My Beloved

Chapter 408 - THE HOT SPRING (PART 4)

"Weren't you looking at my thing courageously while eating? Why are you behaving like a good girl now?" Mo Yuan whispered in her ear. He noticed her ear twitching and gradually turned red. He found this action adorable. He leaned forward and took her earlobe in his mouth.

"Mm…" Han Luo squirmed. "I wasn't looking…" she protested and then moved her head and sank it on her pillow.

Mo Yuan followed her ear and his body completely covered her back. He nibbled her ear while slipping his left arm inside her clothes and fondled her b.r.e.a.s.t.

He wouldn't let her go that easily. "Will you still lie about it? Hmm? Why don't you at my eyes and speak the truth?"

"Nn… no…" Han Luo squirmed. Her face was completely red. She didn't think he would notice her stealing glances. She had no face to look at him. She m.o.a.n.e.d when her pink fruit was pinched and then rubbed. She breathed heavily. Her body trembled under his touch. Her body jolted when she noticed that his other finger was rubbing her c.l.i.t.o.r.i.s.

"Ah Luo, you are twitching down there," Mo Yuan mentioned while exploring her. His heavy breathing brushed past her ear.

Just as he told, Han Luo's sweet flower was twitching as if craving for his touch. The honey was oozing and drenching her down there. Since Mo Yuan was playing with her moist fold, it created an o.b.s.c.e.n.e sound. The shameful song brought shame to Han Luo.

"D-don't… big brother Yuan…" she pleaded. She could bear anything except for his merciless words. At that time, she wished she had no ears at all. However, her prayer wasn't granted. On the other hand, his fingers started acting vigorously. "Oh… hmm… ung…" her voice became louder.

Mo Yuan's ears burned upon hearing her soft m.o.a.ns full of ecstasy. His blood began to boil. His eyes were burning in d.e.s.i.r.e. His tongue and hands played with her s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e parts. He seemed to want to finish what he had started in the hot spring.

"You say 'no' but you are getting tighter down there…" he shamelessly commented as he entered three fingers at the same time.

"Hnn!" Han Luo shuddered. Her whole body was burning with heat. Her eyes were welled up and tears threatened to fall. Her inside clung to him as though she had no d.e.s.i.r.e to let them go. She tightened around them like a hungry mouth. Her own action shamed her.

"Wait… b-big brother Yuan… stop… I'm…. Ah!" With another loud m.o.a.n, Han Luo climaxed. Her body tingled and her body surged up. Jolting electricity rushed all over her body. Her vision momentarily became blank. After the pleasurable sensation left, her body gave out and slumped on the bed. Her mouth was wide open as she panted.

Mo Yuan turned over her body. Her yakata slid away and her c.h.e.s.ts popped out of her bathing robe. As she panted, her b.r.e.a.s.ts bounced up and down. Her pink peaches were perky and red due to his assault. Her flushed face, hazy eyes, open pink mouth, the sweaty face was delicious enough to make anyone greedy. When he saw her alluring expression, it made him boil in the fire. He could get drunk on her beauty.

He leaned forward, rubbed his body against hers, and then covered her mouth with his. He nibbled her cherry lips before strongly s.u.c.k.i.n.g them.

"Uu…" Han Luo hardly had enough oxygen before her oxygen was s.u.c.k.e.d by him. Her body tingled after being kissed. His kisses were harsh and needy, filled with strong d.e.s.i.r.e. Her heart raced like a marathon.

She felt something was different today. Other times, Mo Yuan would let her go after once they do it and then, they would relax and talk about things. However, today, he was trying to devour her. It was leaving her any space. It made her nervous.

Mo Yuan noticed her shivering nonstop while her body became rigid. He paused kissing her and gazed at her. She looked at him vigilantly. Realizing that she was wary of his action, he kissed her eyes and then her cheeks. His thumbs gently rubbed her cheeks until her stiff expression turned normal.

After that, he asked in a husky voice, "Are you scared?"

Han Luo was gazing at him in the eyes. Her black pearl like eyes were wet and yet clear. As she stared at him, she felt like she was pulled into the deep abyss from where she would be able to return. 

'Will I be able to come back if I start the journey?' she wondered when he was trying to ease her worry. 

Mo Yuan could understand that she was scared. Even his heart was beating faster. He proposed, "For tonight, will you leave everything to me? I will take care of you." 

They had been in a relationship before they confessed how much they loved each other. Their relationship quickly progressed physically long before they knew what they felt for their partner.

Tonight, Mo Yuan wanted to take the furthest step. That's why he was asking for her permission. Without her approval, he wouldn't be able to take that step. He would never force her.

Han Luo heard him and her eyes widened. She understood that if she took this step, there would be no return. She would have to leave everything to him so that she could be embraced by the person she loved most.

Although her heart was racing, her blushing face slightly paled. "I'm scared," her tone was low when she spoke. She heard that the first time was always painful. She was afraid of getting hurt.

Mo Yuan gave her a deep kiss before saying, "I know. I'm nervous too. I'll be gentle."

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