My Beautiful Deviant Lovers

Chapter 24 - Nuan Moon

Suddenly, Ethan turned around and saw an old man looking in his sixties with a neatly trimmed gray beard and mustache and dressed in spotless white pants and a shirt with a cardigan to boot.

His hair was neatly combed backward with a bit of baldness on the front, though his expression and demeanor carried a dignified aura. Based on his pleasing face, it was quite apparent that he was quite handsome during his younger days. Despite having eyes that seemingly seemed to see through anyone's soul, he had a gentle smile as he looked at a stunned Ethan.

'What the…when did this old man get here?' Ethan was shocked since behind him, there was only a wall. A dead end. There was no way anybody could get behind him without him knowing, let alone an old man.

The old man softly chuckled as he took one step forward with his hands behind his back, "I am sorry if my sudden appearance before you was a bit shocking for you, but I am sure the question in your mind right now must be…Who the hell I am…right?"

Ethan put up his guard as he asked in a wary tone, "You…You are from the Cosmic Bureau?"

The old man slightly smiled as he said, "Smart. I suppose I didn't misjudge you. Ah…I forgot my manners. My name is Nuan Moon, Head of the Zero Earth Operations. In other words, I am also the guy the Cosmic Bureau sends whenever a new Divergent pops up and to look after them, especially to make sure they understand what is going on with them and how they can use their powers for the greater good. Oh, also don't mind if you notice that your surroundings got frozen. This is just an ability of mine to speed up time in a closed space till everything on the outside seems as if they got frozen in time."

Ethan had a blinking expression as he again looked at his surroundings, especially at the thieves whose expressions were frozen still as well. He couldn't believe that this old man had such powerful abilities. But he had bigger things to be concerned about…

'Shit…Did I really get caught? Mom is going to kill me…' Ethan didn't expect that he would get caught, especially when he went the extra mile to make sure he didn't do anything shocking.

All he merely did was wrap a chain around a guy and just throw him off. However, he didn't understand why this old man called him a Divergent. Was that the term for someone with powers like him?

Nuan saw how Ethan became a bit nervous and waved his hand as he said in a reassuring tone, "No need to get worried. We already knew about you the moment you got powers. And I am not here to hurt you or be a bother to you. But it seems to me like you already know something about us and perhaps how you got your powers as well. Must be your mother, right?"

Ethan furrowed his brows as he asked, "You know her?"

Nuan gave a light nod as he said, "Of course. Even though she was not working under my department, she was the go-to person for most of the important missions. She was really good with computers and a great analyst. I still feel it's a pity that she quit when things got a bit hard. But in our field of work, it's impossible for things to always go smoothly."

Ethan felt that his last sentence was probably true since dealing with Infernal Parasites could be quite dangerous.

"What do you want from me?" Ethan asked the only question that mattered now.

"As you already guessed, I am here to ask you to join the Cosmic Bureau as a new Divergent. People like you are very rare to come by, and honestly, we can never have too many of you to help protect our world. The terror and deaths caused by the Deviants are too terrifying for us to not do anything about it," Nuan said with a concerned expression.


"Oh…she didn't tell you that?" Nuan felt a bit surprised and continued, "Well, they are the people who got corrupted by the Infernal Parasites, warping and twisting their personality to something dark and evil. They are beyond saving, and if you cannot kill or defeat them, then the only thing you should do is run…because if they catch you, then you can consider it lucky if you get a quick death. And the other main reason they are so dangerous is that they have powers just like you since they got corrupted by the parasites. That is why each time a new corrupted world is born or created by these parasites, we can never rest easy," Nuan sighed.

Ethan took in a deep breath hearing about these Deviants who were seemingly quite terrifying and wondered if the version of himself he saw in his nightmare was a Deviant too.

"So young man…are you willing to help protect your world? At least for your family and friends? Your powers have the potential to save millions or even more," Nuan said with a decisive nod.

Ethan's brows pulled together as his expression became contemplative. Something inside him was telling him that he should accept Nuan's offer and make use of the powers he got. He felt that maybe this was his true purpose after feeling aimless his entire life, not knowing the meaning of his existence.

But then his mother's face flashed in his mind, making him remember her firm words about not involving himself with these people or dangerous things like this.

After a great deal of hesitation, Ethan finally said with a low sigh, "I am sorry, Mr. Moon. I-I can't."

Nuan softly smiled and could guess what was going through Ethan's mind as he said, "It's fine. I understand. What I am asking from you can be quite dangerous, and not everyone will be okay with that. But…in case you change your mind or feel like your back is up against a wall, you can get in touch with me through this. Remember…you got your powers for a reason, and if you don't know the purpose behind getting them, we are the only ones who can help you find out why," Saying so, Nuan offered a small circular transparent disc that was as big as a fingernail.

Ethan accepted it as he curiously looked at it, and before he could ask what it was, Nuan explained, "It is just an earpiece. All you have to do is keep it in your ear and tap it twice. Then you will be able to reach me."

Ethan nodded with a slight smile, "I will keep this in mind. But…are there any consequences since I refused to join the bureau? Like any restrictions for Divergents like me?" Ethan supposed that since he didn't join the bureau, wouldn't these people be concerned about letting a Divergent like him walk free around here. He asked so that he could know things beforehand instead of finding them out the hard way.

Nuan let out an amused chuckle as he said, "As long as you are not a bad guy, we do not care. But…don't use your powers in a way that will disrupt our society, like lifting cars or things using your powers for everyone to see. We do not want to waste our time on suppressing such incidents. After all, we work hard to make sure everyone in this world continues life normally and lives safely. However, I know that even a smart boy like you must be feeling very curious and excited to use your powers. You may feel free to use them just like how you used them against these thieves. It's all good as long as nobody can prove that you are not ordinary."

Ethan felt relieved and happy since these guys weren't as uptight and strict as he taught. At first, he was hesitant to refuse them, thinking they would imprison him or something for close observation. But now he realized he was just being too paranoid after reading too many comics.

"I have to go now. See you later, kiddo, if fate permits it," Nuan said with a smile as he patted Ethan's shoulder, and the next moment he disappeared magically. Time started to flow normally around Ethan the moment Nuan left.

"Whoa…He is cool…" Ethan chuckled to himself, thinking that Nuan was quite a nice old man. At the same time, he was amazed he met someone like him, someone who had powers too.

However, his thoughts reeled back to reality when Ethan suddenly heard the siren of a police car getting parked right outside the alley and looked forward to seeing a man in police uniform running into the alley with a steel baton.

"Hey! Hands up in the air!" The male police officer shouted the moment he saw a young man with a chain in his hand that was wrapped around the wrist of a dude lying under his feet.

Ethan immediately let go of the chain as he raised his hands in the air, "I was just getting back my bracelet. Nothing else. These guys are the thieves who tried to steal from my aunt," Ethan hurriedly explained before this officer got the wrong idea.

"Relax, officer. He is not the culprit. These three probably are," A woman's stern yet silvery voice sounded from behind as the male officer immediately lowered his baton upon hearing his superior's words.

Ethan smiled as he saw the familiar gorgeous face of a 25-year-old woman dressed in police uniform walking into the alley.

She was none other than Jane Nua, the chief police officer of this town and someone Ethan already was acquainted with.

Even though she was dressed in a professional police uniform, it still failed to hide her curvaceous figure, especially the bulging pair of melons hidden behind the fabric of her dark blue shirt.

Her lush golden blonde hair was tied up into a professional bun, yet it still looked pretty enough to turn the heads of people.

Her eyebrows were crescent-shaped, while her light gray eyes had a certain exotic charm that could make men feel smitten with just a teasing glance.

Her nose was slim and pretty, while her strawberry red lips seemed quite ravishing yet soft like silk.

All these pretty features seemed flawless, just like her angular-shaped face and her glowing peachy skin. Her whole stunning appearance had a certain sexiness which was enough to make men feel as if the air around them was getting hotter.

However, her demeanor and bearings gave one the feeling that this woman was quite authoritative, especially from the self-confident look on her face. This was enough to make not only men but even women feel cautious when dealing with this woman lest they get on her bad side.

She looked at Ethan with narrowed eyes and crossed her arms as she asked with one of her brows raised, "Mr. Troublemaker. What did you get yourself into this time?"

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