Hi guys, wanted to share something with you all. Actually I'm suffering with personal issues at the moment and updating this story has become nearly impossible. Even when I try it, it's not happening. Words are not coming out of my head at all.

And that is why I've decided to take a break from writing unless things are back to normal and put this book on hold. I know you were eagerly waiting to read it but I'm helpless at the moment since there are so many things I'm dealing with. And that's why I'm forced to take a break. So till then the book will be kept on hold till the end of JULY.

I hope you understand my Situation! But that doesn't mean we are over... We still have a longgg journey to cover. And don't forget we've to reveal Eric Mo' s real face too. So yeah still together with me.

(IfI ever find time I'll try to publish the chapters even in this situation:)

~Your writer,


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