After hearing the voice of sister steel teeth, I quickly stopped the action on my mouth and quickly sorted out my clothes like stealing. My cousin also got up and sorted out my clothes. After finishing my clothes, I went to open the door for sister steel teeth, and my cousin walked out quickly when I opened the door.

When she saw her cousin, she was a little surprised, but it's no wonder. After all, she didn't know her cousin before.

"What's up?", I looked at the steel tooth sister and asked.

"Oh, brother Han, this is my own cake for supper. I think your light is still on, so I want to bring you some and let you eat while it's hot!" the steel tooth sister looked at me and said with a smile.

Steel teeth sister is also kind. I take the cake in her hand and let her come in and sit for a while.

After she came in, she sat on the bed, and I poured her a glass of boiled water. After drinking a little water, she talked with me there. She whispered to me who the woman who had just gone out of my room was. I didn't hide anything. I directly told her that it was my cousin. I drank more wine today and she sent me back.

"Cousin? It's so late. You two are in the house. It can't be..." sister steel teeth was going to continue, but she stopped halfway.

There are few people in my delicate relationship with my cousin, and I don't want others to know. I asked sister steelteeth not to tell about it,

After looking at me, she nodded at me seriously and said she wouldn't tell me about it.

I can't believe other people, but I don't believe steel teeth. I haven't known steel teeth for a few days, but I believe her inexplicably. I don't know why.

"Brother Han, you're not going to catch up with sun Han. You've been together for more than half a year. Isn't it a pity to break up like this?" said steel tooth, looking at me.

I know the steel tooth sister is for my good, but it's better to raise him if she can't hold the sand. Anyway, there's no result to be forced together.

I said that since I broke up, I don't need to think so much. I wish her to find another lover. After listening to me, the steel tooth sister didn't say anything. She sat there obediently.

After chatting with me for a while, steel tooth sister left. It was getting late. I drank too much and my head was a little confused. After steel tooth sister left, I hurried to sleep.

The next day was Sunday. I didn't have class. I slept at ease. I slept until noon. As soon as I got up, Jiangshan called me.

Jiangshan said with a smile on the phone that day that he asked me to pack up quickly and play with them in the afternoon. He took me to treat my emotional injury.

Anyway, there was nothing to do on Sunday. I promised Jiangshan, but it was still too early in the afternoon. After I hung up the phone, I continued to lie down.

Since Sun Han became a female anchor, when I was bored, I would open the live broadcast software to see the live broadcast. I had enough sleep, so I took out my mobile phone and watched the live broadcast. When I open the live broadcast software, the system prompts that my love only guardian has been online, so let me go to guard.

My only guardian is sun Han. After breaking up, I didn't cancel the guardian, so I kept it. When I saw the prompt, my heart throbbed unconsciously, and then my fingers opened sun Han's live studio.

Generally speaking, sun Han started the live broadcast in the afternoon, but today is Sunday, which is an exception.

Sun Han still told the audience emotional stories as before. After telling a story, a netizen typed and asked sun Han if she was in love. When sun Han saw the news, she smiled bitterly, and then said sadly that she had just broken up.

When sun Han said this carelessly, the following comments exploded. Many people brushed the screen and asked sun Han how to divide his hands. At first, sun Han was unwilling to say, but several local tyrants brushed a lot of gifts for sun Han. They asked sun han to tell them the process of breaking up.

When sun Han received gifts from others, it was naturally hard to refuse them. After calming down his mood, he told about his breakup as usual. Of course, when it comes to breakup, I am naturally indispensable.

Sun Han was wronged to say that I was too stingy under the camera. She just treated Tang Tianyi as a friend, but I couldn't stand her breaking up with her when she had heterosexual friends. After sun Han said that pitifully, many people sympathized with her, and some directly said that I don't want a boyfriend like sun Han. I can't find a boyfriend like a beautiful sister like sun Han.

Originally, I was in a particularly bad mood these days. Seeing this situation, I was even more cold at that time. After you were right, I hurried off the line. I don't want to see the accusations of those netizens against me.

Sun Han obviously saw the message I sent. After I went offline, she sent me two messages and asked me if she was wrong.

I didn't take care of her, so I went directly to Jiangshan. Jiangshan took me to ride a bike for several hours. After dark, they came to Kunge's Di bar and danced with those men and women on the dance floor.

I just don't know why. No matter how lively the scene is, it won't affect me. My mood is still very bad.

It happened that sister Qian and brother also came to brother Kun's Di bar this evening. We were also there. Sister Qian asked us to sit there.

Seeing my sad face, sister Qian smiled and put her hand on my shoulder and asked me what's the matter. Before I spoke, Jiangshan took the lead, "sister Qian, Hanzi, this is lovelorn and sad!"

"Lovelorn?", sister Qian smiled, then looked at me and said happily, "don't be so sad. Later, sister Qian will take you to play with women and let them share your sorrow for you!" after that, sister Qian gave me a meaningful look.

"If you don't stay at home, you will bring them bad as soon as you come out. They are all students. You're just teaching them bad!" said my brother, looking at sister Qian unconvinced.

"What's the matter? It's none of your business. You said I had nothing to do with you. Why do you care about me?", sister Qian refused to show weakness and talked back to her brother. She sat directly next to her brother. It seems that she is going to fight with her brother for 300 rounds.

Seeing that sister Qian and her brother were on the fence, brother Kun quickly winked at us, let us go out and let them quarrel slowly inside.

"Don't quarrel with me here. If you quarrel like this again, believe it or not, I took your clothes!"

"Come on, you have a seed. You're stronger than me today. If you don't dare, you're a eunuch!"

We all went out. Sister Qian and her brother were still quarrelling inside.

After hearing this, brother Kun held a smile there and took us out for a drink.

After drinking a little wine, I left alone. Jiangshan and they planned to play before going. I didn't bother to go back after I came out, so I found a small hotel nearby.

Just as I was going to take a bath and sleep, a small card flew in through the crack of the door like a dart. I was too busy to pick it up and have a look.

There is a picture of a sexy woman printed on the small card, and there are still very attractive words next to it: young women, white-collar workers and student girls under your command! There's a phone number at the bottom.

No doubt, this is clearly a small card for me to do bad things.

Thinking that I am still a virgin, I am very unwilling. I happen to have hundreds of dollars. Why not take this opportunity to leave the virgin era?

After thinking about it, I took out my mobile phone and dialed the phone number on the small card. The other party was a man. After I got through the phone, I asked me for that type. I said call me a student sister. If a student sister is at least young, it should be good.

After negotiating the price, the other party asked me to wait a moment, and he called someone for me immediately.

I was very excited to wait in bed. I thought I could leave the virgin age soon. My gray mood was better. I heard fat brother say it's cool to make women. I don't know how cool it is?

While I was thinking, there was a knock outside the door.

Dong Dong! Dong Dong!

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