My Billionaire Boss Is Jealous Of My Boyfriend

Chapter 10 - 9. Someone's getting envious of their love!

Kelly Ho looked around for her boyfriend. She checked all the bikes standing in queue by the side of the wall in the parking area for two wheelers but cannot see Eric Mo's vehicle.

"Where did he go? He promised me to wait here until I returned." Her forefinger lingered on her chin, she thought of the words her boyfriend told her.

He had promised to stay back for her. Kelly Ho told him that she would be needing him after the interview as she was scared. And now, to her dismay there was not even a single trace of Eric Mo anywhere.

"Oh Eric, where are you? Why did you go. I told you to wait for me. I need you." She pouted making a crying face while her heart missed her. "I hope you are okay. And you don't have to go for an emergency!" even though the promise that was made to her was broken, she prayed for his well being.

Alas, if only poor Kelly Ho knew that her boyfriend was cheating on her. And he left her here to herself so that he could warm bed of another woman under her nose.


Emmett Li gulped his saliva while his gaze watched every damn move she made. From her pouting lips to annoyed red cheeks, from her clutched tight eyes to the small grunts she exhaled... He noticed everything as though she were a mouse that was under going through an experiment that was done on her, and he was the scientist.

His pupils closely read her body language and facial features. Emmett Li's lips curved into a smile watching how she stomped her foot on the ground like a whining kid. Her lips moved while she stomped her legs. She seemed to be angry about something.

What was that? Emmett Li was curious to find out.

Any ways, he saw her eyes batting together when her body leaned forward looking on both the sides of road. "Insane!" he spoke under his breath as it felt as if she were going to cross the road.

Regardless, after few minutes of registration Emmett Li realized she was checking all the passer by bikes on the road. She was looking for some vehicle. "What is wrong with this girl!" having enough of her stupidity, that was not even his business to look concern for, Emmett Li placed aside his phone on the seat next to him while he prepared himself to exit the car.

He was so pissed off by her actions that he cannot keep his excitement apart but go out and ask her... Ask her as to why was she behaving so weirdly!

He buŧŧoned his coat and placed his hand on the handle of the door to unlock it. He twisted it and placed a leg outside, on the ground to go to her when, Emmett witnessed that I bike stopped before Kelly Ho. His legs glued to the ground, and he stared at the guy removed the helmet and sighed loudly.

He looked— exhausted. So exhausted as if— he just had wild make out!

"Ericc!" it came as a shock when Emmett Li heard Kelly Ho shout the guys name so loudly.

She pounded on him as he balanced himself and the bike together. "Oh Eric Mo, where have you gone?" Kelly Ho clung on his shoulders hugging him tightly that the grip of his fingers on the helmet loosened and it fell on the ground.

Emmett Li sarcastically laughed. He shook his head side wise and scratched his name while he muttered, "Eric Mo? Does her boyfriend have to have the same name as the guy who fuċkėd my brains last night! Damn, the world is so unpredictable and unreal." he looked up at the cars AC and laughed.

"Gosh, so filmy. Her boyfriend has the same name I started hating last night. Great. So filmy." Emmett chipped again.

Then he rolled his eyes with a grunt. Kelly Ho looked damn happy with the guy. "I am envious of him. I wish if I were in his place! But no, my love life is all fuċkėd up, duh." Emmett Li jealously uttered seeing the couple before his eyes hug and smile..

Yet Emmet Li's eyes intruded their personal space watching them closely even when his heart burned watching their love moments. "I feel so jealous of him, Eric Mo!" Emmett growled calling his driver. "Hello where are you?" He called his driver still staring at Kelly Ho and her boy friend.

"Sir I am coming, just behind the car. I am here, Sir." The driver quickly gave his appearance. "Here are your snacks, sir." He handed the fries and coke to Emmett Li.

"Drive to Peter's studio soon— before I go mad." Saying that he tossed a French fry in his mouth while the driver started the car.


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