The steel tooth girl was not too flustered or afraid after she was crushed in bed by me. She stared at me with big eyes. Her little face was red and a little shy. That appearance was very tempting for a man.

I looked at the girl waiting to pity her, and suddenly my mouth was dry, and my eyes moved to her chest with the bar of my tongue. She belongs to the thin one, and her chest naturally belongs to the barren one.

However, this also shows one thing. The steel tooth sister's chest has not been pitied. I remember that sun Han used to be a better pen airport, but with the achievements of my hands, she has developed some.

Seeing that I was staring at her chest, the steel tooth sister was embarrassed to ask me what I was looking at. Was it because she was not big, so I was not interested.

"No, I'm afraid you'll regret it. If you give it to me for the first time, you won't regret it at all?", I looked at the steel tooth sister and said seriously. As a man, I naturally want to break a woman, but I don't want to be difficult.

Steel tooth sister looked at me and said seriously, "if it was other men, I might regret it, but I feel very satisfied if I gave it to brother Han for the first time!". Steel teeth sister said and looked at me and smiled.

After hearing that, my vanity was greatly satisfied, and my originally dark and cold mood became milder.

I smiled at the steel tooth sister, and then kissed her on the forehead. After kissing, I sat up in bed and planned to calm down. Although the steel tooth sister is not very good-looking, she is a good girl. Of course, I can't just occupy her.

After I sat up, the steel tooth sister looked at me, and then took off her clothes. She was only wearing a mask on her upper body. She was going to continue to take off naked. At this time, I quickly stopped her so that she didn't have to take off.

"Brother Han, do you want to take it off by yourself," said the steel tooth sister, and she sat in front of me and looked at me face to face. The distance between us was only tens of centimeters.

Obviously, the steel tooth sister misunderstood. She thought I wanted to take off her hood and inside by myself, and deliberately sat closer to me for my convenience, but I didn't mean that.

"I don't mean that. I want you to put on your clothes and take the money. You're a good girl. If I get you like this, do you still deserve your call brother Xiao Han?" I looked at the steel tooth sister and said solemnly.

In fact, I admire myself. Under such circumstances, I can sit still.

The steel tooth sister was disappointed. She put on her clothes, put on her shoes and was ready to leave. She didn't want any money.

I said you take the money before you go. The steel tooth sister was disappointed and said unhappily, "brother Han, you haven't done anything to me. I can't take your money!".

Then she was ready to leave. Seeing that she was so stubborn, I changed my face. Looking at her, she said softly, "well, well, go to bed and sleep with me for a night, but I said first. I only have so little money. I don't care if the night is enough!"

After listening to me, she nodded, took off her shoes and lay next to me. After I covered the quilt for her, I went to bed with my back to her.

I'm not used to sleeping with steel teeth for the first time. I didn't sleep until early in the morning.

The next morning, I was still sleepy. I felt that my lower body was caught by something warm. I rubbed my eyes and woke up.

I opened the quilt and saw that the steel tooth girl was holding my game in the quilt. From time to time, she rubbed my eggs with her hands. Her face was curious.

After I opened the quilt, steel tooth sister found my eyes, quickly spread her hands, and then drilled her head outside the quilt. I don't know whether she was shy or embarrassed. Her face was red, like drinking a little wine.

I looked at the steel tooth sister with a smile and asked her if it was fun. The steel tooth sister hid her head in the quilt shyly. Let me be serious and don't ask her these questions again.

I smiled and said I wouldn't ask, and then handed the money on the table last night to steel tooth sister for her to take. Steel tooth sister obviously didn't want to take it. She said I didn't get her. She shouldn't take the money.

I said you slept with me all night. You should take the money, but the steel tooth girl still refused to accept it.

"In that case, you should think you owe me. When I want to get you in the future, I'll find you and don't give you money!" after thinking about it, the steel tooth sister nodded and agreed, and then put the money in her pocket.

After getting up and finishing my clothes, I took my steel tooth sister to check out. Anyway, I don't have class on the rest day. I'm going to have dinner first and take my steel tooth sister with me.

On the way, the steel tooth sister asked me a question curiously. She asked me what it felt like when my girl inserted into the woman. I also want to know what it felt like, but it's a pity that I'm still in the same place.

I was a little helpless and said to sister steel teeth that I was still a place and had never been with a woman. Sister steel teeth didn't believe it. She said I was lying. Sun Han was so beautiful. We all lived together for so long. Would I have never done sun Han?

It is estimated that other people will not believe it, but this is the truth. I really haven't got sun Han. Although we have lived together for so long, I don't know how to say myself. Should I say I am a good man or a fool?

I explained to the steel tooth sister for a long time before she believed I was a place. After she believed I was a place, she looked at me and said with a smile: "brother Han hasn't made a woman, and I haven't had that with a man. Why don't we break a place together?"

I'll talk about it later. Now I have to eat first, "but you have to promise me one thing. Don't go out to sell again in the future. Fortunately, if you met me, you would have given it to you!"

After hearing this, the steel tooth sister said that she would not sell it in the future, then looked at me with a smile and said, "if I have no money in the future, I will sell it to brother Han!"

I just smiled and didn't talk. I just thought she was joking.

After I had something to eat in the restaurant, I was ready to go to Jiangshan. By the way, I also went to find my brother. My money was given to the steel tooth sister. I didn't have much money. My brother told me that if I had no money, I would go to him.

Although my brother is not close to me, he will not be stingy with money. If I ask him for money, he will give it to me.

Steel tooth sister has nothing to do alone. I heard I was going to play, so she went with me.

In sister Qian's billiards room, I found Jiangshan and they. It is estimated that the girl's dress is too big in and out in peace. Jiangshan didn't fully recognize her when they saw her.

"Han zi, you're really fast. You've got a girl so soon?" fat brother looked at me and said. His eyes were really obscene.

I said angrily that it was steel tooth sister. Fat brother Jiangshan was surprised and didn't believe it, but after steel tooth sister said hello to them, they believed it was steel tooth sister.

"Sister steel teeth, I saved you at the beginning. As your life-saving benefactor, I don't ask you to promise anything, but I don't know if you would like to watch a movie and open a room with me tonight?" fat brother said, looking at sister steel teeth with ill intentions.

Steel teeth sister used to dress up very rustic. Fat brother, they are not interested in talking to steel teeth sister. Now, seeing that steel teeth sister is dressed so beautifully, they want to get close to steel teeth sister.

Steel tooth sister is not a fool. She said angrily that she was not free tonight and she had to accompany me, so she rejected fat brother.

Not only does fat brother want to use crooked brains for steel tooth sister, but Liu Lang is the same, but they are all rejected by steel tooth sister.

We went out for a day. After we got the money from our brother, we were all going to the mall to buy clothes at night.

In the evening, when we arrived at the mall, we were preparing to choose clothes, but we saw Tang Tianyi and sun Han coming towards us.

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