Chapter 9

“Little sister, brother, let’s build a small house for you, too.”

Yan Qinghan shook his head, saying that he could come by himself.

It’s just building a wooden house, can’t you be sure of it?

Seeing that Junior Sister was so determined, Qin Fen had no choice but to take her to the woods behind the square.

When Yan Qinghan entered the woods, he only felt his eyes light up.

The woods presented in front of her are full of vitality, with birds and flowers.

Colorful flowers and plants are also planted in the soil, but Yan Qinghan feels a little familiar. Have you seen these flowers and plants?

Seeing the younger sister staring at the flowers and plants she planted, Qin Fen smiled: “Those are the seeds left by the master. I planted them specially when I had nothing to do. I didn’t expect them to be quite beautiful.”

After speaking, he walked to a tree with a grayish-white skin.

It takes about two adults to hold around the tree.

“The huts of the master and I are made of this kind of trees. I heard from the master that these trees are hard to see in the outside world, and I don’t know where she got it.”

“It’s warm in winter and cool in summer. It’s really suitable for a room.”

Qin Fen patted the tree with satisfaction, then took out a sword from the ring and started to cut the tree.


When Yan Qinghan saw this, he wanted to stop Qin Fen, but the other party had already started cutting down.

“It’s just cutting down a few trees, so I have to bother brother.”

Although Yan Qinghan had no confidence that she had been hit by her senior brother, she was still a cultivator after all.

Just a few trees! Can’t it be done by yourself?

Thinking of this, Yan Qinghan also hurriedly pulled the sword out of the scabbard, struggling to chop down towards the tree.

Then the expected shock did not follow the blade, but Yan Qinghan noticed something wrong.

She strengthened the strength on her wrist and moved the hilt repeatedly.

But the long sword still seemed to grow on the trees and it was difficult to move even a bit.

The sword card is on the tree!

“how so!”

Yan Qinghan looked anxiously at the blade of the tree. She didn’t expect that the sword she wielded so hard only made a deep or shallow cut in the tree.

And the sword was still stuck in the tree.

If you say it, won’t you be laughed out of.

Swordsman dignified, can’t even handle a tree?

Yan Qinghan glanced at Qin Fen, who was busy on the side, and found that the opponent had already cut almost halfway, and couldn’t help but feel even more anxious.

She hurriedly tried her strength, but it still had no effect.

At this point, Yan Qinghan finally discovered something strange:

The toughness of this tree is beyond her imagination!

You must know that Yan Qinghan deliberately picked this sword from his father’s storage before leaving. Although she paid more attention to the appearance of the sword, since it was a collection, the sword’s rank would naturally not be low.

The weapons are arranged in descending order of heaven, earth, mysterious, and yellow fourth rank.

Each first rank is divided into four grades: lower, middle, upper, and top grade.

This Hualien sword is the top rank of the yellow product. When running True Qi, the Lotus flower appears on the sword, hence the name.

Although Yan Qinghan pays attention to good looks, he has to say that the top rank sword of Huangpin can’t cut a tree!

Who would believe it?

Attentive Qin Fen realized that there was no movement beside him, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw such an embarrassing scene, the sword of his junior sister got stuck in the tree!

Qin Fen decided to help, but as soon as he stretched out his hands, he touched a pair of tender little hands.

Yan Qinghan also felt that his brother’s movements were a bit shy, and he only felt that his movements were unintentional, so he didn’t need to think about it.

Besides, there is not much disgust in her heart, and there is no need to take her hand away.

Looking at the blushing little junior sister, Qin Fen suddenly thought that as a senior, he should be serious and serious!

It’s not here to molest the younger sister!

Qin Fen, who barely maintained his expression, used some strength to help Yan Qinghan pull the sword away from the tree.

“Little sister, the long sword is indeed a bit inconvenient. But the brother does not have an axe, so you can use the sword master forged by the master.”

Qin Fen took out several long swords from the storage ring, and handed one of them to Yan Qinghan.

Then he inserted the tattered sword into the ground not far away.

Yan Qinghan, who was still shy because of the skin touch, suddenly noticed that the ground not far away was full of swords!

Dozens, no, there are even hundreds of black sword hilts!

Qin Fen, who had just walked back, noticed the confusion of the younger sister, and explained: “These swords are all forged by the master. She has been obsessed with forging swords for a while.”

“She made hundreds of hands for practice. And I naturally became a quality inspector.”

“But you have also seen that cutting down a few trees is not good. There are hundreds of them if they are broken.”

“Master sometimes wasted like this, making so many bad swords!”

Yan Qinghan couldn’t help but feel a little shocked when he looked at such a large number of discarded swords.

Even if the quality is not good, the brother actually used so many of them? !

Seeing that his senior brother immersed himself in cutting down the tree, Yan Qinghan couldn’t help but look at the sword in his hand.

The whole sword is light but sharp.

Under the shining of the light, the sword is glowing with weird rays, and you have no way of knowing what material the forger uses to make the sword.

But from all aspects, we can see the skill of the forger.

It doesn’t look like the rotten sword in the mouth of the brother!

Yan Qinghan tried again with this sword, and found that the cut cut by the same force was deeper than that of the Hualien sword!

“The sword of Huang Pin’s superior can’t make such a big hole!”

Yan Qinghan was shocked, the more she looked at this sword, the less it looked like a normal product.


But just when she was about to figure it out, a loud noise interrupted her thoughts.

Yan Qinghan looked up, it was Brother Jing who had cut down an entire tree!

Qin Fen turned his head again and found that Junior Sister was still staring at the tree in a daze.

“I think it was too much consumption in the morning, plus she is not used to this kind of thing.”

Qin Fen couldn’t help but recalled an afternoon two years ago, when he was forced by his master to cut down trees under the scorching sun.

And there is no axe, that’s a hard work!

In my impression, I only remember what the master was talking about, her craftsmanship was okay, and so on.

It’s not that Qin Fen can’t understand the intention of the system. This option one is indeed the most difficult of the three options.

“Hey, who calls me a senior brother. No one is covering me, so I just hope that the younger junior sister can recite my goodness in the future.”

Qin Fen sighed while shaking his head, and came to the little junior sister to beckon him to come.

Yan Qinghan hadn’t reacted yet, but subconsciously gave the brother a way.

The next moment surprised her even more!

The senior slammed a sword casually, and it was even deeper than her full swing!

This is called the three points of the wood!

In just a few minutes, the brother swung several swords continuously, and the long sword in his hand was naturally in tatters.

Qin Fen subconsciously changed a new sword, and then continued to chop wood.

Yan Qinghan was a little dizzy, she could not tell whether the sword in her hand was good or bad.


As the second tree fell, Qin Fen wiped the sweat off his forehead.

“This should be enough.” Qin Fen looked aside and found that Junior Sister was still staring at him.

It seems to be sorry for not being able to help.

“Little sister, you don’t need to care about it. Brother’s talent is all about cutting trees and building houses.”

“But you also have to remember that the journey of cultivation is long and long, and you have to tighten your nerves all the time.”

Let the seniors come for this kind of chores! Only in this way can I become a good thigh for seniors in the future.

Qin Fen finished the next sentence in his heart.

Of course, I can’t let the younger sister know this sentence.

Yan Qinghan felt a bit bitter in her heart, and today’s successive blows have broken her mood.

But when I heard the senior brother’s point, I felt refreshed.

I see! Is this also one of the cultivation of the master for the brother?

It turns out that the master has integrated daily cultivation into every detail in Life?

So even if there is no master, the reason for being able to cultivate so strong has been found!

Yan Qinghan nodded silently in her heart. This was the first time she touched the threshold of cultivation today.

Sure enough, it is right to visit Kaitian Sword Peak, but it can’t be the right choice!


At this moment, an abrupt voice sounded.

Qin Fen was a little inexplicable. He touched Own’s stomach, obviously he didn’t feel any hunger!

Could it be that!

Qin Fen glanced at the younger sister and found that the other party squatted down, covering his belly with a flushed face.

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