal, and there was nothing to cry about, but now I know how painful lovelorn is.

When I think of the past, tears flow down my ears to the pillow. I haven't slept all night. I'm thinking about sun Han. Sometimes I even want to catch sun Han back, but reason tells me that it's not feasible. The person who should leave will eventually leave, and then painstaking retention will only make people more passive.

The next morning, sun Han took the initiative to tell the teacher that she wanted to change her seat and didn't sit with me. In the classroom, sun Han suddenly made such a move, which made the teacher a little embarrassed, because there were no vacant seats in the classroom.

"Well, who wants to change seats with sun Han?" the teacher said to the whole class.

As soon as the teacher finished speaking, steel tooth sister raised her hand and said she was willing to sit with me, but the teacher asked Li Xiangning and sun han to change seats. Obviously, Li Xiangning also raised her hand, but I don't know why she intended to change seats with sun Han.

After collecting the books, sun Han stood up and looked at me, and then sat in Li Xiangning's seat without saying a word. Li Xiangning also sat next to me with the books.

After class, Tang Tianyi walked up to sun Han with a smile and asked sun Han whether to go out for activities, but Sun Han didn't look very well and said she was not in the mood to go out. She wanted to sit for a while first.

Tang Tianyi's smile was obviously deliberately put to me, which naturally meant ridicule and show off.

A few days ago, when brother Pang suggested that someone beat Tang Tianyi, I asked brother Pang not to do it, but now I don't need others to say that I especially want to clean up Tang Tianyi, not because he took sun Han, but because he is too arrogant.

At noon, I wanted to go to fat brother Jiangshan as soon as class was over. They discussed how to clean up Tang Tianyi, but at noon, Li Xiangning invited me to lunch for the first time.

"Invite me to dinner? Why?" when I heard Li Xiangning say he would invite me to dinner, I wondered if my ears had heard wrong.

"We are at the same table now. It's normal for us to have dinner together!" Li Xiangning looked at me and said naturally.

I can't refuse Li Xiangning's kindness. After class at noon, I followed Li Xiangning to the restaurant for lunch.

When having dinner with Li Xiangning, Li Xiangning was afraid that I would be angry and carefully asked me if I had a conflict with sun Han. I calmly said that it was not a conflict, but a breakup.

Li Xiangning gave a shout and then ate her own meal there. "I heard people say that it's the best way to forget the last relationship and start a new relationship!" Li Xiangning said such a game intentionally or unintentionally when eating. At that time, she said it quietly, and I didn't hear it. I continued to eat.

After dinner, I went directly to the outside of brother Pang's classroom to wait for brother Pang. After a while, brother Pang went back. I asked brother pang to call some people in the school. After class in the afternoon, I went directly to block Tang Tianyi.

"Don't worry, I'll ask for help this afternoon. Go back first! I'll bring someone then!". Fat brother said to me.

I'm relieved to have fat brother's words. After I went back to two classes in the afternoon, I went out of the classroom to meet fat brother after school.

Brother Pang called four people. Jiangshan heard that I was going to clean up Tang Tianyi. Naturally, it was incumbent on him to come and help. With me, we have seven people. We will propose with Jiangshan that we go outside to wait for Tang Tianyi and clean him up after Tang Tianyi, but I didn't agree this time. I can't manage so much this time, Whether he is inside or outside the school, he must be cleaned up today.

I've said that. Fat brother Jiangshan didn't say much. They took people with me to block Tang Tianyi. Under the teaching building, we just met Tang Tianyi downstairs. Tang Tianyi came downstairs with his shoulder bag on his back. When he saw us, he looked calm.

"You TMD are very calm. You pretend to hang like this every day. You're terrible because of you." fat brother is not a good temper. He pointed to Tang Tianyi and scolded a few words.

Tang Tianyi stood there in a dignified manner without saying anything, but when he looked at me, he smiled, but that smile was not a friendly smile.

When I saw the smile on Tang Tianyi's face, my whole chest was occupied by anger. Before fat brothers started, I rushed up first, grabbed Tang Tianyi's collar and punched him in the face.

After I hit it, the corners of Tang Tianyi's mouth had bled. He looked at me and said with a smile, "why? If you can't see your girlfriend, take it out on me? You're really useless!"

He was clearly a deliberate provocation. I was merciless and hit him in the face again.

Just as I was about to clean up Tang Tianyi, sun Han also came down from upstairs. When sun Han saw this scene, he quickly came to hold me and told me not to do it again. It's not good to hurt anyone.

"Get out of my way!" I pushed sun Han away. Maybe it was because I was angry. I had more strength in my hands and pushed sun Han directly to the ground.

Sun Han was delicate and tender again. When he fell to the ground, Bai Nen's hands were abraded and bleeding.

Sun Han sat on the ground and looked at me wrongfully. In fact, I also love sun Han very much. I want to buy her a band aid to stick it, but after thinking about it, I still don't care so much. Why should I care about her? I'm not her now.

Seeing that I pushed sun han to the ground, Jiangshan fat brothers stopped. I rushed towards Tang Tianyi like a madman, but it was school time at that time, and the people in the school had not gone clean. When those girls saw Tang Tianyi being beaten, they hurried to help and stopped me outside.

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