"Of course it's not that simple. There is no way to reconcile the gratitude and resentment between Su Weixiang and me. " Su Yun sighed bitterly, "after I came back from studying abroad and worked in the headquarters, I had a competitive relationship with Su Weixiang. We both competed for a position within the group at the same time. At that time, he wanted to squeeze me out by his mother's dark operation in the board of directors. I was forced to have no choice but to officially launch a competition with him."

"At that time, Su Weixiang's mother slandered me in front of the board of directors that I was young and inexperienced and didn't have the ability to become a key talent. I refused to appeal and wanted to prove to the board that I was competent for that position with my own strength. At that time, I made an oath and decided to carry out a fair competition with Su Weixiang. As he was the manager of Kaisheng branch, I took the initiative to ask him to be the manager of a branch. Within one year, whoever had better performance proved that he was capable of taking that position. "

Chu Nan has understood something. In short, Su Weixiang has his mother as a backer and wants to exclude Su Yun who has a competitive relationship. Su Yun is forced to have a fair competition with her to show her strength.

"But who would have expected that after the board of directors agreed to this condition, Su Weixiang's mother secretly asked me to be transferred to Lanxiang branch. At that time, I fell into her trap and didn't have any basic understanding of Lanxiang company. I thought it was also a branch company. No matter how bad it was, it wouldn't be worse than Kaisheng company. I readily agreed and promised to withdraw from the job competition if my performance couldn't compare with Su Weixiang. But who would have thought that Xiaguo group, such a big enterprise, still has a small company like Lanxiang branch, which loses money every year and whose human and financial resources are rotten to the extreme... "

When Su Yun said this, she was also quite helpless. "But people have to bow their heads under the eaves. What they said is the water poured out, and they can't do it if they don't fulfill it. In this way, I was forced to parachute to Lanxiang branch in Qianhu city as the manager. At the beginning, I was really disappointed when I learned about the terrible situation of the company, so I was in a bad mood at the beginning of my visit. However, later, I was surprised that your presence gave the company a sign of recovery, which restored my confidence. I felt that even if I was assigned to the worst branch of the group, I could beat Su Weixiang, Prove your ability and get your own position! "

Chu Nan finally understood why Su Yun, such a talented student who returned from studying abroad, would not stay in the headquarters group. She came to Qianhu city to be the manager of Lanxiang branch, which lost money every year. It turned out that she had been calculated for a long time and was forced to come here!

Su Weixiang and Su Yun fight for power positions within the group, which is extremely cruel. No wonder that guy will do anything to defeat Su Yun. And Su Yun doesn't want to wait to die. Just because she wants to defeat Su Weixiang, prove her ability and get the position she wants, she will work so hard and work so hard.

This is undoubtedly a war between the tip of the needle and the wheat awn. It's cruel that you die or I die

But then again, Su Weixiang is obviously stronger than Su Yun in the group. What does she take to fight? If this guy really does anything to deal with her, what ability does she have to fight back? After all, it is too difficult for powerless people to compete with powerful opponents.

However, Chu Nan still has some doubts in his heart. Su Yun doesn't look like a weak woman who is slaughtered and has no ability.

Do you think that a branch manager can put pressure on the bosses in the group and eventually make Zhou Yunshan lose his position as director? Also, as a small manager like her, why does it seem that everyone in the group is familiar with her, and even the chairman's office can get in and out freely?

This is not like the treatment that a woman without power and power should have?

Is it... Su Yun can compete with Su Weixiang because her fiance is very powerful?

Chu Nan thought of this and seemed to vaguely think it was possible. If her fiance is very powerful in the group, and Su Yun can take him as a backer and fight with Su Weixiang, everything will make sense.

But... These are just guesses. Of course, he can't guarantee whether the real reason is so.

The tender meeting of Meier group attracted many large advertising companies. Many of them had business contacts with Su Weixiang's company. He became the focus of the tender meeting.

After all, in the southeast Province, which company dare not give the media tycoon Xiaguo group some thin noodles? Su Weixiang's Kaisheng company is naturally very famous in the industry. However, Su Yun's Lanxiang company is much more anonymous, so that it is extremely cold on her side.

Su Weixiang always deliberately wanders around Su Yun like a demonstration. Many company representatives don't know what's going on. Only Su Yun understands that this guy is showing off his power!

After arriving at the specified time, the relevant personnel and leaders in charge of the bidding of Maier group were present, and the venue was silent.

Maier group is one of the best joint venture pharmaceutical groups in Southeast province. This kind of company is often characterized by high efficiency. Unlike state-owned enterprises, leaders always have to speak for half a day. Through a statement made by the representative of Meier group and the analysis of the key products of this advertising bidding, Chu Nan has basically understood it.

In short, Maier group has developed a new type of cold medicine, which needs to be vigorously promoted in the market, so it wants to spend tens of millions to collect the best advertising ideas for making advertisements and putting them on the market, so as to increase the sales of drugs, earn back the cost and make profits.

Of course, pharmaceutical factories and toothpaste factories are the same. The ultimate goal is to make a lot of money by selling products.

Thinking, Chu Nan slipped his hand and dropped his pen to the ground. He lowered his body and wanted to find a pen under the table, but he found that the pen just fell in front of Su Yun's toes. When he reached out and grabbed the pen, his eyes couldn't help but freeze in the oblique square.

Su Yun is wearing a pair of crystal stilettos today. It's perfect.

Chu Nan was so fascinated that he even wanted to reach out and touch the beautiful leg of art. But fortunately, reason still controlled his impulse. After looking at it reluctantly, he could only take a deep breath and sat back in his chair.

Maier group's speech continued. He took a sneak look at Su Yun nearby and saw that she didn't find the details of her peeping. Only then did he secretly relax and devote himself to understanding the products.

This cold medicine developed by Maier medicine is a new product, and it is characterized by daily and night treatment, so as to achieve the best effect of removing colds and keep people in the best physiological state at any time.

Chu Nan thought and silently opened the super Baidu system. After a day's rest, the current value displayed by the system is 40 (mental strength) / 110 (mental value)

Because I spent 50 mental energy searching for a song at Shan Tian's house yesterday, there are only 20 mental energy left. Now I have a rest in the evening, so my mental energy is increased by 20 points, a total of 40 points.

Search an advertisement, should 40 points of mental strength be enough? After all, the last time the toothpaste factory created an advertisement, it only took 6 points of effort.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan silently issued a search command.

"Searching for classic advertising ideas such as day and night cold medicine requires 30 points of mental strength. Do you want to search?"

Soon, the super Baidu system responded. Chu Nan was startled. What happened? Toothpaste advertising only needs 6 points of mental strength, but this time it's nearly 30 points?

Is the system upgraded and the mental power required for search has doubled?

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