My Beloved

Chapter 106:

After hearing the words in vain, she felt that the girl was talking a little weird, as if she had deliberately changed her voice, she couldn't help being a little wary, "It's white, do you... still buy a lotus flower?"

"Buy, naturally I have to buy it. Why do I have to buy one after this visit..."

The woman inside stepped forward to open the window slightly when she heard the words, threw an ingot of silver on the small boat, and then reached for the lotus in her hands for nothing, and closed the window without a word.

Baibai only saw a back in the gap between the opening of the window. The girl was sitting next to the window with her back facing her. She was dressed elegantly but without losing the style of aristocratic family. She had a complex hair bun, a slanted hairpin and a plum blossom, which was quite shaky while shaking gently. The frail beauty of Jinghong can be disheartening with just a glance at the back. You can imagine how beautiful this skin should be.

The woman took the white lotus pod, and the painting boat drove away from this place immediately. She didn't stay too much on the lake at all, as if she had come to buy the lotus pod specially.

Watching the painting boat slowly driving away and turning into a small black spot in vain, he leaned forward and picked up an ingot of white silver. He was puzzled. This silver ingot could buy a lot of lotus pods, but this person only bought it. Yizhi, it's a prodigal...

The painting boat drove leisurely on the lake, unimpeded all the way, just arrived, and left without stopping, as if it had never been here before.

Between the paintings, there is a sandalwood table with various sweet cakes and fruits on the table. There is a low couch by the window. On the high table beside the couch, there is a famous porcelain of fish play lotus, and a branch of red apricot is placed on the couch. Sit down and take a look at the beauty.

The woman took the lotus pod and leaned over to the beauty.

Luo Qing sits next to the window, her appearance is more beautiful than before, and she feels pitying between Gu and Pan. She looks at the lotus, and after a long time she stretches out the catkin to take the lotus, turning slightly, her face is gentle and moving. , But the eyes are inexplicably scary, like a poisonous scorpion.

The mother-in-law was not ashamed, and calmly stated, "Master Qin has been here these days, and he just married this lotus-picking girl yesterday."

Luo Qing heard the words, but her eyes became more terrifying, like a poisoned dagger, her fingers slowly tightened, and her knuckles were so hard to turn white, until the lotus in her hand was all broken, and her carefully cared for sharp nails slowed down. Slowly pressed into the meat, then he said in hatred, "It turned out to be her. I did so much for him. I was wronged that I married a beast like King Su. Even a child could be used as a tool for him, but he turned his head. If you marry someone else, you think of me as a fool."

"Madam calms down his anger, a man is romantic, how could it be possible that there is no woman around to wait on him, and when his wife rises up step by step, he will naturally know who is useful to him and who is like a tasteless to him." The woman was still expressionless. , Like a living dead.

Luo Qing threw away the lotus in his hand, the tail of his eyes raised slightly, and his expression became more arrogant, "I don't allow anyone around him, neither."

"The martial arts of the ghost demon head is unfathomable. The servants and maidservants feel that this person is indeed carved out of a mold. I am afraid that it will not be easy to start. If the Qin family can detect it, I am afraid that there will be a gap between the two of you."

Luo Qing didn’t think she was embarrassed when she heard this. Now she is living in the palace. The princess treats her more and more faithfully, and the general also has a blue eye for her. The higher her position, the higher her heart naturally. Now for her Nothing is too much, so naturally there will be more desires, and it is the nature of human beings to find hard desires.

"There is no one who is exactly the same in the world, she is clearly a bone! She did a lot of evil and murdered like a hemp, and there were so many people in the rivers and lakes that wanted her life. I did not do it, and someone came to seek revenge..." After saying that, she smiled sweetly. , Stood up slowly, the thin summer shirt became more exquisite and graceful, lightly lifted the exquisite feet and smashed against the lotus, the lotus was crushed immediately.

Baibai continued to pick and wash lotus plants on the lake, very busy. When it was lunch time, the lotus-picking girls went home to eat one after another.

Only in vain did not want to go back, for fear that she would be sucked up by the fairy at home as soon as she went back, and tossed and tossed her all night, making her still exhausted and not easing her energy, but she could not make up for a few meals Coming back...

Bai Baibai sneered a few words, and as he lowered his head to wash the newly picked lotus, he saw a person slowly walking in the distant crowd, and that person walked slowly to the shore and stood quietly waiting for her.

She trembled her calf inexplicably, looked at the people on the shore a few times, and when she saw him, she stood there waiting, so she had to pick up the bamboo pole and row a boat of lotus pods to the shore, a little distance away from the shore, she was lying on the wood. Zhang face politely said: "Why are you here?"

Qin Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words, "There is no food in the medical hall. If you want to go back to eat for your husband, you will come and pick your lady back home."

Holding the bamboo pole in vain, "You go back to eat, I have to sell lotus."

"Isn't this lotus plant being sold to me all the time?" Qin Zhi descended to the last step, seeing such a dazed deliberately so far away, a little bit of ravaged and devastated thought in his heart.

Baibai didn't notice the danger and was by his side, "But I am married to you now. Wouldn't it be weird if I sell lotus plants to you again?"

"I'm just here to buy lotus seeds for the medical clinic. Mr. said, you have known each other for a long time, and he bought them at other homes. It's better to buy them from your place. We should take care of your business. Our husband and wife are also with him. Work there." Qin Zhi said, reaching out to her, "Come on, the food at home is going to be cold, and today there is a big pork knuckle that you like."

Baibai swallowed subconsciously after hearing the words, his belly was indeed flat. After thinking about it, he held the bamboo pole and rowed to the shore, handed him his hand shyly, and jumped onto the shore in one step.

Qin Zhi held her small hand in his hand and looked at her slightly with a smile in his eyes, with inexplicable meaning.

Looking at him in vain, I felt a little embarrassed inexplicably, and couldn't help but stretch out his hand to straighten his forehead, "What's the matter?"

Qin Zhi's eyebrows curled up, "It's okay, let's go home."

Hearing this, he obediently led him to the house, but did not want the two to enter the yard, Qin Zhi suddenly changed his description, pulled her into his arms, bowed his head and kissed her lips, no. It should be bit her lips.

He couldn't help but screamed in vain, frightened by the posture of wanting to bite without biting, and hurriedly pushing him desperately, but the strength that was more than Qin Zhi's strength was abruptly pressed against the courtyard gate and bitten. Until she was almost out of breath and the pitiful sobbed and aggrieved several times, Qin Zhi reluctantly let go of her, leaning against her ears, and said evilly, "I'll take care of you at night."

Hearing this in vain, his heart and liver trembled, and his eyes were immediately watery, very haggard.

She stretched out her hand and touched Ma Ma's lips, and she regretted marrying him for a while. If she had to do that kind of stuff every night, with Qin's fierceness, she would be tossed and scrapped in no time.

No wonder the neighbors in the neighborhood always said that after getting married, the man was as indifferent to the distressed person as he changed. She didn't understand at first, but now she understands a little bit. Qin Zhi is a typical example of this, not as considerate as before. She always looks like she wants to swallow her raw, even, it's very scary.

She had a deep understanding when eating, and every time she brought a lot of vegetables to her, she was delighted to see her eyes as if the piglets were being fed and fattened to be slaughtered.

After eating the meal piled into a hill of vegetables in vain, he glanced at Qin Zhi who was sitting aside, and saw that he was still picking vegetables, he couldn't help but shook his head dejectedly, and was unwilling to take another bite.

Qin Zhi could still guess what she was thinking about. Seeing that she was full, he smiled and wiped her greasy little mouth with a smile. Finally, he couldn't help but kissed her soft little mouth. Really full?"

I was touched by such a soft lips in vain, my heart was flustered inexplicably, and he responded softly, immediately stood up and avoided his sight, swayed around the room, and saw the one I had forgotten. Missing teeth.

There was a small room on the table by the window of the main room, and I was bored in the small room with missing teeth. Seeing that he came here in vain, he couldn't help but looked contemptuous and raised his head and glanced at her sideways.

Baibai realized that he hadn't painted his teeth today, and hurriedly picked up the medicine bottle in his cabin, "Missing teeth, ah, open your mouth, I need to apply medicine~"

Qin Zhi got up and walked slowly, seeing the lady abandon him, but softly coaxing a pill, feeling extremely upset.

Seeing Qin Zhi coming by Missing Teeth, it was even more impossible to show it short in front of outsiders.

"Missing teeth, open mouth..."

Missing teeth even closed his small eyes when he heard the words, and he looked like an old monk entered into concentration.

Seeing that the missing teeth was so lonely in vain, she was a little worried. Although the first time she saw it, she had a ragged tooth, but looking at the small teeth that had been growing, she was fat and white. Good bite.

It used to be happy to apply the medicine, and after applying it, he still had to look in the mirror. But after waiting for so long, the tooth has not seen a long time. Naturally, it will be sad and unwilling to apply the medicine.

Qin Zhi frowned when he saw that Xinganer was a pill, and looked at Emperor Gu, his eyes became more unpleasant, his eyes turned slightly, what can be the use of teeth on his body, it is better to knock it down and give Xinganer as a tonic. Thinking about it, he stretched out his arm and hugged it white. "Since its teeth can't grow out, then there is no need to apply the medicine. This bug thinks about it because the teeth are uneven and affects the appearance. All the remaining teeth were knocked out, so that others would not know what it looked like before, and would not mock it, and it would not be sad for not growing teeth every day. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

Missing teeth suddenly opened his eyes, staring at Qin Zhi, screaming at him with a grin, as if to bite him to death.

For nothing, I think this is a good way. Long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain. It will naturally think of the tooth when it looks at the tooth every day.

The missing teeth saw the appearance of no objection in vain, and he shook his head frantically at her, and the whole body of the worm was written with resistance.

She glanced at the missing teeth and grinned, then hesitated: "It doesn't seem to be very happy."

Qin Zhijian said in vain with a gentle expression, "Naturally he is unhappy, but how does he know what is good for him? If the lady can't bear it, she can do it for her husband."

The toothless head was about to shake off. Seeing that Baibai was still immersed in the bewitching of the wicked man, he nodded, and immediately cried out hysterically, but the voice was too subtle, and there was no shock at all.

When Qin Zhi went to the room to get the scissors, he couldn't bear it in vain, because he was so sad that he cried because of the missing teeth. The teardrops were dripping desperately, and they had already converged into a pool of water stains around his body.

Holding the kerchief in vain and wiping around it, "Or take a moment, maybe its teeth will grow out in a few days..."

"This worm is fierce and treacherous, and is very good at acting. It can't provoke your sympathy if you cry like this. No matter how spoiled you are, you will never listen to you in the future." Qin Zhi held the scissors and deliberately faced the crying emperor. Gu Ka wiped it, and the emperor Gu was so scared that he tore his throat and screamed, moving back like a ghost, and his small black eyes almost cried out of blindness.

When she heard the words in vain, she was startled. She seemed to have heard these words before, and a blurry scene suddenly appeared in her mind.

There is a desert, windy sand, under the night, and the sky is full of stars. There is a silver bell in front of you, and someone seems to be talking next to him, "This worm is very fierce and sexually deceitful. , Ordinary movement can't excite it."

When the words fell, someone reached out and flicked the bell in front of her. The crisp sound seemed to fall into her heart, and even her heart was shocked.

It's a pity that the fragment disappeared as soon as it flashed by, and it was blurred when I recalled it again, but it felt too real, as if I was on the scene.

The white eyes fell on his hand unconsciously, and then raised his eyes to look at Qin Zhi, seeing that the corners of his lips were slightly bent, holding scissors deliberately teasing and frightening the bad appearance of missing teeth, and felt that the scene of Gangtou was inexplicable. Because of her tiredness, she thought that she couldn't help but stared at Qin Zhi, because he loves tossing, and now she is so tired that she has hallucinations!

No matter how famous the tooth is missing, it is still a Gu worm in the final analysis. The big scissors dangling in front of it, as dangerous as the shadow of a knife and light sword, the sound of the click is deafening and extremely terrifying.

It shivered and jumped towards the white place, trying to hide from her, but it didn't prevent the big scissors from sticking to its head and squeaking, it immediately screamed in terror, and completely fainted.

Seeing this in vain, she was so frightened that she immediately extended her finger to poke the missing tooth. There was no movement at all. She hurriedly picked up the small room and called out the missing tooth repeatedly.

Qin Zhi put down the scissors in time. Seeing her so concerned, his expression became more faint, and he coldly glanced at Emperor Gu, "I'm scared and dizzy. I'll wake up after a while. I will put it here later, not allowing it to enter the house. step."

Hearing this in vain, he was relieved immediately, but realized that her mate and her toothless magnetic field were incompatible, and her eyebrows were drooped into a sad look. She did not expect that she would begin to deal with the relationship between her natal family and her husband's family on the first day of marriage.

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