My Beautiful Deviant Lovers

Chapter 9 - Do You Now Feel Like You Are The Boss?

"Sui, careful!" Ethan quickly stepped in front of Sui the moment Kiro took out his revolver.

"Dude!" Nolan became tense seeing Ethan step forward, but Ethan gestured with his hand that he would be alright.

"Ethan, step back!" Sui said with knitted brows as she tried to pull him back but…

"Don't move, little bitch! Or a bullet will go through your boyfriend's head," Kiro had become really wary of Sui and didn't want to take any chances of her getting any closer to him.

"I will be fine, Sui. Just stay behind me!" Ethan said, his tone nervous yet determined as he lifted his hands while anxiously looking at the revolver pointed at him.

The veins in Sui's eyes were engorged as she saw Ethan being held hostage at gunpoint. Her nails were biting into her own palms as she gave a deathly stare at Kiro while slowly moving her hand towards her back.

Kiro was in a state of disbelief as before he knew it, all five of his men were down, and they were seriously injured, especially by a college girl whom he thought was nothing more than a pretty face. Even if she knew some martial arts, it was not like they hadn't beaten up people who practiced such arts as well.

However, what he saw was beyond what he could digest. If he wasn't so shocked, he would have pulled out his gun earlier. Only when all of his men and he felt a sharp sense of danger in his mind did he come to his senses and take out his gun.

Not even when he had a gang war on his turf did he ever see something shocking like this.

Still, even if he was feeling regretful about underestimating her, this only made him even angrier as he kept pointing his revolver at Ethan, "You messed up, girl. Did you really think that even if you beat us all up, it's over? Who do you take us for? We have long been here, even before your daddy took money from us. In this town, we make the rules. And if you owe us something, then you will obey us. Now, boy, you will be coming with me while we wait for your pretty girlfriend to come to deliver the money to me personally at my place. Tell your friend over there to call your mommy and say that you would be staying over or something. Call the police then expect to see him in a ditch, heh," Kiro said with a vile smirk as he motioned with his revolver to Ethan to come towards him.

"No, Ethan!" Nolan tried to step forward, but Kiro shot him a threatening glare, telling him to stay back unless he wanted Ethan to die.

As for Sui, she was strangely remaining silent while her hand was still behind her back, though her eyes were vigilantly observing Kiro.

Ethan could hear his heart thudding against his chest in tension and angst since this was the first time he had a revolver pointed at him. He began to slowly walk towards Kiro with his hands still raised.

But the only reason he was retaining his calm was that he had some faith in his powers, especially since the revolver, just like any other gun, was made out of metal!

His eyes were slowly focusing on the revolver only as he felt the entire world around him fading away.

He could feel it in his body…the coldness of the metal of the revolver…each and every single tiny metal part inside and outside of it, especially the hammer. A profound force seemed to be extending between him and the revolver, allowing him to sense all this. And this force was making him feel as if every single cell in his body was shaking in resonance with the revolver.

And the closer he walked towards Kiro, the more he felt this force getting stronger, which allowed him to sense every detail of the revolver with more precision. This feeling of having total control over the revolver erased any fear of getting shot.

"Look at him. See how obedient he is. If you had been like that from the start, things wouldn't have ended up like this," Kiro said with a scoff as he saw this boy silently walking towards him but seeing his unfocused eyes, which contained no trace of fear or apprehension, he felt that something was off with this boy.

Nolan's expression became taut as he didn't want his best friend to be held hostage by this thug, and god knows if he would even come back in one piece.

As for Sui, her eyes were completely ice cold, and she was about to make a move when her eyebrows raised in surprise…

The moment Ethan reached near Kiro's revolver, he suddenly grabbed its muzzle as he tried to take it away from him.


But Kiro was still a gang leader who was used to sudden surprises like this and quickly grabbed Ethan's wrist as he redirected his gun towards him to fire at him but…



He pressed the trigger, but the revolver did not fire!

But his mind didn't have the luxury to think why it didn't fire as something even more shocking happened. A small sharp knife had impaled his hand, making him drop the revolver as he howled in pain, "ARGHH!!!"

All of this seemed to happen in a split second, though Kiro was damn sure he pulled the trigger. But he had no idea that even if he had fired the gun, it would still not have hit Ethan since the moment the knife impaled his hand, his aim was forcibly shifted by a few centimeters to the side away from Ethan.

Ethan was also astonished by the sight of Kiro's hand getting impaled by a knife that seemed to just shoot through the air and pierce Kiro's hand right before he tried to fire his gun.

And before he could turn his neck around to see who threw the knife, Sui had shot past him and raised her leg as she gave a violent kick towards Kiro's cheek, slamming him down to the ground.

"Ughhh!" The cold pavement struck his cheek hard, and he felt as if some of his teeth might have got fractured in the process.

'Phew,' Ethan was awed by her powerful yet swift kick, and he barely saw her entire movement.

"Woah, nice kick there, sis!" Nolan shouted excitedly and looked on with a satisfied smile, feeling that these people got what they deserved for trying to bully them, especially his sister and best friend.

He then looked at Ethan, who was standing behind Sui, and made a mental note to ask how he acted so fearlessly while being held at gunpoint. He was sure he might not be able to think straight under such pressure. And what was even more puzzling was he clearly saw Kiro pulling the trigger, but the gun didn't fire.

Kiro was groaning as he rolled around on the ground, but Sui didn't seem to give him any time to rest as she kicked his face and stepped her feet on the knife that had impaled his hand, making it cut around his palm.

"AAAHH!! Stop!! FUCK!" Kiro helplessly waved his other hand as he tried to stop this demoness from fucking his hand up even more. However, the moment he looked at her face, he felt goosebumps all over his skin upon seeing her cold blue eyes looking down at him like some insignificant bug.

"Do you now feel like you are the boss?" Sui asked with a stone-cold expression as she continued to step on the knife.

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