My Beautiful Deviant Lovers

Chapter 26 - Ken Han Dead...But Not Dead...

"Ken Han murdered in cold blood…?" Ethan mumbled with a baffled look as he stared at the report on the table.

"Ha…and this is just the biggest headache of the week I got to deal with. Seriously…I knew the Han Family had it coming. They were just getting too arrogant just because they thought they had a lot of influence. Now, look at what happened. One of their good-for-nothing scions got killed like a rabid dog. And now I have to find the killer who dared to do it," Jane said in a frustrated tone as she sat back on her chair while turning up the air conditioner.

For a second, Ethan almost felt glad the moment he read the headlines, but then he got disappointed since he looked at the details and saw that the Ken Han that died wasn't the same Ken Han that was studying in his college.

He knew that out of the three sons of the Han Family, two were twins and were college-going boys. However, one of them was the one studying in his college and the one who kept bullying him while the other studied abroad. But the strange thing was both had the same name! Supposedly, their father wanted the twins to be as similar in everything as possible, even their names!

And looking at the news, it seemed as if the Ken Han, who had been studying abroad, had come back for a short vacation but unfortunately for him, he wasn't destined to stay alive anymore.

But even if it wasn't the Ken Han whom Ethan knew that died, Ethan had zero sympathies for this guy as well since he had heard that Ken's twin brother was no different than him. In fact, the reality that they were twins only and had the same name made it seem even more convincing.

"How did he die, and who did it?" Ethan asked curiously.

Jane gestured at the newspaper as she said, "Why don't you read for yourself and see? Just don't get too shocked. Apparently, the Han Family doesn't want this in the news yet…probably because it's bad for their business. As expected from these assholes. But I have to say...the killer is definitely the most hardcore killer I have seen in our town."

Ethan narrowed his eyes as he read through the articles, and as he kept on reading, his eyes increasingly grew wide, feeling a bit shocked at some of the gruesome details he read.

'The killer literally tore through half of his body with a blade after cutting off one of his hands? Phew…he must have really pissed off his killer somehow to warrant such an act of revenge,' Ethan felt chills just by reading the details and couldn't help but picture a big terrifying murderer with a dagger in his mind.

Still, he inwardly thanked whoever it was for getting one dirty bastard off the street. And for a second, he couldn't help but think how better things would have been if this terrifying killer had killed the other twin.

Ethan usually wouldn't easily wish death upon anybody who pisses him off, but Ken Han had taken things too far, and he also knew about various vile deeds Ken Han had carried out, but the victims or their families were just too scared to do anything.

He also knew that Ken Han had other plans in mind for him and wasn't just going to be happy with making him an errand boy only.

Ethan knew it was only a matter of time before Ken Han took things up a notch and wouldn't get satisfied until he saw his target's life getting slowly destroyed, which in this case was Ethan.

"I know you wish it was the Ken Han you knew, but it's not. So don't waste your time reading any more of that shit and tell me what you wanted to ask from me?" Jane said with a hint of impatience as she began to sort through the reports and files on her table.

Ethan combed his hand through his hair as he said after a brief hesitation, "I was wondering if you had a part-time job for me or if you knew someone or someplace which might offer me a job. It would be really great if you could help me out."

Jane took her gaze off from the documents in front of her as she took a good look at Ethan and asked with crossed fingers, "And…what is with the sudden urgency for money? Don't tell it is because of Ken—"

"It's for my friends. They are a family, and they are under huge debt, and I am the only one they got. So I gotta do something even if they didn't ask me. And since you once told me that I can approach you in case of any serious help, I came to you now," Ethan said and took a deep breath, hoping Jane would agree.

Jane continued to look at Ethan with a narrowed gaze while tapping on the table with her fingers before saying, "Fine! There is indeed one job you can do for me. In fact, I was hoping somebody could relieve some of my headaches."

"Really? What is it? I guarantee that I can do anything no matter how hard it is," Ethan eagerly said, feeling quite happy.

Jane gave a veiled smile as she said, "Don't forget what you just said. But don't worry. For now, I only have a simple job for you. Being my manager. Sort of I guess…"

"Your manager? Ethan asked with a slightly flummoxed look and continued, "You don't mean it's for your…"

"Yep. For my modeling gig. You are the only one who knows my secret identity and the only one who can help me with this," Jane said with a subtle smirk while Ethan didn't know if he should feel lucky or not.

He knew that Jane had a secret hobby of doing modeling from time to time here and there for fashion magazines or even companies. She even had a hinstagram page with tons of followers, more than he could ever dream of having. It wouldn't also be a lie to say that Ethan was an avid follower as well, especially by buying certain fashion magazines, though he obviously did not tell anything about all this to her.

But one strange thing was that she would always wear a mask whenever she models, be it outside for a company or a magazine or inside her home for her hinstagram page. She said it was because she didn't want her professional life to get tangled with her hobby life.

And since she was pretty famous even without showing her face, one can imagine how her real police job could get affected if everyone knew her other modeling identity.

"So…what do you want me to do actually?" Ethan asked, feeling quite interested.

Jane casually shrugged as she said, "Nothing much. I just want you to handle all the annoying calls for modeling for me since I only do it whenever I am in the mood. Also, you can't just outright reject all these calls but answer them and see what kind of modeling gigs they are offering. Collect them all in a file or on your laptop if that is what you are comfortable with and then pick the ones which you think I would like. It would be your job to sort through them all, and coming to the good part, I can pay you 50 bucks a day. How about it? It should be more than what boys like you usually get for even some of those part-time hi-fi jobs."

"I will take it!" Ethan immediately accepted and had no hesitation at all, especially after listening to how much she was offering.

If he could earn 50 dollars a day, then in a month, he could make 1500 dollars! And this was really a huge amount for someone like Ethan, who would even be happy getting 50 bucks a month.

Jane noticed how happy and excited Ethan was and said with crossed arms, "Don't misunderstand my kindness. It's only because you know my secret that I don't have any other choice, but at the same time, I expect you to not slack off. I trust you are able to juggle both studies and this side job, right?"

Ethan gave a confident smile and said, "Of course. I can tell you that you won't regret hiring me to be your manager."

"Good. Then come here tomorrow to collect the mobile and other details I am going to give you for this manager job. You can go now before your aunt barges in here and gives me trouble," Jane said as she rolled her eyes.

"Thanks so much, Jane," Ethan said with a wide smile, feeling immense gratitude as he gave her a nod before leaving her office.

Jane leaned back on her chair as she saw Ethan leave before focusing on the documents on her table.

Alina, who was patiently waiting for Ethan, had her expression relaxed the moment she saw Ethan walking towards her.

"We can go home now, aunt," Ethan said with a smile, making Alina happily smile as she said, "Okay, but what were you two talking about? Is there something wrong?"

"Of course not, aunt.. We just exchanged some small talk, that's all," Ethan reassured as the two walked home.

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