My Billionaire Boss Is Jealous Of My Boyfriend

Chapter 12 - 11. When will she see her boyfriend's true colours?

Eric Mo grasped. He was white as chalk— in shock.

It is not like that he never saw her crying, just that the way she cried today, Eric Mo cannot take it. She looked broken. And the pallid looks on her face made something inside his body churn. "Uh Kelly, please don't cry. I am sorry, this won't happen again. Please, baby." His fingers itched wanting to touch her shoulder but Eric Mo was too scared to do it.

His innocent girlfriend looked as shattered as the pieces of broken glass. She clutched her file in front of her ċhėst and hugged it tight. "Hey, I promise I will tell you everything." he gulped— regretting leaving her there, for the first time.

His eyes and his mouth were frozen wide open in an expression of stunned surprise, a pang of pain ached him as Kelly Ho appeared not to noticing him at all.

" Take me to the bus Station, I want to go home." Eric twisted his lips while he heard her say.

She was all calm and happy back there outside the Li Enterprises, the sudden change in her expression came after they boarded on his bike and left. "Hey, I will drop you. Why do you want to go to the bus station?" fear filled him. Eric Mo gulped his anxiety.

Can it be that she was trying to separate herself from him coz he could not give her much time?

Or because she learned something about his cheating?

'No ways, Kelly Ho Loves me. She will never want to separate. And I will not let her to. She is mine as long as I don't get her in the bed.'

Eric Mo thought.

In that instant his skin became greyed, his mouth hung with lips slightly parted and his eyes were as wide as they could stretch. However, this time it was not out of worry towards her but the insecurity if she really wanted to separate.

Eric Mo did not utter a word. He stood in his spot looking at the cars and other vehicles moving on the road after exiting the tunnel. He can very well hear her sobs and see from the corner of his eyes that she was trembling. 'How should I convince her to stay with me!' he ruffled his hair while his mind processed in a battle of finding some creative ideas to stop her crying.

"Fine, I will take you there. And won't show you my face again ever. I know I am wrong, and I deserve your punishment." Kelly Ho stopped sobbing, her pupils strangely stared him. Eric Mo looked at the cars running behind him on the road while he sighed and continued. "I never knew our love is so weak. We are so weak that we cannot understand each other. It is fine with me if you want to leave me. Come on sit on the bike, I will drop you to the bus station." He faked a crying face looking here and there as if he was trying to control his tears.

No doubts he was a good actor. So good that at least Kelly Ho, if not anyone else, could fall for his traps.

She wiped her tears watching him with puffy eyes. "You want to leave me?" she asked in a heavy voice.

After her dad, he was the only male in her life who gave her a sense of security. Who loved her and took care of her needs even if she refused to accept them. Her eyes twinkled with new tears while Eric stared her with a hurt face. "That is you who wants to separate." he quickly split his gaze from her face and looked away.

Eric Mo rubbed his fore finger and thumb on his eyes like there were tears and feigned to sweep them. "I don't. That is you who want to leave me! That is why you are talking nonsense about never showing me your face. Fine, do as you wish. Don't show me your face." Shouting loudly, Kelly Ho beat her fists on his ċhėst and walked away from the conversation.

Eric Mo held her wrist and pulled her behind such that she fell on his ċhėst. His arms sneaked her waist, and he forcefully joined their foreheads. "I am sorry. I was hurt. You don't trust me" Eric Mo said, he brushed his cheek over hers and kissed near her lips lightly.

But Kelly Ho was so mad that she plastered a slap on his face. It was a playful slap given under the effect of anger yet it landed hard on his cheek. Eric taken aback loosened his grip on her waist and stepped backwards.

His eyes turned red in fury as he shockingly stared her!

She dared slapping him for no cause. Exasperation got the best of him and Eric Mo prepared his hand to slap her in return. No sooner he raised her arm to return her the slap, than Kelly Ho threw herself on him and hugged him with all her strength. Her sobs rang in his ears, and she possessively hugged him— unaware of what he was going to do to her!

She kissed his neck and let her tears fall extremely. Her lips vibrated near his neck and so, Eric Mo's anger died feeling her lips on his skin. He wrapped his hands on her waist while she confessed, "Don't ever leave me again! I love you and I can't stand to lose you. You are the only thing I own without any liability of paying back." Eric Mo smirked listening her words.

"I will never. I will you equally, Kelly." Eric Mo replied and snuggled her neck.

If only she could she her face, she could see his ŀust towards her body!

There was nothing such as called love, but pure ŀust which Kelly Ho failed to see.


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